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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by IcanMakeit

  1. Thank goodness the stomach flu was the 24 hour kind. Both my husband and I are so much better now. We even took our nightly walk. I feel a little guilty about posting my current weight in the Labor Day challenge. It was stomach flu aided!

    1. dlamp112


      I know how you feel. Both my husband and I had the same virus.... I lost 6 pounds and wound up in the ER and they put it all back into me via IV. 2 bags of fluids later, I was back at my usual weight. Feel better :)

    2. IcanMakeit


      It sounds like you had a much worse case than mine. I'm glad you're better now.

  2. IcanMakeit


    From Wikipedia: 5:2 diet The 5:2 diet, or fast diet, is a diet which involves calorie restriction for two non-consecutive days a week and unconstrained eating the other five days. The diet originated and became popular in the UK, and spread in Europe and to the USA.[1] It is a form of intermittent fasting.[2] The diet is claimed to promote weight loss and to have several beneficial effects on health; however, there is little evidence about its safety and effectiveness.[3] Description The diet specifies a low calorie consumption (sometimes described as "fasting") for two days a week, which should not be consecutive, but allows unmoderated[4][5] eating for the other five days.[6] Men may eat 600 calories on fasting days, and women 500.[7] A typical fasting day may include a Breakfast of 300 calories, such as two scrambled eggs with ham, Water, green tea, or black coffee, and a lunch or dinner of grilled fish or meat with vegetables, amounting to 300 calories.[6] Proponents say that fasting for only two days a week may be easier for dieters to comply with than daily calorie restriction.[6] Evidence See also: Fasting § Health effects There is limited evidence of the diet's safety and effectiveness.[3] According to NHS Choices, people considering the diet should first consult a physician, as fasting can sometimes be unsafe.[3] Reception The diet became popular in the UK after[1] the BBC2 television Horizon documentary Eat, Fast and Live Longer [8] written and presented by Michael Mosley was broadcast on 6 August 2012 and many books on the diet quickly became bestsellers, soon after.[9] The diet has enjoyed media attention and celebrity endorsement,[10][11] but its critics have called it a fad diet.
  3. IcanMakeit

    What is wrong with me?

    This is why the nutritionists caution us to measure our food. Right after surgery, you often don't really feel full, even after a larger amount of liquids or soft foods than you really should be having at once. Please be careful. At this stage you are still delicate.
  4. Thanks for sharing your fabulous progress. You are a great inspiration for those of us who are not quite so far down the road. The best part of your story, for me, is how dedicated you are to your workout routine. I could learn a lot from you!
  5. IcanMakeit

    Labor day Challenge

    Weight this morning, 175.
  6. I'm a little bit worried. My husband is really suffering with stomach flu. My daughter and son in law had it last week. This morning I woke up with a queasy stomach and all I want is water. My protein shake made me feel ill. If I start vomiting, do I need to call my doctor?

    1. Chelly


      Yes vomiting is bad....

      It can effect your staples inside.

      Get Unjury protein chicken soup it has 20g of protein in it or some isopure drinks because they have 40g of protein in each bottle. They say they can be hard tasting but you get used to them.. You have to have protein. The last suggestion is have unflavored protein around to put in crystal light and get your protein that way when you are sick.

      Be well.

  7. IcanMakeit

    5K -- moi?

    I also got a new bike (bright pink) with a little pink bell and a basket on the front. After having not been on a bike for about 20 years, it was daunting at first, but now I ride it every day to work, traffic notwithstanding. You will have a blast.
  8. IcanMakeit

    Still Gobbling Food

    Hello, my name is IcanMakeit and I am a food gobbler. I didn't practice slow eating enough while I was pre-op and so it didn't become a habit. Now I find myself taking huge bites of food (and having to spit some out) and/or chewing only my old normal amount. But now I'm coming forward and admitting to everyone that I have a problem. I hope by making this public confession that I can turn myself around and learn to eat like Scarlett O'Hara, not like a field hand.
  9. IcanMakeit

    Still Gobbling Food

    Thanks for the great advice. I will definitely use my grandson's silverware from now on and put the fork down until my food is thoroughly chewed. I already measure my food, and I don't eat off plan, but if I don't break this habit of snarfeling my food like there is no tomorrow, I fear later on, when my capacity is greater, I'll get off track.
  10. IcanMakeit


    Congratulations on your excellent progress! Exercise will definitely help you improve your overall appearance as well as help you to continue to lose weight. You could try walking every day instead of only a few times a week. Make it fun by varying your route and giving yourself time/distance challenges. Joining a gym will bring results if you are willing and able to go regularly (and if you are properly instructed). If you haven't been fond of exercise in the past, it might be better to find activities that are fun as well as beneficial. For instance, I have taken up bicycling, but I haven't yet joined a gym. I'm hoping that as my weight comes down and my energy improves, I'll be able to make a commitment to work out regularly at a gym.
  11. IcanMakeit

    amazing success stories

    You win the internet for today with one of the best posts I have ever read on this site! Thank you for reminding me to celebrate and enjoy my small victories. You are absolutely correct. Even if I don't lose another pound, I am so far ahead of where I was six months ago, I should be dancing, not complaining. I tend to go all "Eeyore" all too often. I should print out this post and place it on my bulletin board.
  12. I saw my primary care physician today. My diabetes and hypertension are now resolved. He was so happy for me that I was touched.

    1. Weighted to long

      Weighted to long

      That is the most awesome news!!!

    2. pink dahlia
    3. Missbaisah


      That's awesome. I take so much blood pressure medication, I am hoping that I can cut way back if not all...

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  13. IcanMakeit


    My surgeon's program called for a 4 week liquid diet. I was only a little hungry because I drank two protein shakes a day. And I was allowed to have Greek yogurt with protein powder mixed in. Both of those were pretty filling. Does your diet allow you to do that?
  14. IcanMakeit

    size of portions

    I also question the wisdom of subsisting on so little food for the long term, but I am just under 2 months out from surgery. I expect to be able to eat enough to get my Protein and fiber needs met when I am closer to goal. In the meantime, a protein shake a day doesn't feel like it's too unhealthy. And I think those posters who say they can only eat a few bites are commenting on that because they are still so amazed that they can get full on so little. I know I am.
  15. IcanMakeit

    Where are all my May Sleevers?

    I'm sorry you had to be so uncomfortable on your vacation. You make me realize how lucky I am. I haven't tried any non-program foods (except I have eaten raw vegetables when it's supposedly too early), but everything I have eaten so far has gone down fine. I'm only uncomfortable if I eat too much. I hope in a few weeks you will be the same.
  16. I was too slow. I wanted to say the same thing as BabySheldon. The fact that you were restricted by your weight does not mean that you were not a great mother. Anyway, congratulations on your weight loss.
  17. IcanMakeit

    Very very happy with sleeve surgery.

    Congratulations on your success and thanks for posting. We who are a few months behind you are inspired by your story.
  18. If you don't want to talk about this with your surgeon, can you talk to your gynecologist? For me, the reassurance would be worth the embarrassment.
  19. IcanMakeit

    Calling All Sixties!

    I second the recommendation that you get a wig if your hair loss is noticeable/bothersome. My hair is very thin in front due to genetics, rather than nutrition. I wear a wig every day. Most people don't know unless I tell them. They just compliment me on my great new hairstyle.
  20. IcanMakeit

    Beating myself up :(

    I'm sorry you feel so bad about your mistake. As you said yourself, we're all human. It's a rare person who never eats anything he/she regrets. Maybe if you are extra good to yourself for the next few days, say you exercise a little more diligently, or try a healthy activity that you didn't think you're capable of, then you can forgive yourself and move on.
  21. IcanMakeit

    African American Sleevers

    I totally understand your reluctance to put on a bathing suit in public. I'm feeling the same way. Although my weight has come down significantly, I have gigantic breasts and they have not reduced at all. I want to join the local gym and use their pool, but I don't know if I'm brave enough to brazen it out. I really hate being stared at.
  22. IcanMakeit

    May 16. 7 weeks post op

    Congratulations. That is fantastic! I really love reading about other people's great successes. My surgery date was a few days before yours and I've only lost 21 pounds since then.
  23. IcanMakeit

    Labor day Challenge

    Thank you for organizing this. I would like to participate, as well. Although I usually don't set weight goals by date, this will help me focus when faced with summer temptations (bbq's, birthday parties, etc). My current weight is 181. My challenge goal is 163.
  24. IcanMakeit


    You look fabulous. And that dress is so pretty. It really complements your slim figure. These photos are very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
  25. IcanMakeit

    May Sleever Roll Call

    My surgery was on May 12th. Pre-surgery, on my own diet, I went from 244 at Christmas down to 202 on the day of surgery. I'm now at 185. My weight loss was slow to non-existent in the first month after surgery. But the last two weeks have been great. I'm also experiencing incredible improvements in my health. Diabetes and HBP are gone. I can walk upstairs without getting winded, and I now ride my bike to work.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
