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Everything posted by MarvyMimi

  1. MarvyMimi


    Country sweet way to go! That is awesome!!:). Keep up the good work and enjoy the "new you"!!!!
  2. MarvyMimi

    Life is Too Short...

    B-52. Thank you for those words! I am one who waited until I was 56 to finally get up and take control of my life and health. Was banded on 7-22-14. I am new to this and your posts have helped me in ways you will ever know. You tell it like it is and I appreciate that. You are also an inspiration. I look forward to this new journey in my life.
  3. Hi. 2muchfun is right. We have all had different experiences. I did not really have any pain from where the incisions are at all. Was given pain pills and I think I took a total off 3 post op. The gas pain is what was uncomfortable for a few days. I sat on a shiatsu massager we have and also my husband did quick karate chops across my mid back which is where the gas seemed to be. My experience has not been bad:).
  4. MarvyMimi

    My NSV!

    Congratulations and way to go! You are doing awesome. I am 5 weeks post op so still getting used to this new tool I have. Thank you for sharing your success!!
  5. MarvyMimi

    Who is that?

    Oh my gosh that is awesome!! Congratulations on your healthy life!! Keep up the good work. I was banded on 7/22/14 so am just getting started. Thanks for sharing with us:)
  6. MarvyMimi

    Join us!

    Hi. 56 year old gal from Colorado. Banded in 7/22/14. I am happy with the decision I made to take control of my life and get healthy.
  7. MarvyMimi

    Size 18!

    Woot woot! Way to go girl! You are an inspiration. Keep up the good work!!
  8. MarvyMimi

    Just got my date - 9/11

    Welcome and congratulations! Banded on 7/22/14 and so happy I made this decision! Keep us posted:)
  9. Good luck tomorrow. You will do great and good for you in taking this step !! Banded three weeks ago:).
  10. MarvyMimi

    Newbie having a rough day

    End zone...hi. I am doing really great. Thank you. Was three weeks post op yesterday and am on solid foods. Just taking it one day at a time. Hardest thing for me is to remember not to drink while eating. It's a life long habit. Argh:(. I look forward to my first fill in the 27;)!!
  11. MarvyMimi

    Newbie having a rough day

    I have been very selective about the people I have told about my surgery. The first gal I did tell I thought I knew fairly well and so I went ahead and told her. Her response? "Isn't that a lot of money to pay just to lose 70 or 80 pounds? Just try a little harder with diet and exercise". So that kind of told me right then and there that I may get that from other people. I told her if I just had ten dollars from all of the weight loss programs I have paid for the past 25-30 years I could take our family on a world cruise!! We all have to make that decision for ourselves. Fortunately since then I have told a few family members and they have been so supportive. It's a very personal decision. Good luck to you:). I was banded on July 22nd:)
  12. Most, if not all of us, have a life time of bad food choices in our past. That is not going to disappear because we have had weight loss surgery. Keep focusing on good and nutritious food. Let yourself heal and follow the instructions by your doctor. Don't beat yourself up. You are going to do great:)
  13. MarvyMimi


    BAM!! You made me laugh!!! Thank you for sticking up for all of us that have had idiotic, hurtful, stupid things said to us. You made my day!!!!!!!
  14. MarvyMimi

    Lap band newbies

    Hi. Banded on July 22nd. I am still on soft foods for another week. Welcome:)
  15. I felt the same way. We live about 1 1/2 hours from where I had my surgery so I had several appointments the same day so I didn't have to go back. I was so overwhelmed on the ride home and kept asking my husband to remind me What they had told me. I kept telling myself that I had done the research and then some, had gone to seminars, talked with many people and I knew deep in my guy I had made the right decision. Then I just jumped in with both feet and now am 9 days post-op. What you are feeling is normal. You will do great!
  16. MarvyMimi


    WAY TO GO!! That is so awesome. Thank you for sharing and keep on moving forward!! Woot woot:)
  17. Surgery was the 22nd so I am now post-op one week. I can honestly say things went great and was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I came home the same evening and went back to work yesterday. I am at the soft food stage now per my surgeons protocol and that was wonderful to have something other than liquids. I know there is much work ahead of me with some challenges but I am ready for it and look forward to this journey. Thanks to everyone for your pre-op best wishes. I appreciate it!
  18. MarvyMimi


    Thank you ! It feels good to have the surgery behind me. Jewelz I can't eat a whole lot. 2-3 oz of yogurt, cottage cheese, refrained beans. I know all surgeons have different protocols. My surgeon allows pre-selected soft foods (they decided what those foods would be) starting on day 5. After day 8 they add in more soft foods which I will learn about tomorrow when I see the dietician. But the beans, egg beaters, yogurt, cottage cheese and sugar free pudding has sure been a nice change from the liquids. Overall it has kept me going. My blood sugar hasn't dropped since surgery which has been great. In between I am still drinking the protein Shakes, water, crystal light etc. hope you are all having a great evening.
  19. MarvyMimi


    I am so new to being on a forum like this. In fact this is the first one I have ever been on and I am 56 years old!!. I think I have more than likely started too many new subjects. I forgot I had started this thread after surgery (maybe the anesthesia??--haha). Then just started another one today. I am learning and so thank you for your patience:). Hope everyone is having a happy day!!!!
  20. I everyone. Well I am now an official member of the lap band group. Surgery went well on Tuesday. I came home the same day. Yesterday I slept most of the day and when I wasn't sleeping I was walking. See I listened to all of you. The extra gas I had settled into mid back but is Much better today. I am having a hard time getting all the protein in but keep working at it. Thanks for all the best wishes you sent my way. P.S. Today I am kind of hungry. Is that normal???
  21. MarvyMimi


    Thanks everyone. I spoke with the nutritionist today and she said I am so hungry because I am not getting enough protein in. The inside of our refrigerator looks like a protein shake factory. HA! I am sure you all understand that. It honestly hasn't been that bad. A little gas pain under my ribs on the right side and in mid back. My husband has been great with the karate chops along my back which has actually helped. I am on liquids through Sunday and then I move on to the soft food. Refrained beans anyone??. Thanks again to all of you.
  22. MarvyMimi

    liquid diet

    I just had Surgery this past Tuesday. I drank lots of EAS lo-carb protein shakes. They come in vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. They are actually pretty good. I also tried the muscle milk and did not like it. I am still on a liquid diet through Sunday so still drinking them. You may want to give them a try:)
  23. MarvyMimi


    Thank you Colleen and pink dahlia. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I tried to only read the positive posts from everyone here. I know there are "horror" stories out there but I tried to stay away from them. I am taking Tylenol now and just trying to get in as much fluids and protein as I can. I appreciate your comments:)
  24. Hi everyone. Well it is almost here. Tomorrow is my surgery. I have been fortunate as my surgeon only requires two days of clear liquids prior to surgery. I do admit I am hungry but it hasn't been too bad. I am nervous yet excited. All of the positive comments here have helped me so much and I really appreciate them. I will keep you posted as I continue on this journey. Thanks again to all of you!

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