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Posts posted by Mommabird

  1. At 7 days post-op, I was allowed eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, fat free refried pinto or black Beans and shredded low fat cheese. At 14 days post-op, I was allowed to add chicken, turkey, fish and soy products. It amazes me how much the post-op diet varies from practice to practice. I'm not allowed Soups at all. No veggies until 6 weeks post-op, no fruit until 3 months. No beef, pork or starchy carbs for 6 months!

  2. Thanks, Beni, I was doing okay until I got caught by surprise by a coughing spasm. Now it hurts to move any at all. I'm going to contact the surgeon's office (all my care for the next year is supposed to be through them) about what kind of cough medicine I can take. It's going to be a miserable night!

  3. I've read a lot about the fact that left side incision pain usually lasts longer than anywhere else. Can anyone tell me about how long your pain lasted?

    I was putting up with it ok until the mountain cedar pollen count went to extremely high. I now have the scratchy throat, stuffy nose, headache and a constant cough. My left side has gone from annoying to the point that I'm reconsidering getting off my pain medication.

    I'm two weeks post-op.

  4. I had my two week post-op visit today and made my NP VERY happy! After not losing anything at my visit last week, I managed a loss of eight pounds this week! I thought she was going to start doing a happy dance around the room! And while I was extremely happy, there was no happy dance for me. I had just had 20 surgical staples removed and moving that much kinda hurts right now. But I am doing happy dance moves in my head! and cartwheels! and etc!

    I also had my food plan advanced to the next stage. I still have to drink 2-3 4oz "Protein supplements" (4ozs of Protein shake) and I still can have my eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, and shredded low fat cheese, I now get to add MEAT!!! chicken, fish, turkey and soy products! I made a tiny bit of tuna salad when I got home (it was yummy!) and for Christmas tomorrow, I'm making some little turkey meatballs! I can hardly wait!

    I hope all of you are having a very Blessed and Merry Christmas!

  5. Hello, all! I'm Robin and had my RNY on 12/10. My weight the day of surgery was 204 and today it's 198.5. I got fussed at on my first post-op appointment for not getting out and walking enough. This morning I walked 2 miles and hopefully will do that twice more today.

    My surgery was much more extensive than expected but things are going well now. I'm currently allowed eggs, yogurt, shredded cheese and cottage cheese, but I expect to graduate up to chicken, fish, turkey and veggie burgers on Christmas Eve. That is also when I get my 20 staples out so I am expecting it to be a very merry Christmas indeed! ????

  6. Thanks, Maggie, the only food that I was allowed this week that will have to wait for a while was the refried Beans. They didn't make me sick but my stomach felt so heavy afterwards. The egg was good and so was the shredded cheese and yogurt. But best of all has been the cottage cheese! I drizzled a tiny bit of fruit flavor Torani sugar free Syrup on it and it has sat wonderfully!

    I must admit that on one hand I am really looking forward to having meat again and on the other hand, it makes me nervous. I am going to pressure cook some chicken breast and chop them up into tiny pieces and see how it goes!

  7. I'm doing well. I had my surgery 12/10. My sister is visiting from out of state and she and I just got home from a 2 hour trip to the grocery store to stock her up on the things she can't get at home. I'm tired but not hurting. I was started on soft Proteins yesterday. eggs, grated cheese, Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. I've tried egg and cheese so far with no problems. All in all, I'd have to say that things are going pretty good!

  8. Thanks for the advice. So far, I've only had that little bit of egg. Everything feels so different now, I have decided to take things slowly. But on the other hand, I've already been told that I will be moved up to "softer meats" (chicken, turkey and fish) on Christmas Eve. So I want to get a good handle on what eating feels like before then.

  9. I had my one week post-op appointment today. I was moved up to soft Proteins and just had some scrambled egg. I was only able to eat about an eighth of it but it tasted wonderful! I sitting here here waiting for the next 30 minutes to pass as I'd really like to have something to drink.

    I had wondered how I would know when I had eaten enough. For me, apparently, it's a tiny twinge in my pouch. I will be looking out for that twinge the next time I eat to see if it happens again.

    I am SO thrilled to have reached my first post-op milestone!

  10. Frumoasa, I have Aetna and have just finished the process and had my surgery.

    I saw my PCP once a month and was weighed in and then we discussed what I had eaten during the past month, what kind and how much exercise I was getting. We also talked about struggles I was having and how I handled them. I didn't log anything. Just weighed in and talked.

    Aetna has a lot of requirements that I learned about on this forum. Do not gain any weight during the six months. Aetna doesn't require a certain amount of weight loss, just that you loose.

    Don't gain between your last weigh-in and any appointments you have with the surgeon. Apparently, Aetna checks. Also, you will need to show that your obesity has lasted at least two years. I did this by getting my doc to pull copies of appointments I'd had in 2012 & 2013.

    I had my approval from Aetna in less than 12 hours after they received my paperwork.

    So, you have six months to get everything in order. Luckily, you only have to deal with one weigh-in at a time! ????

    If there is anything I can do to help you along the way, please let me know.

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