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Heather Joy

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Heather Joy

  1. Heather Joy

    Boo! Im Still Around!

    Hello! I am still alive! I have just been having sooooo many problems lately-not so much with the band-stress/work (they very very much coinside!!)... With the band...ugh...I never thought I would say this-but not being hungry SUCKS! I have no appetite & have to force myself to eat. I went to my Surgeon & he said that is actually good news-thats how they know the band is working. I have worked up a little bit more of an appetite this week though (good ol faithful).But Im on a massive loosing streak now,which trust me I am NOT complaining...im just exausted(see little man below). :faint: I have been taking a bunch a Vitamins & my PC increased my Effexor (antidepressant) since Ive been pretty depressed lately-maybe its just not having any energy-I just have no motivation/care to do ANYTHING. Well, anywho I guess the purpose of this posting binge is to see if anyone else has gone through this?? I hope to God my energy level goes up soon or I think Im just going to lock myself in a room & never leave...LOL. I hope everyone else is doing wonderfully-Ive missed you all! :eek: (These new smiles RULE!!!!LOL)
  2. Heather Joy


    MouseCrazy--I lost my father June 18th 03 (less then 2 months before my 21st b/day)& my grandfather October 15 03..I can understand your tremendous & overwhelming grief & sympathize very much with you. One loss is SO devistating but 2,...for me at least, i never had a chance to even grieve for my grandfather because I was still grieving my fathers death. Its so....unbelievably painful & I am very sorry & am here if you ever need to talk.
  3. Heather Joy

    2 NSV's in One day? Could it Be?!

    Ugh, Sorry Ive been sooooo busy this week I dont know remember the last time I was here-probably the last post. LOL Thank you all for your encouragement (and praise!)!! Like I said I've been so down since I havent had any motivation-Ive been eating terrible!But with those NSV's--I have LOTS of nice new clothes-I went for more professional,pretty clothes this time instead of my usual "frumpy"plain clothes-I HAVE A SELECTION NOW! Isnt that so awesome when that happens? I was almost 300lbs at my top & in a 28(a little too tight-i really should have worn a 30-but those sizes are near impossible to find),now Im a 22/24...and there is just so much more to choose from-and I can take trying on clothes & looking at myself in a full length mirroe! Sorry,I just had to ramble-its the weekend & Im excited!! Thanks again everyone for the kind words!!It means so much to me:-D
  4. Lately Ive been on a 3 week + no losing streak,and i was really starting to get depressed-i know I havent been eating right-even with my last fill-i was a chocolate spree, but I just havent been motivated to eat healthy. But Wednsday, i went shopping and actually fit into a size 22 pants(i started a 28/30), and the size I usually take was too big. I was SO excited! Then i tried on a few coats since my one from last year is HUUUUUGE. I fit into a 18/20! And not just that one coat-all the coats i tried were the same- a little tight,but the next size up was definatly too big...plus Ive always wanted one of those long sweaters,but i knew I'd look gigantic in it. But i got up the courage to try it on-it looked so good-if i dont say so myself=) So,Ive actually had 3 NSV's ! How exciting! I just had to share my good news with you all-since Ive been pretty depressed lately because I havent lost any weight for a long long time. Woowhooo! Sadly though I ended up spending a LOT of $$$! BTW-I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! I somehow managed to eat a LOT of food lol..which i didnt mind-it was so good!=)
  5. Heather Joy

    Comments for Before and After Pictures

    Christina (Tramanurse), nice to see your pic!! Your lookin good! Congrats!! I have to get un-lazy and scan & post my pic sometime soon =-)
  6. Good for you! The 1st part is imaginning yourself in those small jeans! I was over my moms for Thanksgiving,and I decided to venture through my size 9-12 pants and teeny,tiny tops! I couldnt imagine I once fit in those things!! I held up a couple of my bras-size 36 C, Oh my goodness!!!! i couldnt even get one boob in those things--all around,Im not just talking about the cup,either!!!LOL. But i kept all those clothes for a reason-I always promised myself i would be back in them-and thats still the plan! Even though they loook REALLY small, I will be there someday-hey,i used to look at a size 22 and think "oh my goodness theyre so tiny!!" But here I am,in a 22... Good luck girl,you can do it,no prob!
  7. Heather Joy

    Gallbladder & Lapband at 64??

    Brian, Like many hee say & I agree, only you can make that decision. But we are all here to help you and tell you about OUR experiences! I have had very good luck with my band-I had to have the stitches taken out,then put back in(as you will see on my signature),but both surgeries I was awake and was relatively no problem for me. The way i look at it is that I'd rather have a few surgeries extra and live many more years then never get the band done & and live a much shorter,unhealthier life. I am very happy that I got the band, and would do it again in a heartbeat. Ive lost 60 lbs so far,and I already feel SO much healthier! And,if you do get the surgery done-Id personally opt to do both at the sametime-why not get it all done at once and have only one recovery time. Good luck on your decision! Remember we are always here to help you in any way we can! I know surgery can be a very difficult decision especially with such a life changing surgery,but the major plus to this surgery is that it can always be removed if you have any problems-although it is very unlikely. I havent met anyone else personally who has had to have 2 more surgeries like me..so i think Im just an oddball.LOL. Good luck again!
  8. Heather Joy

    Hello and Introduction

    congrats! I was on liquids for a week-then mushy foods for 2 weeks after that-mushies was one of the toughest stages since you find yourself having to eat baby foods-yuck! LOL. but its alllllll worth it! You sound like your doing amazing too! I lost 20 lbs in my 1st 2 weeks. Make sure to keep drinking your protein drinks-baby food with chicken/meat in it just ISNT good-try to stick with druits/veggie blends if your doing the whole baby food/puree thing. Once you get to the solid food stage and know your boundries of what you can & cant eat-I abolutely LOVE "Protein Plus" Bars in Peanut butter. It has 24 grams of protein and tastes supper good-especially for a protein bar! Its soft enough too so it wont take you all day to eat it. Well,thats my advice=-) good luck and congrats again! Make sure you get new clothes every one & a while to-its a great ego boost,and a nice gift to youself!
  9. Heather Joy

    What kind of pets?

    We have a Min-Pin named Dixie whos about 4 years old,2 cats-oe named Aspen(whos actually all black little white streak on her chest),and a mullllllllti colored cat(a "tortious shell",the nice name for this one lol) who we call Kitty. LOL. We also have a Ball Python named GoatLord. Hes 3 years old and about the size of a silver dollar. We have a beta too...but he doesnt have a name=) My mom just got a kitten named Emily as well who is the CUTEST thing in the world! My best friend works at Petco,and for some reason people love to drop of animals they find-or just dont want anymore-instead of going to the MSPCA/SPCA. So she gets a lot of weird animals-Iguanas,fish,ferrits and even kittens.I told her,since she gets a lot of kitten, to look out for me since I wanted to get my mom a kittten(shs been devistated since our Maltese,Monroe,died about 1 1/2 years ago) & I knew it would be so good for her to have another pet-and not a dog. So soon after that someone dumped 4 kittens off in front of the store before they opened in a box with a note saying "cant take of these anymore" I dragged my mom down there & these 2 bonded instantly!! Since then Emily has been the most spoiled,loved cat Ive even seen! =) Doesnt that just make you all warm inside? Hehe
  10. Heather Joy


    Jennifer-- I know just how your feeling-it happened to me too-even causing me to go to the dr (which i try NOT to do,ever).I was freaking out-it was even becoming noticeable! But luckily now im back to normal (or at least so far-i did just have another surgery earlier this month-Im hoping my body is used to it now..lol). It can happen after any sort of stress-car accident,surgery/dramatic weightloss-so we get "double whammied" here. LOl woowhooo!!Im crossing my fingers on NO MORE HAIRLOSS!lol-its very scary-seeing clumps of hair falling out in the shower-leaving "your mark"everywhere you go.But I guess if you ever get lost they`ll be able to find ya!=-) LOL Always have to look at things in a positive,funny light =-) Good luck I hope your not freaking out anymore-I defiantly know the feeling. My fiancee said he kept finding my long hairs EVERYWHERE (USE YOU IMAGINATION...lol HEHE :x ). Good luck to you and have a wonderful-stress free-Thanksgiving!
  11. Heather Joy

    My band has slipped. :(

    I am so sorry to hear about your band slipping. My port flipped and that pretty much FLIPPED me out! And my Ins covered it...To be positive, try to rememeber its nothing YOU did,it was the doctor fault & that darn band too. You are doing wonderful,its just the band thats not following suit. Losing 40 lbs with pretty much no restriction (im sure similar to not even having the band) is an awesome achievement. Try to be positive-I know its easier said then done-but you deserve a round of applause from everyone! *clapping very very loudly* LOL. Youve done what so many people cant do-lose 40 lbs pretty much on your own!I hope the liquids do the trick *crossing fingers* I`ll keep you in my prayers especially over the holiday-i know this can be an especially trying time for us with the restiction,nevermind no restriction & having to be on liquids=( I have faith in you though.You will do fine,you will conquer this obstacle! I know it!
  12. Heather Joy

    I'm having a hard time

    My 1st week + was SOOOO difficult. I was starving..but i just kept reminding myself--"dont cheat,you didnt go through all this agony and pain for nothing",plus what if y7ou did decide to cheat and got sick? That has to be a terrible experience--i was already in enough pain i didnt want to make it worse! Just try to give yourself pep talks-you WILL get through this-it is a very trying time but if I can do i know you can! Good luck and keep your mind off of cheating and surf around LBT and the web on any other ideas/motivation,etc! You can do it!
  13. Heather Joy

    Do you weigh...

    I weigh butt-naked..only way to go...you know my shos weigh at least 3lbs.lol =-) but seriously i weigfhonly naked except when i go to the doooooc...i ot think they want to see that (again) hehe
  14. Heather Joy

    Nervous Nervous Nervous

    i Had/have a really high BMI.although of course its getting better! but i had no co-morbidities. I initially got denied then i appealled it,my dr's office helped with this,i also called my other dr's as well (OBGYN,PC etc) and had them fax over any tests etc they had done on me showing my weight was causing problems. I also wrote them a letter explaining that i was only 22 therefore i had no comorbidities and if i continued this way i defiinatly would soon and that i didnt want to wait until i had diabetes or high cholestrol to have this surgery. I found out in about a week they had approved me!=-) so keep in mind if you ever did get denied (*crossing fingers you wont*) there are plenty of ways to fight it and get what you want and/or need! A simple "no" isnt the end of your fight to have this sugery!Best of luck and let us know what happens
  15. Heather Joy

    How slow do you eat?

    I realize how slow i eat a lottttt! My fiancee(whos looking to have this same procedure done eventualy too) eats REALLY fast and i used to do the same as well. Now Im always done like 15-20 minutes after he is.LOL Ive noticed how i eat even SLOWER when we go out to eat...I hate PB'ing in public etc its SO uncomfortable to do in your own house nevermind in front of strangers. People who dont know ive had this done are always saying" wow,look at you heather savoring every bite!".....yes,thats it...you got me..LOL=)
  16. Heather Joy

    Ding Ding-Round 3 for Me

    Hi all, Im back from m y surgery...it was very very painful--almost as much as the initial banding. I think one of my ribs might even have gotten bruised--OW!lol i could never imagine breaking a rib. But im feeling better now-today i even went out and did a little shopping. I also had a fill which is more restricting-its perfect (again! lol). Anyways just wanted to update everyone.Thank you all so much for your warm thoughts and prayers =-) Hopefully 3rd times the charm!!!
  17. Heather Joy

    Ding Ding-Round 3 for Me

    Once again i am facing surgery-this time because my port flipped and i cant have any fills,obviously, with it being like this. My last surgery was to take out the stitches because it was irritating a nerve and causing a lot of pain. So now Im going in for the exact opposite. Hurraaay!!Im not o bummed out though--I`ll get some(much needed)time off of work, although it will be nice to have some vaca time without surgery!! Anyways, I`ll need to get this done hopefully this month,along with taking my Insurance License as well this month(just got back from a 2-day course).Its wicked intense and Im trying to study like crazy. So,my stress never seems to end...looking forward to the weekend though-I will need some cocktails for sure=-)
  18. Heather Joy

    Ding Ding-Round 3 for Me

    oh and thank you all for your support!!
  19. Heather Joy

    Ding Ding-Round 3 for Me

    i everyone- I took my exam today--i passed!!!!!yaaaaaaaaaaay!!! and im going for my surgery friday--luckily the toughest part is over=-) im so excited!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Heather Joy

    This is why I'm dying for a soda

    so does drinking soda really cause band slippage/enlargement?? imj sure it does since its so damn good!LOL i love diet,but of course it has to be tainted since i love it so much!!!!!!!!
  21. Heather Joy

    This is why I'm dying for a soda

    Delarla-that is my image of of what Heaven is like...LOL
  22. Heather Joy

    Just testing

    ah..thank you..yes i love it!=-) Thank you!
  23. Heather Joy

    Just testing

    sorry testing changess i made
  24. Heather Joy

    PMS sufferers get a laugh out of this!!

    LMAO, thanks Penni i REALLY needed that tonight..im PMSing BIG TIME...i feel like balling yet screaming at any random person, how miserable-while were on this subject,....why us?? i just WISH men could experience this(no offense to an man reading,..but i think its safe to say none are lol),...I hate this time of the month! i only have like 1 good week,if im lucky!what the &^$@# -for the love of %^*$#$@!!!!! LOL,..i think im going to go pass out now.
  25. Heather Joy

    PMS Cravings Did me In

    Oh my goodness this week has been HELL for me!!!!LOL i am CRAVING chocolate and salt so bad. I never crave salt either,...so i know im in for a long hall next week. LOL Ive been trying to "walk off" the candy bars but i doubt its helping this week! hehe It is true;we should allow ourselves to splurge...geez probably to a lot of other americans today was a GOOD day!! =-)

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