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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About sunnkistme

  • Rank
    Guru in Training

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    Sierria Foothills
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  1. sunnkistme

    New Clothes?

    I went and did a thrift store haul in the san francisco area after losing two sizes I was so unsure about what would be happening that I bypassed everything that was not a perfect fit. Major mistake. Now I start shopping for the next size about a month into a new size. I am well into 14's right now. I am picking up 12's in brands that I really like. I realized that I had ordered bras on clearance and thought when I got them that they would never fit - I am now on the last hooks for the bras. Still DDD in most brands, how odd!
  2. What kind of lunch meat are you enjoying. I tend to do far better when I am eating real food...nothing processed. Nothing with an excess of salt. Nothing with more than two ingredients.
  3. sunnkistme

    Feeling Frustrated!

    I stayed the same through my 6 month pre-op. My surgeon and I met monthly. He would read my diet and make suggestions. At the end he blasted the six month pre-op and congratulated me for sticking it out. His opinion is that the insurance just wants people to back out.
  4. sunnkistme

    Anthem BCBS 6 mo diet question

    I was right at 40 BMI so my surgeon advised me to stay the same weight as my initial visit for my visit with the nutritionist. After that he said I could lose as much as I was able. I fluctuated one or two pounds from visit to visit. I was approved by BCBS within 24 hours of submitting my paperwork documenting the six months. . Of course, my primary had sent me to many specialist prior to seeing the surgeon for weight loss. I am not sure if impending back surgery made them more likely to consider WLS OK.
  5. Actually, businesses with under 50 employees are not required to comply with FMLA. Most companies have a policy they will ask you to adhere to. Talk with your supervisors.
  6. sunnkistme

    Just now home from the hospital

    you might try a flavored mix in or an herbal tea. Water was horrid for nausea. I am just now (at 4 months out) starting to tolerate plain water.
  7. stall conquered...4 pounds down since tuesday. I owned that b&%$. Finally

    1. ProudGrammy


      woo hoo 4 lbs - stalls are a bummer - keep up the good work kathy


  8. I am so sorry your are struggling with this infection. I am not medical but support people with disabilities to get medical care that they might need. I have been through staph infections with a few people. They do take forever to heal. Again, I am not medical but I have seen the best results when people have finally been referred to a wound care specialist. A good wound care specialist can be life changing.
  9. sunnkistme

    BCBS AL (PEEHIP) - out of pocket expenses?

    Not sure about your BCBS policy but for mine I had to jump through a few hoops too. My surgeons office insisted I confirm coverage under my policy complete with a name and number of the person I spoke to. Some BCBS policies require that you have surgery at a "Center of Excellence". This became an issue for me when there was not a COE within one hundred miles of my home so the surgery was covered at the same rate that any other surgery would be covered. Your best start is with your insurance and request the written policy be sent to you. Coding makes a big difference too. My policy does not cover "obesity". Only related conditions. I am still trying to get the coding on a 1500.00 test changed to the one the insurance will actually pay for.
  10. sunnkistme

    Sleeping hurts.

    I was sleeping on my stomach by the fourth night. Apparently it was better than the alternative of sleeping on my back which is painful for me. I would fall asleep propped up a bit on my back and wake up on my stomach. So glad that my incisions were not too painful.
  11. sunnkistme

    Pain at lower right incision

    Not the pain so much I just remember that incision taking the longest to heal. I would rub oils on that area every morning and night to help with healing.
  12. sunnkistme


    I am an advocate of smooth move tea. Now that my body is used to the tea, the results are predictable. For some reason the other night I thought to try some dulcolax....bad move. Within 15 minutes I was in the bathroom doubled over with cramps and dry heaving. Never again.
  13. Oh my, what an amazing series of events. I hope you are doing well.
  14. I agree with Elode, Water has been impossible. I am not kicking water's but. I have to drink warm herbal teas.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
