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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by amazon

  1. I'm wondering if I'm the only one in a "funk" at this point. Haven't dropped a pound in 4+ weeks. (Well...I have lost...up 2 down 2 a dozen times LOL) There are moments I have tinges of regret when I realize I got this far in WW in the past. Is this it? I should also point out that if this happened to me any other time I'd say screw it and open a bag of chips. That's not happening ! My "logical" brain kicks in and says to keep with the program. This stall will break. I've had more nsv's than I can recount. I try to focus on them, not the scale. I'm also dealing with a bone spur in my hip. Going to PT. But wouldn't be surprised if I'll need surgery on it. I really don't want another surgery. Grr. It's holding me back. I'm so happy for everyone's success. Hoping I can start posting more news about weight loss soon! Later losers! :-)
  2. That's been my experience. I'm on 300mg 2 x day of ursodiol (sp?) I'll be on this for the first 6 months to prevent gall stones.
  3. I agree with RJ. You're still recovering and healing. That takes energy. Don't fight what your body needs (rest). If a month or so from know you're in the same boat, just take a hard look at what you're eating. If I have something with too many carbs, I want a nap!
  4. amazon

    Question for the Men...

    @@CowgirlJane I know this is off topic - sorry - but whenever I see your pics, I really miss my horse!!!
  5. amazon


    I'm told decaf is OK as long as it does't bother my reflux/acid. So I'm sparing with it. I do take two meds to control acid. Are you on a PPI - do you have any acid issues? I certainly understand why NUT's are conservative towards coffee. Who wants an ulcer?
  6. I agree, it's about what makes money. We see it every day. I will resist getting out the soap box, lol. As far as "skinny" goes, I don't think I'll ever be in that category. I was 145 when I got married (long time ago) and I felt so fat. Now I'd be happy there. I had an appt. with my primary this week. He's of course very happy with my weight loss. He asked how much more do you want to lose (like I should be done, lol). I told him my goal was 138. He was shocked...felt that was too low for me. I explained that it was smack in the middle of a normal BMI. I can't win! Friends and colleagues sometimes call me "skinny". One recently asked if I had some rolls of quarters in my pockets so I don't blow away. I know he meant well..but really. It's true that not only is this a big change for us, but folks really are used to us being so big, that not-as-big = skinny. I don't want to be chasing a number on the scale. I want to feel good and be healthy. Ignore society.
  7. We lose in steps, that's what I'm told any way I'm in my second "pause". Not a lb. lost since 11/19. Nearly a month. I agree, it's really aggravating. BUT I have faith that it will drop soon since I keep with my plan. I'm sure you'll get through it
  8. I with you guys too. I've gone from a size 20 to 12 and I feel so big. Maybe it's the aching joints and flabby bod. Not sure. I just want to keep working to get the rest off. I also pick up a pair of pants or shirt and pause to think if they'll fit because they look like they're not mine. Weird how our minds work ...or don't work. Lol.
  9. amazon

    Does running get easier!?

    From the movie Zombieland. Two shots (bang bang). Totally not related to my T-Tapp DVDs I have.
  10. That's AWESOME!! Great job! I hope to be able to do that too. Have a ways to go.
  11. amazon

    Does running get easier!?

    LOL. I'm relying on the "double-tap". Someone will always be faster than me
  12. amazon

    Does running get easier!?

    sigh...having trouble posting...
  13. amazon

    Fat is Exhaled!

    so if I exhale more than I inhale... It does seem kind of weird. But I'm not expert It's intriguing.
  14. amazon

    When did your hair loss start?

    I noticed more shedding about a month after surgery. But I would say month 3 - 4 the absolute worst (big handfuls at a time). I *think* (touch wood) it's slowing down.
  15. I also have BCBS-MA. I just qualified at the beginning, I think my BMI was 36 (224 lbs)and I had a co-morbidity (they required one) I went through Lahey Hospital, Burlington. I was told I could lose as much weight as I wanted prior to surgery - that BCBS-MA went by the weight from the first visit. My surgeon said to try to get to 200lbs., that it would make the procedure easier. Also, the NP told me that BCBS-MA was the easiest of them to work with. It actually relaxed my mind a bit, allowing me to focus on ME through the process, and not worrying about insurance. I was 195 (well under BMI 35) the day of surgery, and there were no issues with coverage. I would suggest that you contact BCBS-MA directly and ask the question. I don't know how you can go through the pre-op program, including shrinking your liver, without dropping weight before surgery... Best of luck!
  16. Congrats! You've done fantastic! Very inspirational You're always such a positive influence - I always enjoy your posts :)
  17. amazon

    What do YOU order at Starbucks?

    Venti decaf iced skinny vanilla latte...even in the winter
  18. Totally shocked and thrilled. I ordered a pair of size 12 jeans and they arrived this afternoon. I was wearing 14's that I got just a few weeks ago. Figured picking up the next size down (same brand) would be a motivator. I tried them on and they fit!! Guess I'll need to get a 10 to hang on the back of the door, heh. Not dropping a lot of pounds, but my size is shrinking :-) To think I was a size 20 when I started this journey the end of April. THANK YOU MS. SLEEVE!!
  19. amazon

    Enjoying a bath

    I like just having more room to move around in the shower! I hated bumping in to a wall. To have room in the bath = awesome.
  20. amazon


    I've been losing a fair amount starting at about a month out. I hope it slows down and stops soon. My husband said the other day to someone that I must be part Labrador - I shed like crazy but it doesn't make any difference. (We had a black lab for 15+ years and she shed so much...but had a healthy thick coat). I found out he notices all of the hair in the waste basket. He says he can't see any difference, but I know how much thinner my hair is.
  21. amazon


    I'm over a week in to my second "plateau". They're not fun, but are par for the course. My first one lasted 4 weeks. I hope this one is shorter, but who knows Just stick to your plan and the scale will move down again. If you haven't taken any measurements, there's no time like the present. You'll see going forward that you're losing inches even when the scale is stuck.
  22. I've been having unusual leg cramps...usually my right leg - just above my ankle, but below my calf. Some toe cramps too. I checked my potassium intake in MFP. Holy moly! Not even getting in 1k mg a day. Thanks @@ProjectMe for the information. I'll get some G2 and see if it subsides. But 20oz has only 75mg. A can of the V8 has 700mg. Any other sources to try to fill the gap? Also, I take the Bariatric fusion chewables - I just checked and there's no potassium in them. Does that seem strange?
  23. unjury chicken broth Protein helped me get to 60g as soon as I got home. It was good having something that wasn't sweet. I was able to drink both broth and shakes right away. But I agree, hitting your protein goal right off the bat isn't your highest priority. Getting the fluids in is.
  24. amazon

    BCBS of MA

    great! I had to pay my co-pay for the inpatient surgery, $500. Plus my office visit copays through the pre-op appointments. All of my blood work and tests were covered. I would imagine that these amounts vary based on your plan. As far a weight loss - I was told by my team that they only go by your initial weigh in. (As a matter of fact, when I told them I had BCBSMA they said they were the easiest to work with.) I qualified because I was just over 36 BMI with co morbidities. I was 195 the day of surgery because of the weight I loss pre op. That was well below a 35 BMI. If you're worried about that, it doesn't hurt to call and ask them.
  25. amazon

    BCBS of MA

    I have this. I've had no issues at all. Just make sure you have a copy of the policy regarding WLS to make sure there are no surprises.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
