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  1. I mean there is a reason they are making me do that. Probably safety... Probably to achieve full success prior to potentially messing up an extremely expensive surgery that my insurance is willing to pay for. I mean I am almost 30. I want kids. But I wouldn't want to risk the success I could have with the surgery by waiting a couple years. Wouldn't you want to see everything you can be? Instead of stalling or possibly even reversing the potential of being what you dreamed of? I hear soooo many stories about women becoming bigger then what they were when they started. A lot of people mentioned becoming pregnant. I am not dissing anyone's choices but if your not 100% committed to seeing the full out come of the surgery... And waiting the two years it could take to see where your skin is at or your final weight, if your not 100% invested... Why do it? There are several complication risks to having babies while being larger. There are complications and risks post Bariatric surgery... But much LESS research and stats exist for post Bariatric pregnancy. If having a baby in the next year or two was a priority I would do it before surgery. With that being said, think about the folks who say their personalities and lives have changed so significantly that they might not have wanted post surgery what they initially want pre surgery. You could change your mind... I mean I don't know any of you, but you could. I anticipate myself to be completely different. But I feel like a lot if us will do anything to be healthy and who are we kidding... To be skinny and why risk that dream for something that could just as easily wait and additional year or two?
  2. My mom had Roux-en-y and 15 years later she is still laid out for 30-60 minutes from "sugar overdose". it can happen by eating at a BBQ and they don't tell her what's in the sauces. I seen it happen from alcohol sugars, sauces, drinks, food everything has to be tested with a tiny bite or asks about ingredients. I though that was because of the intestine rerouting. But I see here sleevers have the same issues? Is that true?? Not that I plan to run out to a chocolate fountain, but I have seen a piece of candy make her "spin" for like 30 min. Is it extreme? Why does it happen?
  3. My insurance makes you sign a contract and you have to have a reliable contraception method, like IUD, shot, or have long term successful history with the pill. You have to commit to 2 or 3 years... I can't remember which cause you also sign a contract for plastic surgery and that's for either 2 or 3 years.
  4. I have jumped the first round of hoops and got approved for the gastric sleeve. Now all the pre-op appointments and classes and all that jazz. They asked me to quit smoking. I did. I have tests and what not next week. As everything is getting more and more complete I become more and more nervous about am I going to hate my body with the skin? I am 29, no kids size 22 and people who have had it done keep telling me "you won't be that bad... You haven't had kids"... Well I fear differently. I have already started saving up for a body lift. I am going to need a boob job because I am not sure I can part with my ta-tas indefinitely. My biggest paranoia is my thighs. I am a very proportioned big girl. Not extra big in any one place, not small any where but my feet. My dad's side is bottom heavy and my moms side is top heavy... And I am everywhere heavy. I wonder if I will be more like my mom, more like my dad, if I will I be well proportioned on the other end. Yet the skin. My mom had by pass 10 years ago and she has a lot of ugly skin in her belly and a pooch she can't manage to get rid of... She says it's my fault (because she had me and my bro, lol) but I shouldn't worry. But why not!!?? I did my fair share of eating. I am not going to walk away from this unscathed but my insurance company makes you sign a contract of no plastic surgery for three years. Am I going to hate myself for a few years?? Until I can nip and tuck what I don't like? Or does it feel so damn good to be healthy that no skin sadness could match the happiness of being in a normal size body?

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