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About KingJes

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 12/15/1974

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    Web Master - City of Merced
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  1. Happy 38th Birthday KingJes!

  2. Happy 37th Birthday KingJes!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary KingJes!

  4. Hi, i'm scheduled with Dr Higa for surgery on July 22nd, would you mind telling me what your surgery experience was like? Did you have to stay in the hospital, how long til your first fill, things like that.

  5. KingJes

    Pre-Op Dec 11th - Procedure Dec 12th

    Hey All, Im doing great! Kinda holding still at 245 for now but my first fill is jan 18th and thats the day Im going to start really working out so it should start dropping off fast after that. Over all Im feeling just great. Still a wee bit of pain but not bad at all. Im excited about starting to lift again, just want to make sure Im 100% healed up befor I start. Jan 18th is the big day when I get my first fill!! -jes
  6. KingJes

    Pre-Op Dec 11th - Procedure Dec 12th

    OMG sombody please tell me this left shoulder pain will end! This is too much. I have a pretty high pain threshhold, hellp look at the full sleeves and chest tattoos but this is stupid! Its like a freakin hot ice pick being stabbed into my left shoulder area. Its been going on for about 3 days now off an on. As far as I can tell its may be from eatting too much? I had a can of cream suop which may have been too much the other night and today for lunch I had a cup of chicken broth and the pain started at about 1:00 and hasnt stopped yet and its 4:30 now. This is crazy!! i found a paper online that said its common and most with the left should pain have it stop at 5 week out but still, thats is too much. Some hope here would be great! If it stays like this past 8 weeks out then Im having the band dropped out, Id rather be a fat arse then in this kinda pain everyday. No joke! -jes http://www.core.monash.org/assets/documents/research-papers/2005-52.pdf
  7. KingJes

    Pre-Op Dec 11th - Procedure Dec 12th

    Well today wasn’t tooo bad. I have only eaten a little oat meal this morning and a can of cream Soup for dinner. I gotta say I think I over ate at dinner. I had a can of soup and right now I feel soo full and bloated it sucks! I think I’m going to have to cut way way back on the food. Not even a can of soup? wow! hahah I figure I would be good with about 1/4 to 1/2 can of soup in the future. I got back to work tomorrow. I hope I feel better by then. Right now I am bloated so I’m thinking a gas tablet or something might help. I’m also a little thirsty. I don’t think I got enough Water in today. I need to drink more but I feel so bloated it’s crazy! The last things I want to do are drink or eat anything. I’m going to try a gas tablet and hope that helps. I’m going to go to bed at about 9:00 or 10:00 and try to get some sleep. I’ve been very tired and unmotivated. I’m guessing it due to the lack of sugar, caffeine and the number of calories my body is used to getting. I sure hope this "stage" passes soon because I really don’t like it. -jes
  8. KingJes

    Pre-Op Dec 11th - Procedure Dec 12th

    Hey Sheila I’m glad you’re feeling better now. 2 Babies, hernia and gallbladder on top of lapband! HOLY HELL! I sure hope your hubby is stepping up his game! At least it looks like the hardest part is behind us now! Thank goodness! I have to go back to work tomorrow and I have a post op on Tuesday. I guess he wants to check the incisions and whatever. Its a pretty slow Sunday so I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I want to get out of the house that’s for sure. Maybe a trip to the store for some diapers will be entertaining. hahah man I’m getting old! -jes
  9. KingJes

    Pre-Op Dec 11th - Procedure Dec 12th

    Well its day five post op and I’m feeling pretty good. I was banded on Dec 12th 2007 and today is Dec 16 2007. Gas is all but gone now and only med/mild pain in the incision areas. It still hurts to sit up and move but not to bad. I sneezed this morning which hurt pretty bad but with a few deep breaths it passed. I have also noticed a lot of itching in the incision areas but I think this is due to healing. On the day of my procedure I was 260 and today I weighed myself at 249 so that’s pretty sweet. 11 Pounds in 5 days isnt too shabby. I have more energy this morning and I think its a combo of being off the liquid dope the Dr gave me and the Protein shake I had last night. Anyway, I think I’m safe to say the hard part has passed. Thank goodness! -jes
  10. KingJes

    Pre-Op Dec 11th - Procedure Dec 12th

    I took some SYNTHA-6 shake (Cookies and creme) and mama blended it up with some Ice and milk. We put some in the freezer and I had a cup of it as a dessert. Its pretty good. I think if it freezes over night it will be just like Ice creme which is way cool!! I had some split pea soup for dinner and ofcurse Water all thru the day. This shake mix was a last min idea. I was craving somthing cold but the sugar free pop cicles and Jello just doesnt sound good so i figured this might be pretty good and I was right! Anyway, SYNTHA-6 (cookies and creme) blended withmilk and ice is almost just like a cookies and creme shake from a fast food joint or whatever.... hmmm -jes
  11. KingJes

    Pre-Op Dec 11th - Procedure Dec 12th

    Well Im feeling good today. Still bloated but not as bad. The day was pretty good. Went to GNC and got some SYNTHA-6 shake. Its not the lowest fat shake they had but its got 22 gs of Protein per serving and best of all its Cookies and creme flavor! haha I havent tried it yet but I will later on. Im going to have creamed split pea soup for dinner since the tamato went down fine and no bad effects. I still have gas but its getting better with each one I let go! hahahah The only real pain aside from gas is the incision sites but liquic tylonal helps. -jes
  12. KingJes

    Pre-Op Dec 11th - Procedure Dec 12th

    Well its day four since my procedure. I'm feeling pretty good. Most of the gas pains are gone. I have had 2 BM's which gross as it sounds was great! haha I don’t feel as bloated now and I have can move around much better. My tummy is still a wee bit tight but much much better. That shoulder gas was pretty gnarly but doing the stuff I wrote worked out pretty good. I’m getting ready to go take a shower and then head to the GNC to get a really good Protein shake. My energy level seems kinda low so I'm thinking with some protein Ill be good to go. Anyway, I was at 251 lbs this morning which is about 9 pounds since Tuesday. YIKES! I’m sure some of it will come back when I get to munchies stage. Most of the pain on day four post op for me is in incision sites with a little bit of lingering gas pain. Ok bye -jes
  13. KingJes

    Pre-Op Dec 11th - Procedure Dec 12th

    I feel bloated as all get out. Im going to have som etomato soup for dinner tonight. See how that goes. As for gas, I think the worst of it is over. I feel bloated as hell but no more shoulder pain. Well, maybe a wee bit but not bad. I havent had any real protien yet. I need to get on that. Id stick the broth only but I know I need more then that, well my head tells me I need more then broth to live hahah Im hoping tomorrow Ill get some protien shakes in and be good. Im going to take it easy tonight with the tomato soup and Water. Ill see how that goes. It it goes well then Iwill think about a protien shake and stuff tomorrow. -jes
  14. KingJes

    Pre-Op Dec 11th - Procedure Dec 12th

    Yea I had gas x strips the day out of the surgery! haha just in case. I have been on Water, chicken, veggie and beff broth since the procedure. I had some cream of chicken soup but not the normal cambles kind yet. Im thinking I might try some tonight for dinner but I dont know. The hiccups SUCKED! ahha but I havent had any for a few days. I still have the gas but its passing slowly. I think If I can keep on track like I have been then tongith should be the last night of any pain from gas ect. Alot of hte pain is in your head ya know. If you let it get to you then it always seems worse. Right now I have a date with a hot shower and a brisk walk around my block a few times. -jes
  15. KingJes

    Pre-Op Dec 11th - Procedure Dec 12th

    BYT, its liquid adult tylanol. I got it at Wallgreens last night. I had to get some pepermint tea to try that out and went to Save Mart and walked up and down every isle like 2 times for some exercize. They ust have thought I was caseing the joint or some kind of crankhead tweaker! ahha After I left save mart with the tea I hit walgreens and got some of the chewable gas tablets. I think the walking is the very best followed by the laying down on the side thing and gas tabs. Man that shoulder gas pain was no joke! haha -jes

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