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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Avryv

  1. @@hwy17v this makes me laugh because I just booked my airfare and everything! My husband knew I wanted it and he supported it until I booked it and then he was a little upset with me and went on and on about how he couldn't take time off work (it was one day). I had the extra ticket so I told him I didn't care either he was going with me or I would find someone else to go. I didn't budge... He could always take off time to go riding with the guys, to the sand dunes, canyoneering etc. etc. and I was furious he wouldn't go BUT once I stood my ground and didn't change my booking or anything else he caved and ended up coming with me. He was such a huge support to me during the process and even showered me the day after surgery. He looks back at it and feels lousy he ever threw a fit about it. He thought I was crazy but now 5 weeks later he see's what it has done for me and see's he was glad that I didn't take someone else with me.

  2. I didn't tell any of my family or friends until it was done and over with. I traveled with my husband. I am sorry your sister reacted that way. :( Honestly if you are a pretty strong person I think you could do it yourself. Knowing what I know now I think I could have done it on my own. I was picked up straight from the US airport and dropped back off at the airport. I never once left the hospital to "roam" Mexico. It wasn't like that at all. HUGS to you!

  3. I have to agree that you will have your good days and your bad days. But the good have out weighed the bad for me. Giving up old eating habits (such as eating too fast and portion sizes) has been tough but how I feel in comparison is worth it! I love getting on my treadmill now and not feeling as sluggish and having the same amount of exercise be easier for me then it was before. I LOVE LOVE digging into my closet with all the oodles and oodles of clothes I saved from when I was thin and having a new wardrobe! Every day I look at clothes and thin HEY I wonder if I can fit into this now.. and yep a lot of the times I do!

    The physical part is EASY the mental part will be your biggest challenge but yes it is worth it!

  4. Oh you'll know. The pain is not fun - my stomach will hurt then it will feel like food is still sitting in my throat ready to be thrown back up. I have thrown up probably 5 times since my surgery and I am 4 1/2 weeks out. My throwing up hasn't been from over eating but from eating too fast.. It gets me every time I eat too fast.

    Honey your body will tell you..

  5. I had my surgery on a Friday was back to work on Tuesday. I have a desk job but I walked a lot.. I felt better the more I walked. I also drove to work. I didn't take any pain killers because they made me throw up so I was on Tylenol only since the day after surgery.

  6. @@summerms83 Start now on working on your feelings towards food. I too went to food for comfort but I was never ever ever happy about how I felt after stuffing my face or how I looked in the mirror. I also hated that NOTHING fit clothes wise. Every time I lose more weight I reward myself (in other ways then food) I will set myself mini goals like if I lose 5 lbs I can go buy myself a new necklace or a new shirt. Or if I lose 10 lbs I am going to go get a massage or a pedicure. Mini goals are good and rewards are even better! ;) Hearing compliments from other people on how good I am starting to look has also been a big motivator to stay away from the food. :) YOU CAN DO IT!

  7. I started two days after my surgery.. just by walking! I walked and walked (mainly to relieve the gas and horrible feelings from the gas) NO Heavy exercising just lots of walking. I am 3 weeks post op - I have not done any weights or heavy lifting but I am to a point where I am walk/jogging 4 to 5 miles a day. I feel great and am not pushing myself to hard (slow) just enough to get my heart rate up a bit.

    I don't plan on getting back to the gym or high intensity work outs for at least another few weeks (maybe 3 or 4 more)

  8. 3 weeks post op I have realized that food was my addiction along with Diet Pepsi. The more weight I lose the better I feel which makes me want to take on more activities in my life. I have found myself out in my yard a lot more weeding, planting and just enjoying it! I say this is a time for you to start fresh and new! A NEW YOU!! I agree with the other's take up a new hobby or do something that you have never done before. The sleeve definitely assists me in thinking about what I put into my mouth now as I am sure it will you. I have found beverages that I never knew existed before and it's fun to try out new one's I also look at labels now when I didn't before. I've never been tempted to turn to alcohol because I know this journey is to get me healthier and I know drinking or drugs won't accomplish that :)

  9. @@Kindle I'm like you.. I didn't have the patience to deal with the Insurance company! Mine didn't cover any at all and I had a BMI of 38 so I wasn't quite what they were looking for. The $4,000 was worth it to me to just go to Mexico and do it. I am a Nurse and I can say I do not regret my choice at all. I had a great experience with the staff and my Doctor. It was very educational for me to see how they do it in Mexico versus the U.S. if anything it allowed me to see the difference in health care and bring my experience back with me. They were very sterile in Mexico and the hospital I stayed in was very clean and orderly. My Dr. is actually a US citizen - Blonde hair blue eyed but travels over the border to Mexico to do the surgery's for the same reason I did.. To avoid all the Insurance hassle. I am also signed up to take a class over the on Gastric Sleeve's and weight loss through our local college. So, you can get the same benefits without having to go through the insurance.

    The horror stories you hear from Mexico are no different then here in the U.S. and after working in the health care industry I have come to realize the only reason we don't hear about more "horror stories" in the US is because of confidentiality, Liability, malpractice, Lawsuits - Insurance companies, waivers etc. etc. (None of which Mexico really has)

    I didn't have the $4,000 to pay for mine either but I finally realized I couldn't put a price tag on my health and my understanding is that it costs just as much if not more for your insurance deductible and percentage that the insurance won't cover. My dad's secretary had a sleeve done and they billed her insurance $45,000 and out of pocket she ended up paying $12,000 of that. So, I got a credit card and charged mine.

    In my opinion it doesn't matter how each of us got or is getting our Gastric Bypass nor does it matter to me the cost of who paid more or less... or whether you did it in the US or Mexico.. what matters is afterwards we are all in the same boat -- trying to lose weight. No two experiences are going to be the same. I am here for support and to give support

  10. @@MayraD Me too! I am 3 weeks post op and if I eat to fast man my chest hurts and it feels like it is caught in my throat and I feel like I want to throw up! I've had to learn to slow WAYY down. I am used to inhaling my food and eating fast so this has been a hard transition for me to slow down. :( Sometimes too if I eat too much all at once I get the same feeling. I literally eat all day because I have to east so slow and still only get about 800 calories in an entire day!

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