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Colleen C

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Colleen C

  1. Colleen C

    Is this normal?

    Hello! I am 24 days post op and just recently dropped a few pounds since surgery. Your doing fine, just keep following your plan. Keep in mind we don't have restriction at this point so make sure to stick with the better low calorie choices of what your allowed. Don't let your scale derail you this soon. My surgeon told me the most important thing to do the first several weeks is to heal. The weight loss will come when our bands are filled. Since starting on all foods I am finally not hungry all the time. That is a big relief for me. Best part is when I am hungry it is just stomach growling hungry not accompanied by the mental hunger monster. I have been becoming successful at smaller bites and chewing it to smithereens before swallowing and that is really helping too. You got this! Stay POSITIVE! Colleen
  2. What I am learning is that the importance of food has to start taking a backseat in my life at events because unfortunately, I am addicted to it. Today I went to a birthday party. I wasn't sure if I would be able to eat anything but decided beforehand it really didn't matter. The reason I went was to Celebrate the persons special day not for the buffet of food. Ended up I ate a small hamburger patty (no bread) with a little mustard and 2 very small chunks of watermelon. It looked a little lonely on the plate (this is new for me) but it was great and by the time I chew it a zillion times I get bored with chewing and eating anyway. Do what you want of course because this is your journey but the better we comply with our rules, the faster the weight is going to leave us. BTW, their were 3 cakes and two buckets of ice cream. Out of 25 people I was the ONLY ONE who didn't have any. I was also the fattest person at the party. That will change. Let us know how things go. Have fun, enjoy the event and let us know how it went. Colleen
  3. Colleen C

    Home-made tomato soup. Pureed or Soft/Mushy

    So much depends on how much swelling you have and also what the doctor allows.
  4. Colleen C

    Bypass or Lap band

    There are nightmare stories on ALL surgeries. Many people tend to defend the surgery they picked which makes sense because it is what is best for them at the time of making the decision. Or if they are one that had complications which happen in each and every choice they bash that surgery which again, make sense. The best thing to do is research the surgeons in your area and pick the most qualified and experienced one. When that happens you should have someone that is qualified to make that decision with you on what is best for YOU. None of the choices are a one size fits all surgery. Lots of success and failure on them ALL. When I went in for the seminar I wanted bypass but after having my personal appt with the surgeon and discussing the risk factors with all the surgeries the doctor and we decided lap band was the best choice for me. I urge you to keep an open mind because when this is decided and time goes by, this is you this is happening to not everyone else. Many people don't follow the rules of the surgery they chose and lots of times that is the problem but not always. I wish you success on which ever surgery you decide on, good luck. Colleen
  5. Colleen C

    Pre-Op diet mistakes

    More of the same here. I followed the pre-op diet which I couldn't hardly stomach with very little variance because the surgeon insisted on it. My husband who was banded same day as me cheated a lot. Not on chips and stuff but food he still wasn't allowed. I was bothered because I was afraid he would be refused surgery as the surgeon was clear about shrinking the liver. When we went in for the surgery they weighed us and we never heard a word about it. Regardless, bad idea to not follow doctors directions but stuff happens. Get yourself straightened out and do better. I personally would not mention it unless you have been cheating really bad with forbidden foods. I am 22 days post op and the food choices do get much better. Hang in there. You can do it. I know you can because so many of us did and we all are suffering with eating problems. Wishing you success! Colleen
  6. Depends how private you prefer to be. I am guessing by your post right now you want to keep this to yourself and I understand that. I would for sure have a Protein shake or something before you go so your not tempted and feel like you are starving or suffering. If your able to order what you want, soup is usually the best route since you are probably still on liquids or mushy. If it is a preset menu, just get the best choices and if there is nothing you can nibble on order the food and when it arrives scoot the food around a little and if anyone notices you aren't really eating just quietly say your tummy is suddenly upset a bit and you are going to take it home and enjoy it later. Then mention something about the beautiful bride to be with a big smile on your face and no one needs any more info. Your husband, kids, dog, homeless person or somebody will be happy to get the food. This weight loss is for you, we all have to learn how to now live our lives with food being nourishment not the center of attention for us. It is hard for me but a work in progress. Good luck and have fun at the party luncheon! Colleen
  7. 1 minute bites, so important...slow down!

    1. sxzzz5877


      I went to the Dollar Tree and bought baby plastic spoons....smaller bites

  8. I am 22 days post op and was worried about the same thing. Doctors office told me I am to be concerned with healing and the weight is important but secondary to healing. Of course we want the weight to all come off ASAP, I know I do. Anyway, when I recently got to solid foods I did feel a difference. I can still chug Water etc but I do get satisfied quicker than with the post op slider foods that are required right after surgery. Also, some people feel a lot more restriction due to swelling. Those of us who do not have as much swelling after surgery have less restriction. Guess that is a good thing? lol Time, we must be patient and ride this out for the rest of our lives. Colleen
  9. Hello, I was so excited I dropped a few pounds so decided to record it here on my ticker and for 20 minutes been clicking around trying to figure out where and what to click on to change it, UGHHH. Can someone PLEASE help remind me how I did this before! I amaze myself sometimes, lol Tried to do a search to see how but failed at that too. HELP Colleen
  10. Colleen C

    Update Weight ?

    THANK YOU Leepers! I found it now.
  11. Colleen C

    Eating too fast

    Geeze, looks like it posted the video...
  12. Colleen C

    Eating too fast

    Wow, I have been researching this and finding that it is VERY important to eat slow. Besides all the great advice here (Thank you to all the above people) the best visual info I received was on youtube called 8 golden rules. I hope we are allowed to post websites here is the url: It is in 4 parts about 10 minutes each. A lot of great info if you are seeking it. It discusses how eating too fast does not let the food go down correctly and give you enough signals (plus stretching your pouch) as it is going down when you stuff it in etc. Go watch it, (always listen to your own doctor) but this helped me a lot. I will probably watch a few more times. Good luck loosing! Colleen
  13. Colleen C


    Wow girl, you sound so wound up. You are going to have to find some way to relax. I can not imagine your band slipped over that. Most of us worry for one reason or another thinking we will be the ONE that everything goes wrong. Maybe you are still swollen and need to stick with more liquid foods in small amounts. Take a breath, I bet everything is going to be fine. I hope you feel better, Colleen
  14. Colleen C

    In need of help

    I have heard people say they didn't like the doctors office selling the shakes but to me it turned out so much easier. They sold it to me cheaper than I could find it anyway.
  15. Colleen C

    40+ days and counting..

    Hmmm, I have never been told to eat bacon in my entire life. I thought that just came naturally. lol
  16. Colleen C


    I don't know if it was normal but the day after surgery I put on 5lbs and was not even hardly eating. It just happens. Within a couple of weeks it came back off. Do what your suppose to and stay with your plan. The rest will work itself out. Right now your job is to heal from the surgery, concentrate on that more than anything. Good luck! Colleen
  17. Colleen C

    July 23rd it is!

    Congrats on starting this journey for health! The pre op diet can be rough, their are so many different ones. Keep in mind that most of us did it and it has rough spots but you can and will do it. Good luck, keep us posted! Colleen
  18. Colleen C

    Are We Worth It?

    Your not selfish, you did it because it was important to you as it is many people. There is not one right answer.
  19. My experience like those in the comments above are the same. I went to a weight loss Dr. and got the meds and shots every week for almost a year. I lost a lot of weight. Had to stop taking them and started gaining right away. Eventually got back on them and my blood pressure kept sky rocketing so I stopped. Plus it is really expensive. Anyway, gained all the weight back and some extra. I dont call that successful at all. If you choose to do it, I hope you have better results but after reading the same experiences from everyone, I think that would be very difficult to achieve but we are all different.
  20. 2muchfun, the end made me laugh. So true, we are in and out and forget just how much we really go through while we are "sleeping".
  21. Colleen C

    Are We Worth It?

    I so agree with you and have used the same analogy with the car. How many people drive around in new cars and cant afford the surgery? I am not saying anyone could afford it and this country stinks regarding insurance. They seem to only pay for things after your sick, nothing before. My family watched the show too, who cant enjoy a transformation in 2 hours! As it shows weight loss is only part of the battle. Mental health, life style change and surgery are another part. All we can do is work on it as much as possible. Even if I have to stuff skin in my pants, at least I will be healthier and look normal in clothes. For me, one battle at a time. Thanks for sharing your post. I loved it. Colleen
  22. You are just really swollen. Take your time, get in as much liquid as comfortable and don't worry about it. Too soon you will be hungry enough and eating. he he he
  23. We are all here to be that for you! Check in as much as needed. Someone is always here.
  24. Colleen C


    For sure MORE water and as much liquid as possible.
  25. Colleen C

    My surgeon was just arrested!

    Unfortunately for us ($$) advice is what attorneys do for a living. Yes it is hard to get without paying unless you know one personally to drive nuts. he he he I am going through tenant problems and when they aren't paying and you need an attorney it hurts the pocket book! lol Otherwise face going to court and getting the judge ticked because you do everything wrong. Ahhh, life.

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