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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    InItToLoseIt2014 got a reaction from amazon in Calling all August Sleevers!   
    12 hours from now, I will be preparing for an 11 a.m. surgery. I am really very calm about this surgery, which kind of scares me. Things have just gone so well in preparing and getting approved, that I feel the surgery will be "textbook", as they say. The recovery is what I'm not so sure about. To everyone who has already had surgery, congrats!! To those having surgery tomorrow, good luck!! To those to have surgery in future, best of luck!! See you back in a few days.
  2. Like
    InItToLoseIt2014 got a reaction from amazon in Calling all August Sleevers!   
    12 hours from now, I will be preparing for an 11 a.m. surgery. I am really very calm about this surgery, which kind of scares me. Things have just gone so well in preparing and getting approved, that I feel the surgery will be "textbook", as they say. The recovery is what I'm not so sure about. To everyone who has already had surgery, congrats!! To those having surgery tomorrow, good luck!! To those to have surgery in future, best of luck!! See you back in a few days.
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to snochick2005 in Being a fat lady at a skinny gym...   
    Like RJ said, almost everyone is focused on themselves and their workout. The cardio machines at the Y have TVs in them, so people are watching those as they do their cardio... If they aren't watching the TV, they are listening to music... Lifting weights, people are focused on their form...
    Personally, I felt the exact same way as you. I thought everyone would stare at the fat girl and wonder why i was even bothering... I couldn't join a gym until I had lost over 100lbs. Boy do I regret that! Once I started going I realized no one cares about anyone else (unless your on a weight machine they want). When I look around, no one else is looking around. Everyone focuses on themselves... When I see a bigger person, I'm actually jealous that they have the confidence and I didn't. Just think of how much further (or less loose skin!!) I might have if I'd started earlier...
    All that said, you go and work out! You deserve to be there as much as anyone else. Have that confidence I didn't. Rock the gym!!!
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to swimbikerun in Being a fat lady at a skinny gym...   
    Girlfriend listen to me:
    Your money is the SAME size and color as those skinny people.
    You know how they got skinny and stay that way? By not caring what some other person with a hangup has and getting in there and working it!
    You will have role models in front of you to keep motivated.
    I didn't care. I was in a gym for college age people. I got out there walking and then cheering on any one else larger. I then kept working it until I was down girlfriend ...
    do not under any circumstances, after you've come this far, let someone with a small mind interrupt your Quest to be healthier.
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to une nouvelle vie in Being a fat lady at a skinny gym...   
    You just go. I'm 100 pounds more than you are right now and I just pay attention to me and me only. Luckily my gym is ladies only so I feel people are there to work out and not be seen by the opposite sex, but you have to believe that they're paying more attention to themselves (as they should!) than they are to you.
    Do it because in the long term, to be successful, we need to incorporate exercise into our lives. Do it because you value YOU more than what they think of you because truthfully, they probably won't think much about you either way
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to dreamingskinny in August Sleevers Check In   
    Had my surgery feel great a little sore but great you can do it! Good luck to all the ones that just had them done and the ones having them done!
    My experience was great!!
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to Missbaisah in Calling all August Sleevers!   
    Good luck to all my fellow August Sleevers... Prayers for all. I'm scheduled for the 13th and I must say the 1st week of my 2 week pre op diet was truly a test.. No carbs, no sugars and I manage to stop drinking coffee. But I know I will be able to have a few amount of good carbs and maybe coffee again (it's the cream & sugar in the office that was doing me in). Anyway, I guess I will pull out my overnight bag :-). I won't know what time ta be at the hospital until they call me on Tuesday.. This has been one heck of a journey... The positive note is that with all the pre-op testing they didn't find any other major health issues (other than the ones I have now...HBP, sleep Apnea). I think the one thing that worries me is that I'm really anemic and hoping I don't have to have a transfusion. Oh well, at least I'll be in the hospital. I think I have a good start on the things I will need right away. I didn't want to go overboard on the Protein Shakes because I don't know if Ill even like the same flavors post surg. I don't like Jello, popcicles or pudding but I think I will pick up some SF versions today or tomorrow, just in case as I'll probably come to love them...lol Thank you all for all of the positive posts with info and experiences. Good to know we are definitely not alone!!
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to Troy Parks in Calling all August Sleevers!   
    13th here...second guessing myself after losing 18 lbs during pre op diet...
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to GREATFUL in August Sleevers Check In   
    Hey Everyone..... I had my sleeve Thursday. WHEW...I am not going to lie, about the first hour after surgery was a bugger. Had a hard time getting on top of my pain. But they did and it was much better after that. I got up and walked about 3 hours after and that help more than anything. Listen to me when I say "Walk, Walk, Walk!" Was release early on Friday, about an hours drive home, got home about 10 am. Trying to drink as much as I can, sip sip sip. They gave me some blue Poweraid in the hospital and it tasted good to me, so DH went out and go me some.
    I gain 4 lbs after surgery, not surprised. I was aware that could happen, it is due to all of the fluids they pump into you. This morning I was already down 3 lbs.
    Take care everyone, will post more later.
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to orlando in August Sleevers Check In   
    I got sleeved Monday (August 4th). I have to admit the first few hours I was in excruciating pain. I'm talking "lawd help me, I can't take no mo" pain. I was positive that my doctor did something wrong. Well come to find out, I'm a baby. A big big baby. So that night I put on my big boy pants and did a lot of walking. By Tuesday morning, when I checked out, I was mostly pain free but still very nauseous. Everyday I've been feeling better and better. I was scheduled to be on vacation for 2 more weeks, but by Friday morning I felt good enough to go back to work. At my job I can work either inside behind a desk or outside doing a lot of walking. I felt I could've worked outside, but I'm going to take it easy for awhile.
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    InItToLoseIt2014 got a reaction from librarianlk in Secret Surgery   
    I am a very private person myself and don't think it's anyone's business what I'm doing. My dad knew before he passed that I was going to do this. He encouraged it, and planned on helping me pay my portion of co-pays. My mother knows and is very supportive. My brother and sister-in-law, son, and daughter also know. Outside my immediate family, the only person I have told is a friend/co-worker who had lap band done a couple of years ago. The main reason I even told her is for a referral, who happened to be the same doctor I had already chosen. When I am asked what I'm doing, my response will simply be "lifestyle changes", which will be true.
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to sachsegirl in August Sleevers Check In   
    This was my first day post-op! Got home from hospital about 2hrs ago. Gas pains, be prepared. Walk walk walk. No pains from incision sites. But I did get a doozy of a headache. Now still all seems so surreal.
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to amorga in August Sleevers Check In   
    Got the best news today! I'm OFFICIALLY official! Said I've lost enough pre-op weight to satisfy their requirements and my surgery is confirmed for 10:30 Tuesday Aug 12th. So super happy! As far as meds, I will be on a special bariatric Multivitamin, Vitamin D, B12, an acid reducer for 3 months, and a gallstone preventer for 6 months. Come on Tuesday! I'm ready to do this :-)
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to agirlnamedfrankie in August Sleevers Check In   
    Sleeved yesterday, doing well so far. A basketball of gas in my stomach, I think, but this morning's walk was much more successful that last night's. Haven't had my leak test so still no liquids, just lots of resting. Pleasantly surprised at the lack of pain - hope it stays that way!
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to jdillon in August Sleevers Check In   
    Countdown. ...8 days til surgery
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to Pugmadkate in Social Life - Need Help from Veterans!   
    I haven't had a drink in 20 years and I'm no buzzkill! I just don't drink. My husband does and so do most of my friends. They're happy to have a built-in designated driver! Just tell people alcohol is not allowed on your new eating plan and let it go.
    I'm confused as to why you would need to wait five minutes between bites of food. I've never heard of that. I just eat my puréed food in front of my friends. I don't care who knows about my surgery, it makes life very easy.
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to beachgurl84 in Social Life - Need Help from Veterans!   
    ok, I haven't had my surgery yet (hopefully in about 3 months) but I have to throw in my two cents. First, I applaud your planning and thinking ahead about how this will change your life. I've heard of some that don't think this far in advance and it ends up having many negative impacts on their life. I will be telling only close friends and family (nobody at work). Many people in my family are overweight and if they see the results, maybe they'll consider lifestyle changes for themselves. If I could inspire my family to be healthier, this surgery will be successful not just for me, but for them as well. That being said, my active circle is not healthy and fit as you described yours so I understand your situation is different. My family functions tend to revolve around food because that's how we were raised. If somebody is visiting, we eat. If somebody gets married, we eat. Dies, travels, celebrates, etc., we eat. So not only do I want them to be healthier, I'll have a lot more explaining to do so I won't be able to hide it if I wanted to. Here are some suggestions that you may find useful though:
    1) You said your social circle is fit and healthy and right now you're the odd ball for that. Perhaps you are over thinking how much importance they place on food during your gatherings. Isn't that the point of the surgery and lifestyle change? To take the importance away from food in your life? If they are fit and healthy, then I doubt they place as much significance on the meal. They are probably thinking more about the company and the activity with friends. Maybe that's what you should focus on. When you get together with friends, instead of planning a meal, why not suggest something new. A hike (maybe take along a picnic with healthy tidbits)?
    2) Some people mentioned medication as an excuse. Since you are overweight (as we all are), you could tell your friends your doctor is concerned about diabetes and has put you on metformin as a preventative measure (completely legit, my doctor did it to me and I'm not diabetic). Not only can you not drink alcohol with metformin, but it also helps burn belly fat so that could explain weight loss (not a drastic amount, but some). This way you have a medication as an excuse without telling them you have some new disease or sickness you'll have to explain later.
    3) As a last resort consider this.... Yes it's scary for all of us to consider the way our lives will change. What do we do with ourselves when we're not eating? But the point of this surgery is to be healthier. Are you willing to risk your health because of what your friends might think if you don't drink a glass of wine? Tell them your just trying to be healthier and that includes a bit of detox. Once they start seeing the results of your decision, they won't question or criticize (once you brush them off a time or two). They'll be happy and encouraging even if they don't know what they're encouraging. At least, if they're real friends they will. If they don't, then they're definitely not worth stressing over.
  18. Like
    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to aidansmom in Stuff just got Real!   
    I'm on August 13th also:). Looks like we will have lots of support!!
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to sachsegirl in August Sleevers Check In   
    I'm so excited! I just found out I can get my surgery on Wednesday! August 6th! Thank you God!!! Whoo Hoo! I had to pinch myself.
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to Ms.Becca in August Sleevers Check In   
    Hi all! I am scheduled for the 13th. I am SO nervous now. It's really, really close. I am reading a lot about pre-op diets. I have my list of do's and don'ts, I have to avoid red meats, lettuce and leafy vegetable for the week before the surgery, and I have to be on full liquid for the day before surgery and that's it. I just feel worried that I am missing something or I am going to forget about something. Starch free, no sugar, take the meds, get your Water, exercise, don't forget to pack the the gas-x, tylenol only! Whew! Anyone else feeling that way? And I would love to hear what your pre-op diets are.
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    InItToLoseIt2014 got a reaction from onmyway15 in Stuff just got Real!   
    Have been away on a mini vacation for a few days and didn't think or worry about the process while gone. Came back home yesterday and the first thing I did this morning was call the doctor's office and talk to the coordinator to see how things were progressing. You said, "I have your approval!!" I was NOT expecting those words out of her mouth. There had been some delays in getting stuff into their office and I didn't even know they had received it, much less sent it to insurance. I'm an emotional wreck right now!! I'm scheduled for August 13 and have to go back to work on the 18. She said I should be fine since I'll be in in-service meetings and sitting at my desk most of the time. I sure hope she's right.
    I know my dear sweet dad in heaven had a hand in this happening for me, as well as the Lord above.
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to Thinkingthinner1109 in August 2014 sleevers!   
    Well my last appointment with my surgeon is August 6th hoping to schedule my surgery for August 21st. My surgeon requires a 10 day liquid diet. I have lost 40 pounds since April 30th. People are saying "you don't need the surgery". However I do need the surgery it is a tool not a miracle. I have had a weight problem since I was a child. I don't like a lot of foods. I am a very picky eater. I don't like any food that is mixed with anything. I have never had a Mcdonalds hamburger or any other fast food hamburgers. I don't like anything on a bun. Don't like Soup, goulash or anything that mixed up. My problem is baked goods. I love to bake but I have not baked in the last three months. I joined the YMCA and I work out twice a day most days. I am up to about 6 miles a day now. Feeling much better than I used to. I am looking forward to the surgery so I don't have to worry about putting it all back on again. Good luck everyone on your weight loss journeys. I am so excited.
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to Pretty_In_Purple in Remember....   
    Remember, although we should be striving to do our best and making the most out of our new little tummies, do not let one bad day or one bad weekend destroy what you have come so far to accomplish! Most of us have struggled with severe obesity all of our lives and it will take the rest of our, now longer, lives to get and maintain our healthy weight. We can do this! One day, one hour, one minute, one second at a time! Have a great weekend and a healthier future. :-)
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to GummyTummy in Stuff just got Real!   
    Ladies! Don't forget your chap stick. I just had my sleeve on Monday and my lips feel like the Mojave or worse.
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    InItToLoseIt2014 reacted to karenp67 in Stuff just got Real!   
    Congrats! I cried when I got the " you are approved" email. I am being sleeved on August 13 as well. Good luck to all. Wow to going back to work so soon. My doctor is keeping me out 3 full weeks.

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