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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Mommabird

  1. Mommabird

    Quick question

    Frumoasa, I have Aetna and have just finished the process and had my surgery. I saw my PCP once a month and was weighed in and then we discussed what I had eaten during the past month, what kind and how much exercise I was getting. We also talked about struggles I was having and how I handled them. I didn't log anything. Just weighed in and talked. Aetna has a lot of requirements that I learned about on this forum. Do not gain any weight during the six months. Aetna doesn't require a certain amount of weight loss, just that you loose. Don't gain between your last weigh-in and any appointments you have with the surgeon. Apparently, Aetna checks. Also, you will need to show that your obesity has lasted at least two years. I did this by getting my doc to pull copies of appointments I'd had in 2012 & 2013. I had my approval from Aetna in less than 12 hours after they received my paperwork. So, you have six months to get everything in order. Luckily, you only have to deal with one weigh-in at a time! ???? If there is anything I can do to help you along the way, please let me know.
  2. I'd love to join in! I'm 58. For the moment :-) My birthday is at the end of the month. I am 4 days post op and am feeling surprisingly good! No weight loss yet. I have my first post-op appointment on the 17th. My PA thinks I'll be out of the morbidly obese category by then. I'm not holding my breath! Maybe by my 2nd appointment on the 24th:-)
  3. Mommabird

    Just had surgery 12/10.

    I also had surgery on the 10th. When you first posted this on the 12th, I decided not to answer because I didn't want to be a "Debbie Downer" as I was NOT doing as well as you were. But it is amazing what a difference a couple of days can make! I am still taking pain killers (I had a LOT of work that had to be done to make my RNY possible once the surgeon got in there) but I have taken only half of what is allowed. I'm getting up and down by myself, walking, getting all my fluids in (my doc requires 80 ounces a day) fetching my own drinks, etc. The only thing I'm not doing yet is sleeping in my bed. I make it 2-3 hours before I have to move to the recliner. I've quite impressed myself! :-) I think that all of us that have chosen to take back our health by having WLS are totally AMAZING!!!
  4. My surgeon said to take it for life. Just like no carbonation, no alcohol, no straws and no caffeine for life.
  5. Mommabird


    My surgeon says no more alcohol... ever! Not an issue for me as my family has a history of alcoholism so I've made a point to never drink much. Typically, my drinking consisted of sampling my husband's beer when he would try a new one. I stopped doing that months before my surgery and don't miss it at all. However, I have noticed that people who do drink around me, (and I don't have any problems with people drinking around me) get very uncomfortable with the fact that I choose not to drink. For some reason it bothers them a LOT! If I don't care if they choose to drink, why should they care if I choose not to?
  6. Mommabird


    So, what is a normal blood sugar level after gastric bypass? Doing the pre-op diet, I was having extremely low readings. Low enough that I was pulled off my diabetes meds early. Since my surgery on the 10th, I'm running around 84. While in the hospital, it was running a little higher but each time the nurse checked, it was a little bit lower I just want to make sure that I don't go back to too low!
  7. Mommabird

    RNY December 14'

    Hi, Lucy! My surgery was 12/10 also! How are you feeling?
  8. I'm off to the hospital! Prayers and Blessings to all of my fellow surgery buddies today.
  9. My Dr told me that if I have not had a BM by my third day post-op, to start taking Miralax three times a day. I'm currently day two, but have the Miralax ready. Wow! It's so cool to be officially on the post-op board now! ????
  10. I'm back home and unfortunately things didn't go as smoothly as hoped. Due to adhesions from previous surgeries, my surgeon had to do a LOT of work cutting them down. My incisions are much bigger than expected and had to be closed staples rather than the glue he usually does. So, I'm dealing with more pain than expected. But each day is better and I'm starting to move better. Sip, sip sipping that water and later today I get to have a protein shake made with water ☺
  11. Best wishes for tomorrow, Derek! I've said a prayer for you to have an easy time with your surgery and recovery!
  12. Tomorrow is my big day. I leave the house at about 5 AM and report in at the hospital by 6. Since I started this journey, my aim has always been to have a gastric bypass. At my appointment with the surgeon this afternoon, he told me that, due to previous surgeries, my gastric bypass may become a sleeve. He's worried about the fact that due to adhesions from an open surgery in 1980 that caused an umbilical hernia in 2009. The surgeon who repaired the hernia did it in a way that may also be a problem. I can accept having a sleeve done. My goal has always been to improve my health. My main concern is that for the past year, all my focus has been on gastric bypass surgery. I'm going into this surgery not really knowing much about the sleeve. Sorry about the long ramblings. I'm much more stressed about the surgery now than I was.
  13. Mommabird

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Thanks, I will!
  14. Mommabird

    December 2014 Surgery

    Oops. I don't really know anything about the sleeve.
  15. Mommabird

    December 2014 Surgery

    Thanks, Asher325, I certainly hope so! I found out today that due to previous surgeries, my bypass may become a sleeve! Unfortunately, the surgeon won't know until he starts the surgery. My main concern is that I don't really know anything
  16. Mommabird

    December 2014 Surgery

    My surgery is Tomorrow!!! I had three pre-op appointments yesterday and see the surgeon this afternoon. My report time is 6AM! I am starting to get somewhat nervous but not near as much as I had expected. Many blessings to all that are headed to surgery this month. We'll are be starting the New Year much healthier!!
  17. Good morning, Derek! I am also having my surgery on the 10th! I go for 3 pre-op appointments today and have an appointment with the surgeon tomorrow. I won't find out my surgery time until late this afternoon.
  18. Mommabird

    2 more days till surgery.

    I think all of us with our surgery dates this week (I'm on the 10th) are both getting nervous and doing a lot of thinking right now. About how we got here and about what the future is about to bring us. I have decided that I will use the things that brought me here as life lessons (hopefully) learned. To take the positive and carry it forward and leave the negative behind. Not forget it but to learn from it and forgive myself for it. As for the future, beyond the nerves, I'm getting excited! As my GYN told me earlier this year when I told her I was having WLS, I'm taking my health back. Not many people will take the steps needed to do that. But I am! So I have decided, no more shame about being fat. Just some self pride that I'm willing to fight back against the circumstances that have run my life for too long. I will no longer dwell on the past but look toward the future.
  19. Mommabird

    surgery Dec. 12Th anyone need a Pal?

    DuchessD, I 'd love to text and keep in touch. I' m just a day ahead of you so, yes, let's keep in touch!
  20. Hot decaf tea! That's the only thing that has really helped the hunger pains for me. I have four more days of pre-op to get through, counting today and have literally drank gallons of hot tea. It got me through Thanksgiving and a family reunion and, now, (hopefully) through the start of my sister's 2 week visit!
  21. That cookbook is one recommend by the nutritionist at my surgeon's office. The recipes look really good!
  22. I am just a day behind you!
  23. Mommabird

    Pre-op appointment today

    I know that pre-op diets vary a lot from doctor to doctor. This is the one my doctorb uses and that I'm on now. 3-4 low carb, low fat Protein shakes a day. I had the choice of several. Premier Protein Shakes as are good and available at Walmart, Sams and costco. I use unjury Protein powder but since I don't know when your surgery is, I don't know if you would have time to order them. I also can have 3 moderate servings of non-starchy veggies with no fat or "extras" added. It's not an easy diet but I have lost weight during the last 9 days
  24. Having just read this entire thread from the beginning, I would like to thank everyone who posted. I'm having my RNY in five days (on the 10th) and all of you have very happily reinforced my decision! :-)
  25. Mommabird

    Pre-Surgery Diet - Gained Weight?!

    A week into my pre-op diet, I also had a gain for no reason I could figure out. Hang in there, after a day or so, I lost it again. And now I'm back to losing. As long as you stick to you plan, I can't see it not doing what the doctor wants, gain or lose.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
