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  1. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from NewMary83 in Post op pain?   
    12 hour shifts were long at first I was exhausted at the end of my shifts. Took me probably another month to get my stamina built back up. I am 5 1/2-months post op down 107 pounds & I feel awesome.
  2. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from NewMary83 in Post op pain?   
    12 hour shifts were long at first I was exhausted at the end of my shifts. Took me probably another month to get my stamina built back up. I am 5 1/2-months post op down 107 pounds & I feel awesome.
  3. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from NewMary83 in Post op pain?   
    12 hour shifts were long at first I was exhausted at the end of my shifts. Took me probably another month to get my stamina built back up. I am 5 1/2-months post op down 107 pounds & I feel awesome.
  4. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from Glyndalin in OCTOBER 2014   
    Been gone a little while its nice catching up on everyones posts. I have noticed when my husband is home (he works out of town) I snack more & eat more. I am now weighing 225 pounds. I was thankful this morning that I lost a pound after all the cooking & baking I did this last week but to my suprise the bites of my home made chocolate cake (husbands birthday) I ate did not make me sick. He leaves tomorrow so back to the plan
  5. Like
    LisaCO reacted to dc0520 in OCTOBER 2014   
    I had a oh my god moment this morning. The picture says it all ❤️

  6. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from dc0520 in OCTOBER 2014   
    I met the mile stone of 100 pounds lost 3 days ago. I am very happy about this. Plus I took a bath and realized my body dont touch the sides of the bathtub. The little things in life. I hope every one is continuing to rock there journey!
  7. Like
    LisaCO reacted to dc0520 in OCTOBER 2014   
    im happy to see everyone moving along smoothly. I'm proud to say eating is becoming easier as is exercising for me. I'm having more digestion issues than I'd like but that's what gas x is for I suppose lol. It doesn't even compare to the ibs crap I dealt with before surgery. Thought I'd post a pic from month 2 compared to month 4 - I'm the weight I was when I met my husband 10 years ago so it's a celebration moment for sure. I'm thinking I have 40 more to get to goal. Disregard the no makeup and thinning hairstyle I'm sporting these days - one day that will align with how I feel. Happy losing everyone !!! 
  8. Like
    LisaCO reacted to layknee in OCTOBER 2014   
  9. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from dc0520 in OCTOBER 2014   
    I met the mile stone of 100 pounds lost 3 days ago. I am very happy about this. Plus I took a bath and realized my body dont touch the sides of the bathtub. The little things in life. I hope every one is continuing to rock there journey!
  10. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from dc0520 in OCTOBER 2014   
    I met the mile stone of 100 pounds lost 3 days ago. I am very happy about this. Plus I took a bath and realized my body dont touch the sides of the bathtub. The little things in life. I hope every one is continuing to rock there journey!
  11. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from dc0520 in OCTOBER 2014   
    I met the mile stone of 100 pounds lost 3 days ago. I am very happy about this. Plus I took a bath and realized my body dont touch the sides of the bathtub. The little things in life. I hope every one is continuing to rock there journey!
  12. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from dc0520 in OCTOBER 2014   
    I met the mile stone of 100 pounds lost 3 days ago. I am very happy about this. Plus I took a bath and realized my body dont touch the sides of the bathtub. The little things in life. I hope every one is continuing to rock there journey!
  13. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from holdan29 in Post op pain?   
    It took me 6 days. It will get better. Congratulations on the start of your new journey.
  14. Like
    LisaCO reacted to misstvb in OCTOBER 2014   
    Yesterday I reached 229, have not been here in twenty years. I admit I actually cried.
  15. Like
    LisaCO reacted to Getting-used-to-new-me in OCTOBER 2014   
    For what it's worth, most folks who have RNY eventually have to "power through" the nausea from fatty or too sweet or too dry foods. They eat even smaller portions, and rely on Protein Shakes, etc. One other reason we progress through stages after surgery is so we can go back to one or more of those and know we'll still get some nourishment. Stay with it. Keep doing the program. Stay in touch with your surgeons group and us, and you'll succeed!
  16. Like
    LisaCO reacted to Beni in OCTOBER 2014   
    Another one is Calcium. I take 2 Citracal petites per day. Bone loss is a serious issue as well for RNY patients. This is specially serious as we age. Even if you drink milk and eat yogurt it's not enough.
    The good news, because of our weight loss our overall health will improve. I think taking vitamins/ supplements and monitoring our blood is a very small price to pay for the benefits. Hello, at the rate we were going Type 2 diabetes would involve monitoring our blood 24/7. Also, lets not forget the countless surgeries for knees and hip replacements and the decreased quality of life due to high blood pressure and the countless co-morbs that come with morbid/obesity. The use of the electric wheelchair at Walmart/Target was in our future and that's if we were lucky enough to get around.
  17. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from lau4lau in 2 Days Post Op   
    Welcome to the losers bench. I think its important for you to know that there will be days in the beginning when your like what did I do to myself. I am 4 months post surgery and can say this is the best thing I have ever done for myself. There will be days when you need to vent & let it all out. This is a great site with wonderful support. Dont let the head hunger & old habits get to you. Be strong and your weight will start to disappear. This is your journey. I look forward to reading about your success.
  18. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from Beni in OCTOBER 2014   
    Well the ground hog saw his shadow. That means 6 more weeks of winter. I am already freezing!
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    LisaCO reacted to Tiffany2015 in 2 Days Post Op   
    Thank you!! I am looking forward to my progress as well. I have an awesome support team with my family and friends, that really helps too.
  20. Like
    LisaCO reacted to Beni in OCTOBER 2014   
    I am so excited, I am only 5 pounds to 200 lbs. I am so going to Celebrate that milestone. I have to go back 13 years to be below that weight. My husband thinks I should buy something memorable to always remember that by. I said: sure what about a Porshe? Lol, that's a no. I have been thinking, but have not come up with any brilliant idea besides some jewelry.
  21. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from jtubb in OCTOBER 2014   
    Isopure Dutch chocolate. I really like it I mix 2 scoops with 12 ounces skim milk & sip on it through out the day. I ordered creamy vanilla but it has not came in yet.
  22. Like
    LisaCO reacted to BariatricGirl in Why Did You Choose Your Specific Type of Weight Loss Surgery?   
    I would like to add something to this thread. Almost anyone who is approved for WLS is given one choice because it's rare to have a revision covered. What am I saying? It's rare to have WLS covered these days for everyone who needs it period. It is very important to BELIEVE in your surgery because if you don't, it won't believe in you. If you don't nurture and respect your surgery, it won't nurture and respect you. When someone picks a surgery for whatever reason it may be (even if they are misinformed) it is a done deal. I have communicated with thousands of post-ops over the last ten years and every single kind of surgery has successes and some not so great outcomes. Please support your WLS brothers and sisters with their surgery type because we all need as much support as possible. No one should be treated as if they made a wrong choice regarding surgery type. Instead we need to help them with whatever choice they made because they all absolutely can work. Of course there is a small percentage of complications and various degrees of complications that are unavoidable....I'm speaking about the majority of situations out there. We are all in this together and I want to support everyone on their journey because we all need it.
  23. Like
    LisaCO reacted to Beni in OCTOBER 2014   
    Congratulations on making it to 299. That's wonderful. I am sure you can't believe how well you are doing. Isn't this amazing. Success only helps even further. It's a great motivator. Well done!
  24. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from Luna222 in OCTOBER 2014   
    I was told by a coworker that I need to watch what I eat because so and so lost alot of weight really quick then gained it right back. I didnt know what to say so I told the coworker that she she should look into the surgery it could help her cpap & diabetes. Then she said well another coworker did really well but she is an exception. Geez I dont know if I am wearing my heart on my sleeve but please dont compare me to other employees that had the surgery. It can be very discouraging. I have lost 87 pounds in 3 1/2 months. This is my journey.
  25. Like
    LisaCO got a reaction from tacycakes in OCTOBER 2014   
    Thank you guys! I am trying to keep the best attitude but I can feel the envy when they look at me. I am proud I made this decision and have no regrets. I want all you to know how much this site means to me. I can let it all out and its so nice to have understanding. Thank you all what a wonderful group!!!

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