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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by jjsmiles

  1. Hi Ape - thanks for the compliments. I started losing weight before being banded, by totally committing to the process - I went to counselling and joined weight watchers to help me get started (I really need to be held accountable to make this work for me). I started a journal where I documented everything I ate, including portion sizes so that I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what I was eating. After being banded, I tried to stick to around 1000-1200 calories per day, I documented everything I ate and I started exercising at a gym. I also made a conscious decision that I would eat everything (ie no low carb for me) because I wanted this journey to not be about a "diet" that I would do and then finish, but rather a lifestyle that I would adopt forever. I am finding that was a terrific idea for me as I am finding that I will never be able to eat the quantities that I would like to, but I can still eat everything (including chocolate and pizza) in moderation. Good Luck!

  2. Thanks for the compliment!! Not a single solitary regret (only that I didn't have the opportunity to change my life a dozen years ago)!!!!!

  3. Thanks for your comments Ms. Robbie. I currently have 7 cc's in a 10 cc band. I don't have much restriction right now (I think the weight loss loosen's the band), but I never went with being overly restricted. I have always been able to eat about 3-4 oz of protein and at least a cup of other stuff (ie veggies and/or carbs). This works very well for me and I hardly ever get stuck. I find the band most helpful in that I don't really get hungry between meals (except for the evil head hunger which I still have). Great job so far!!!! Keep up the good work!

  4. Thanks for your kind message today!! I really appreciate it.



  5. Thanks for the kind message summertime!!! No I didn't know that I was pretty :) (still don't really know that - but I appreciate the thought!)



  6. Hi Cutiew


    Thanks for the nice comments on my photo's. I see you already look great in your pictures. I am sure that you will love the new you after banding. Good luck in your journey!!!



  7. Terilynn - thanks for the lovely comment on my pictures. Have you been banded yet? If not, best of luck to you - I have not regretted my decision for one single moment.



  8. Maggie,


    Thanks for your kind comment on my pictures. Best of luck to you in your journey!!!!



  9. Thanks for your kind words and compliments everyone!!! When I posted the album, I didn't expect it to show up on the LBT home page - so I was a bit embarassed!!



  10. Hi Sleepygirl -thanks for the compliments, they were much appreciated! I started this journey, in earnest last June 12, 2007 (I call it my committment date), although I didn't have the surgery until September 25, 2007 - so I am about a year ahead of you.


    I weighed 322 on June 12, joined weight watchers and between ww and the pre-op diet, I weighed 279 at surgery. I had a few complications (not due to the lapband, but another pre-existing condition) that made the beginning part of my journey very challenging, but after I got into the groove - I haven't looked back!!!!


    I promised myself that I would approach this journey as an eating plan that I could follow for the rest of my life, so I am not going low carb. I am counting calories and trying to stay with low fat/ low sugar alternatives, if they taste acceptable to me.


    Most days I try to stick to around 1000-1200 calories a day and I log everything I eat, including quantitites on the dailyplate.com. I found the journalling to be a huge success factor in this journey, as I can't eat unconsciously and I have to make choices -makes me accountable to myself.


    When I go out, I try to think of what I am going to order before I go, so I make a semi sane choice (not the bacon double cheeseburger with fries like I would choose before).


    All that being said, if I really want something, I eat it. I still eat chocolate and pizza and cookies, just not all the time and in much smaller quantities. I would say I eat really healthy about 90-95% of the time. I don't sweat it if I eat some things that may not have been the best choice. I needed to do this journey the way I am going to do the rest of my life, and my life will include pizza and chocoloate!!!


    I am not overly restricted - I can eat 2-3 oz of protein and at least a cup of cooked vegetables at any time - I seem to function best this way. I can and do eat anything, including bread (the weight watchers bread works very well for me). I occasionally have some problems with food (ie chicken or beef or eggs), but only rarely and when I try it again, I am fine -what can I say - the band is fickle).


    What the band does for me is keep my portions reasonable, and it curbs my stomach hunger, so I am not physically hungry between meals (I still have evening head hunger though). Because I have always been an evening eater, I plan for at least 1-2 snacks (about 100 calories each) to help me manage. Again - works well for me!!!!



    I also exercise - ALOT. I try to go to the gym 3-5 times per week and I combine cardio and strength training. For each session, I have built up to where I am exercising for between 1-2 hours.


    Anyways good luck to you in your journey. If I can do it, anyone can!!!



  11. Thanks Yettia!!


    No great secret - lots of exercise, sticking to around 1000-1200 calories a day (about 90 % of the time - if I am going out to eat, I try to make good choices, but I still eat what I want), and journalling everything I eat, so I am always conscious of what my choices are. I am not overly restricted (works for me) - the band helps me not be hungry between meals (although I still battle head hunger). I eat a balanced diet that includes whole, natural foods wherever possible and I do eat plenty of carbs!!!! I also still consider pizza and chocolate food groups - I just don't have them that often.


    Good Luck with your banding!!!!!!

  12. Thank you so much for your kind words. I know the waiting and the hoping is a very hard time for everyone. You are mixed between fear of the unknown and the worry about losing your companion of food and just wanting to get it done already!!!! Keep your chin up and start working towards your goals now. You CAN do it!!!!!

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