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About iluvmycat

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/01/1977
  1. Happy 36th Birthday iluvmycat!

  2. Happy 35th Birthday iluvmycat!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary iluvmycat!

  4. iluvmycat

    San Francisco Surgeons

    I was banded by Dr. Cirangle Nov of last year. I have been extremely happy with him and his whole team. You do have to give them the $5500 up front, BUT you never have to pay for a fill your entire life (or I guess as long as their practice is around). I like that Dr. Cirangle travels... I live in the Salinas/Monterey area so I don't have to go up to SF for fills... he comes down once a month. Everyone will have their own reaction and experiance with their doctor... from the moment I met him I knew he was the one I wanted to help me with my journey.
  5. I felt the same way you did before my first fill... well actually until about 2 weeks after my fill. Something just kicked in and I just started to loose weight quickly and with minimal effort. I defintaly notice a quicker weightloss when I am excersizing as well. Right now I am averaging about 3-4 pounds a week, which is a BIG change for me. I am not hungry as much as I was before my first fill and my meals seem to last awhile longer, I don't have the urge to snack. I hope it goes the same for you... I love my band... I am about 9 weeks out from surgery and have lost 30 pounds so far!
  6. Thanks annielkd... that makes sense. I had an appt with my doctor on the 25th of Feb... I will have him check it out anyways.
  7. Actually what I am feeling is just below my rib cage on the left side of my belly...
  8. Hi all... I have searched through the threads to see if someone else had posted about this, but I give up and will just ask!!! I was banded 11/26/07 and (knock on wood) haven't had any complications. I had my first fill three weeks ago. On saturday night I ate too much... I hate fish, a little broccoli and two helpings of salad (it was sooooo yummy). I probably ate a cup or so total even tho my doc told me not to eat more than 1/2 cup total. A little while after I ate I started to feel tightness around my band which was a little uncomfortable but not unbearable. So I started feeling around my stomach just pressing my fingers into the skin. I can feel like a really hard lump right around where I think my stomach and band is... it is probably around golf ball shaped. It doesn't really hurt, but it is tender when I press on it. I also had a really upset tummy later that night...i never threw up, but it came out of the other end (SORRY!). I called my doctor on Monday and he said that I probably just ate too much and my tummy is swollen a little bit. They said to call back if it starts to hurt... I was out shopping this evening and it kind of felt irritated... not in pain... just uncomfortable. Has anyone else experianced this? Is this lump just my band. I have lost 30 pounds so far and lost a lot of inches in my stomach... so maybe I am just feeling things I have never felt under all of my "fluff". Sorry to ramble... just curious.
  9. iluvmycat

    How are you 26th bandsters doing?

    I am doing pretty good so far. I don't really have any pain in my tummy area. I am having horrible shoulder pain... I guess from the gas used during surgery. It is just in my left side and hurts really really bad. If I get get out a good burp (or something else) that releases the pressure a bit. The gas-x strips aren't really helping either.
  10. iluvmycat

    November 26th... a new start!

    Hi all, I do have to say that everything went really well yesterday. I arrived at the hospital at 7am and my surgery started right around 9am as scheduled. I am not sure how long I was in surgery but it was around 1pm when I finally left the recovery room. Yesterday I was having horrible shoulder pains which I guess is common. I didn't sleep very well at all last night, especially since I had to sleep sitting up. Today the shoulder pain has subsided, but my tummy is hurting now. Today it hurts to sit up. I am having quite a bit of gas pain, but the gas-x strips help with that. I am going to go lay down again because it is hurting to sit here at my desk, but I just wanted to check in with everyone! Hope everyone is doing well! All my best, Melissa
  11. Hi all, I am all set to be banded on the 26th (the Monday after Turkey Day)! I am so excited! I think I have everything I am going to need after surgery. I went through the list posted on this site and got pretty much everything on there (except the toilet tongs, hopefully I don't regret that!) I will keep ya'll posted! Melissa
  12. iluvmycat

    I got it! I got it!

    I just got off the phone with the doctor's office. My surgery is scheduled for Nov 26th! I can't believe how fast this has happened, I attended a seminar on the 20th of Oct and just a little over a month later I will be able to start my new life! I feel so bad for everyone who has had to fight with their insurance companies... I thought I was going to be in for a long battle as well.
  13. iluvmycat

    I got it! I got it!

    My surgeon's office submitted it to the insurance company and the office called me as well to tell me the good news!
  14. iluvmycat

    I got it! I got it!

    I have Blue Cross PPO. Everything was submitted on Monday and I got the approval this afternoon. My BMI is at 40 with no other major health problems. I am surprised it was so quick!
  15. I got approval from my insurance company today!!! WOOOHOOO! There is an opening on the 26th so I could possibly be having my surgery in less than two weeks!!! There is only one thing that may hold it up. My doctor said I have to be off birth control pills for a month before surgery... it will only be 3 weeks on the 26th. I am waiting for a call back, so I am hoping and praying it is ok to have it done!

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