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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Skinnyana

  1. Currently 3 month from having my year aniversary of my sleeve.. I am not at my goal weight ( not even close) but i would do it all over again. Currently 190 for the past 6 month.. But i feel great :)

  2. 4 month post op..@198 for the past 6 weeks.. starting to worried :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skinnyana


      thanks you girls.. im also experiencing extreme hair loss :/ hair loss with no weight lost... its discouraging :(

    3. dlamp112


      take some biotin - I am losing hair too, but nothing like a patch is gone. Also try and take in more protein :)

    4. phantompouch


      How are you feeling ? I had surgery with the same doctor and of late I am not well......let me know how things are going ...?

  3. its been almost 4 month since my surgery.. its been a slow process for me but nevertheless im still losing.. but i been stuck between 199 200 for the past three weeks. today i notice something that scared me a lot... i was able to eat almost a full sandwish! is this normal?

  4. its a while since the last time i felt this good about my self :) feeling great!

    1. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Being amazing does that to some people. Just sayin '. Congratulations !!!

  5. just a few month ago i was the heaviest ive ever been in my whole life.. today i weight in at 200lbs.. trully blessed to hqve this surgery done.. to anyone who is still thinking about.. Do it! its best gift you can give yourself. :)

  6. i need help controlling my eating every hr. i eat get full and get hungry about an hr later. please help. any advise on how to contrl this

    1. SherB


      Drink, drink and drink. I would start your water exactly 30 minutes after you eat. That should help and perhaps it is head hunger and not true hunger. Diversion, walk, call a friend.

    2. queenie47


      Drink water and make sure you get in all of your protein. I found that if I dont get all of my protein in I feel hungrier throughout the day!

  7. slow slow slow.. 206 two month post op. weight when i left the hospital 219. 13lbs two month after sleeve.

    1. une nouvelle vie

      une nouvelle vie

      I feel ya. I am 1 month and 4 days out and it's slower than I thought it'd be. I know we're not supposed to compare ourselves to anyone else's progress but it's hard not to. We just have to stick to doing it right. Here's to more losing!

    2. IcanMakeit


      I know it's not fair that you are progressing so slowly, but losing slowly is still losing. Hang in there and you'll eventually reach your goal.

    3. Skinnyana


      Thxs for the support... Slowly but still losing.

  8. wao i really tho my weight lost eventually was going to speed up.. but nothing.. losing about 1 per week.. no bueno. i was hopping for an amazing weight loss story to post.. but no.. i guess i just have to look at thr positive in it.. at least im not gaining weight :)

    1. BladeFox


      I am the same way. No major weight losses since the first month out, just slow, slow, slow, and steady. No weight gains - good, but no major weight losses either.

  9. feeling a little happy about reaching 211.. took long but i finally made it! cant wait to reach under 200! i think i will cry that day lol :)

  10. HELP!! i was never a sweets lover, but ever since i got sleeved sweets is one of the things i can eat normally without throwing up.. i lost weight but most of it from my pre op diet.. i lost about 7 lbs the first two weeks then 1lb per week after. I am so scared that this surgery will fail for me. I read so many great stories. . i need help! im eating so bad.. mostly sweets. ii cant stop eating.. im constantly hungry.. i eat to vomit then eat again. I feel like i failled.. i waited so long for this and today i am eating worst than before the surgery. i need advice. has anyone experienced this?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BeagleLover


      I am pre-op and diabetic. I would supplement the sweetness with Sweet N' Low or Splenda, if you want to cook something sweet.

    3. betty_s


      try something like a quest bar. its sweet, taste like a treat(to me) and still has 20 grams of protein in a bar. its worth a shot. but like @terrydumont46 said, you should seek counseling.

    4. Skinnyana


      thnx for the advice... yes i do need counseling. i will talk to my doctor about it.

  11. i need to do something about this hunger soon!

  12. can i eat popcorn? try it today and i was surprise of how well it went down.. bit can i have it?

    1. Mrs.RRn


      It's not forbidden. I had some the other day for the first time. And I decided,no, I cannot have popcorn- for the very same reason. I fixed my portion, but then kept grabbing out of my husband's bag. He had to stop me. It's too much of a slider for me. :(

    2. Skinnyana


      i really love how deciplined you are.. i am two weeks post op and i need to learn how to be more in control of what i eat. thanks for all ur post.. motivates me :)

    3. Jack


      It took me 4 or years postOp to get interested in trying it. No trouble, just like posta though....what was once a favorite very often, now I just don't care for it much. Popcorn maybe 2 or 3 times a year.

  13. started taking anti acid medication.. lets see if it helps with the constant hunger :(

  14. its been really hard to keep strong when i feel hungry all the time :(. any tips on how to deal with this?

    1. enjoythetime


      Keep yourself busy. Typically if it is head hunger it only lasts for about 5 min., so vaccum, go for a walk, whatever it is you like to do and see if this helps.


    2. swedishfish1020


      Im right there with you. I would be much more enthusiastic if the scale wasn't stuck. If my tummy growls I assume it's definitely not head hunger.

    3. Skinnyana


      thanks for the tip. my surgery was may 28th lost about 6lbs and nothing since.. and to top it all.. iim always hungry.. i try no to eat but i cant help it.. i eat and i eat little bites but its still eating and never satisfy.. this is not easy!

  15. 10 days post op.. not eating much and the scale refuses to move. . getting fustrated!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skinnyana


      thanks for the advice

    3. Chelly


      You're welcome.


    4. terrydumont46


      lose your scale. you are healing not dieting. if you are doing as the doctor ordered you will start to see changes. take your body measurements. you may find changes there before the scale says a thing. but just concentrate on a uneventful healing process.

  16. surgery 7 days ago.. lost 5lbs in 3 days.. then nothing! is that noal

    1. dlamp112


      Yep. There are sometimes that I even stay the same for a few days, then WHAM 1.2 lbs gone. Strange I know. In fact I know I shouldn't be weighing myself everyday, but I am def obsessed and I do anyway, well today I am up 1.2 lbs since yesterday morning. Don't get excited about the scale not moving. We are both very early in our journey's :)

    2. Skinnyana


      I cant help my self when it comes to the scale! I do it even twice a Day...you hear people losing 15 20+ lbs in weeks and you start to think.. Is my sleeve not working lol. Yea to early in our journey... Well 85% of our stomach is missing.. Sooner or later that scale will move!

  17. 7th day post op... i catch my self wanting to eat all the time.. i hope this feeling goes away

  18. i miss water :( i just want a tall glass of water.. but i just cant. .trying everyday. the day will come

    1. BladeFox


      Hang in there. It's coming!

    2. lylabelle


      Ive been sipping sipping sipping since day 2 and its really helping. Room temp helps too. Set the alarm on your phone and sip every 3 minutes.


      Also remember that your new tummy is super swollen and can be as tiny as a straw opening at the moment. So little sips quite often is going to be how it gets in.

  19. Its not all about beauty... you can always feel beautiful at any weight, but can never feel healthy at any weight.. you Need to Be healthy.. Gastric sleeve gastric bypass will do just that for many of us.

  20. Day 6 post op... feeling great and happier already.. i do get heartburns with everything i put im my belly but its manageable. One day at a time

  21. day 5 post op.. pain is minimal feeling happy.. getting some protein in.. ready to tackle this process!

    1. dlamp112


      Glad to hear! Sounds much better, and it really does get even better :)


  22. day 4 post op and i feel sooo much better... tip for does with s surgery date near by.. regarless of how much you hate ur pain killers how much they hurt getting it in..DO IT!! it will ssve u a lot of unecessary tears.. just started taking my meds every 3hrs and feel much better.. able to drink more sleep more walk more.. thanks fpr everyone who reinforce the importance of taking my meds.. thry saved meee.. happy sat everyone!!!

    1. cellardoor


      I agree! I'm super thankful for my meds. Glad you're doing well!

  23. day three post op... still in losts of pain everything feels loke rocks in my belly i cant sleep. ( LEFT THE HOSPITAL YESTERDAY ) i just want the pain to go away :(

    1. Chelly


      Do you have pain meds to help you? If you do take them to help.

      If it doesn't subside then contact your surgeons office and tell them about it.

    2. Skinnyana


      hi chelly. yes i do have meds.. but they make me nauseous since i need to crush them so im really not taking them as im suppose to

  24. day one after surgery doing ok. some p

    1. swedishfish1020


      So happy for you. I hope you are pain free and recovering well.

    2. Skinnyana


      thank you some got some pain and my belly feels very sore but hoping it goes away soon.

  25. waiting to get checked in for surgery.. nervious lightheaded and thristy! surgery at 12pm

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dlamp112


      Hope your feeling well. Give us an update of how you are :)


    3. Skinnyana


      thank you all for your well wishes.. i still got some pain and soreness in my belly but im hoping to get better as the days pass by

    4. dlamp112


      Remember to get up and walk. I was sore & had slight gas the first few days after surgery, but get up every hour and just move around some, nothing vigorous, just move. It will help, I PROMISE!

      Keep us posted :)

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