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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    cutiecake reacted to Sleeve Siren in Before and After Pics   
    I haven't posted in awhile. But since I hit a major milestone I thought it deserved a post. My surgery was nine months ago and I've lost 100 pounds!!!! Seeing before and after pics was so inspiring before surgery and it still is even today. I hope this helps someone who's on the fence about WLS. Take the plunge it's sooooooooooooooooo worth it!!!

  2. Like
    cutiecake reacted to boccob81 in Before and After Pics   
    Here I am in the red shirt July 19 2014 /
    Bottom pic is may 30 2014 weigh in 357

  3. Like
    cutiecake got a reaction from Cupcake in Self pay question   
    I paid 10500 in south florida, three days in hospital. Bariatric hospital. Of excellence . Everything went smoothly.
  4. Like
    cutiecake reacted to MsVictorious1020 in True to size   
    While shopping for an event yesterday I asked the saleswomen for assistance in finding some items. Without hesitation one brought me some items. Before I could tell her my size she had already brought me a size 6 which fit perfectly. It was so exciting to have someone see me as a smaller size. My final selections.

  5. Like
    cutiecake got a reaction from gomekast in Labor day Challenge   
    200.8 today
  6. Like
    cutiecake reacted to CrazyJaney in No one told me   
    I wish I'd have known the pure joy of buying a dress (albeit a size 16) in the "normal" section at Kohls. NOT THE WOMENS! I was giddy at the checkout. It's sleeveless (bummer) but it's perfect in every other way. I've lost 83 and have 70+ to go. I'm only 4 months post. But shopping is fun again!
  7. Like
    cutiecake got a reaction from pspunk in I'm almost 3 weeks Pre-op and other people seem much more excited than I do.   
    I felt that way too! Especially the last 2 weeks of pre op. The morning of my surgery I was thinking, wth am I doing? The next 3 days postop was pretty bad too. But from then on in, it's gotten easier and easier! I love my sleeve. I love my new lifestyle. I'm a very slow loser, always have been. But I love knowing that inevitably the weight will come off! Yay! So please know, it will get worse before it gets better, but once it gets better, it will be very well worth it! Hang in there!
  8. Like
    cutiecake got a reaction from CrazyJaney in No one told me   
    For me, my most favorite thing is I will never ever wake up in the morning with a food hangover again! Yes, I am putting this out there. I would eat so much crap at night. As if I was never going to eat again, and in the morning, I would feel so awful mentally and physically. I'd be so bloated that I'd fret about what would actually fit my bloated belly? I'd hate myself for doing this. Why couldn't I control myself? I'm only 5 weeks out, but I can tell you that when I get up in the morning it's the best feeling to not be bloated, and not have guilt as my first thought as I get out of bed. I'm actually not even grumpy in the mornings, and I used to be! It never occurred to me why, but yeah that's why!
  9. Like
    cutiecake reacted to ChaoticBliss in Secret Surgery   
    I personally am the queen of yo yo weight gain/loss. Although it is more weight than I have lost in the past, it is not unusual for me to lose and then balloon. I have kept a weight log since 2004 and I have quantifiably yoyo'ed 30 or more lbs every 18 to 24 months for the last 10 years. They just might question when I don't gain this time. ????.
  10. Like
    cutiecake got a reaction from Sleeving it behind in Suggestion: Can we have a "Stalls" subforum?   
    It's says "stall forum" why go on it and read and post if you hate reading about stalls? Just sayin.....
  11. Like
    cutiecake reacted to ElyQuint in July 29th Sleevers Where Are You?!?   
    Hi all: July 29th will be my one year anniversary! 108.5 pounds lost, new job, new city, new house, new hair, big smile! Good luck all!
  12. Like
    cutiecake reacted to 4me4them in Fallen off the wagon and can't seem to get up   
    Don't want to pile on, but I'm thinking a food journal with a NUT appointment could help you problem solve and create an action plan to help get you over your speed bump. Myfitnesspal has a pretty good database and it is really easy to track...
  13. Like
    cutiecake got a reaction from *Jade* in 50-60% Excess weight loss in 2 years   
    Thanks y'all for this very inspiring thread! I loved reading all the responses, and only hope I can soon add on to a positive thread like this with my experience and knowledge! I'm on my way. Good luck all!
  14. Like
    cutiecake got a reaction from BeagleLover in After reading complications people are going through years later with the SLEEVE... I'm too scared now to do it!   
    It's human to worry about complications . I'm sure every single one of us have. My cousin did also, and actually canceled surgery THREE times! Always something would come up, and to her it was a "sign" . Well, I had mine a month ago, I love it. And there my cousin is, who I love to pieces , still heavy and unhealthy. Good luck in your decision!
  15. Like
    cutiecake reacted to erp in Before and After Pics   
    Updates are fun. Here's mine:

  16. Like
    cutiecake reacted to rebecca61885 in Before and After so far   
    I'm on month five and where is was seeing a pound loss every other day a couple months ago... I'm seeing maybe 2 lbs a week. I was feeling discouraged with the lull so I decided to make a side by side and it was the mental boost I needed. I'm excited to start exercising more and hope that it will pick up a little more. Sometimes reflecting on where you came from is the encouragement you need.

  17. Like
    cutiecake reacted to Margie14 in Bottomless Pit   
    I'm five months out and I have a problem with some foods. I can eat certain foods and not feel full until the damage is done. I'm talking about the bad stuff. I'm able to eat a lot bigger portions as well on everything. chocolate, ice cream, and cheese puffs will go down a little too well, so I have to avoid having them in the house. I have to make a concerted effort to stay away from certain things and measure the rest. It will slow your progress as well as I speak from experience. Everyday is still a food struggle for me. I do get hungry unfortunately it's not head hunger or acid. Two hours after I eat...bam...hungry! I know I will never be able to eat the portion sizes I once did, but it scares me that I can eat as much as I do sometimes. Most people don't have this issue, I'm just one of the unfortunate ones that do.
    I think the best food for me personally is any form of Protein. It stays in your stomach the longest. chicken, tuna, salmon, cheese, Greek yogurt. And, don't drink after eating when you get to solid food! It flushes the food out fast and you want to eat again much sooner. I know why that rule was put in place. I'm really trying, but I still struggle everyday. Food, evidently, was my drug of choice and I need to deal with it.
    I was just like you after surgery, could drink the 64 oz of liquid with no problems. Liquids slip right on through where as food kind of sticks in your sleeve for a while.
  18. Like
    cutiecake reacted to back2barb78 in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   

    Surgery Oct 7th. 2014
    After 9mos post sleeve

  19. Like
    cutiecake reacted to Swhitton85 in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    I had surgery April 8, 2014. I'm currently down 54 lbs in 13 weeks! I feel great!!! I hope everyone else is doing good as well. I go to my 3 month post op appt tomorrow. Sooo very excited ) looking forward to seeing the difference another 3 months makes!

  20. Like
    cutiecake reacted to Healthybran79 in February Sleevers 2014 with Stats!   
    How's everyone doing???
    New stats and progress pics
    VSG: 2-24-14
    HW: 215
    42lbs into my 5th month. Still feels very slow but it's much better than 215! Working hard everyday to eat right and exercise
    I'm on myfitnesspal under bran79 if you want to be friends

  21. Like
    cutiecake reacted to Steelersrn56 in It's been a long , but wonderful year   
    Today marks my 1 year since having the gastric sleeve surgery . I couldn't be happier with my progress . I'm officially down 120 lbs since surgery , 150 overall , with about 30 to go . I no longer have high blood pressure or sleep apnea and feel great .

  22. Like
    cutiecake reacted to misiwv911 in I am just me!   
    I said that forever....but I finally decided that I wasn't happy with the me I had become. For all of my life I had been obese, and even though my family loved me...I no longer did. So I have taken the step to make this journey to change my life and I have never been more happy! I would like to have the gastric sleeve at St. Mary's in Huntington, WV. Because of insurance requirements, I have about 6 months to go. I'm in this for the long haul.

  23. Like
    cutiecake got a reaction from *Jade* in 50-60% Excess weight loss in 2 years   
    Thanks y'all for this very inspiring thread! I loved reading all the responses, and only hope I can soon add on to a positive thread like this with my experience and knowledge! I'm on my way. Good luck all!
  24. Like
    cutiecake reacted to spiritedcowgirl63 in Fear is getting the best of me.   
    Tearbear- trust me...the tool does work! When your stomache says your full " you will know - an be satisfied. Some ppl say I eat like a bird. But I get full on smaller portion and don't have the desire to eat more. They are used to me eating massive unhealthy amounts. Not any more. I've lost 85# now and my desire to be a couch potato has now turned to being outdoor and enjoying life!! I like jacks saying, your not giving up food , you just eat less and have the same satisfaction as if you ate the other way. However, it took me 3-4 months for my eyes to trick my plate it was smaller.
  25. Like
    cutiecake reacted to Jack in Fear is getting the best of me.   
    re: "I'm so afraid I won't be able to say no to food after the surgery,"
    "I get nervous just thinking of giving up food, I eat even when I'm full,"
    "for the first time in my life, I am actually satisfied with small portions...I mean feeling like I could not eat another bite satisfied. For me this has been an incredible freeing experience."
    I have a few comments.
    ""I'm so afraid I won't be able to say no to food after the surgery,"
    it's not food you'll be saying 'no' to...it's OVER eating!
    "I get nervous just thinking of giving up food, I eat even when I'm full,""
    I was too, due to misunderstanding the entire issue.
    You are NOT giving up food. You are giving up OVER eating.
    Yes, I too ate even when full.....but along comes a surprise....when you find that the reason you over eat is because, like many of us, you are trying to feed with food something that has nothing to do with 'hunger'. If eating doesn't satisfy, I was eating for other reasons than 'being hungry'.
    And I was taught to 'eat till you're FULL'. That is one BIG error in concept. More on this later. Do some reading about "satiety".
    'Full' and 'hungry' really have nothing to do with each other. The anxiety I grew up with, was the food would be all gone before I got full.
    The Band took away that never-satisfied-gotta-eat-till-FULL concept.
    re: "for the first time in my life, I am actually satisfied with small portions...I mean feeling like I could not eat another bite satisfied. For me this has been an incredible freeing experience.""
    this is exactly what happened to ME too.
    You'll go thru phases.
    Learning how to not worry about being not hungry and as a result not over eating, is a whole new habit.
    Cheers on your journey.

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