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Nancy E.

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by Nancy E.

  1. I had my bypass on November 12th. I lost 10 lbs on the 1week prep diet and 12 lbs since surgery for a total of 22 lb loss. I had a total of 8 incisions with two drains put in...not fun. I'm getting stronger each day but I have one problem...I haven't had a bowel movement since the night before surgery..ELEVEN DAYS!!! My back is hurting a bunch today. I'm taking Mirolax and a stool softener, nothing yet. Any suggestions???

    1. Stacy'sSleevedLife


      Hi Nancy,


      If it has been that long you may need to get a couple fleets enemas and use them to get things moving so to say. I did Miralax 2 times day for a few weeks. You might want to talk to your PCP really soon, you don't want to get impacted.

  2. Day one of seven day liquid diet. Surgery is Nov. 12th. Excited for this change that began today. Yes, I'm nervous also, but I know this is best for my health . Wish me luck please as I begin saying goodbye to my unwanted 100 lbs!

    1. McButterpants


      You got this! Sending you positive vibes!

    2. Nancy E.

      Nancy E.

      Thank you! I need all the positive vibes, prayers, good thoughts and best wishes I can get!


  3. I know I only started this process April 1st, but I have been thinking about it several years. Now that I am finally here jumping through the hoops it feels like time is going SO SLOW! Does anyone else feel this way, or did you feel this way??

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nancy E.

      Nancy E.

      Dlamp112, didn't you have your surgery today? How did it go? Praying for you and anxious to hear how you did/are!


    3. dlamp112


      I had my surgery 5/14 - so I am post op day 3. I am doing very well I think. Very minimal gas, just sore (and the Tylenol is all I need) but I am completely back to all activities. I felt a bit tired today (we did a lot since it is the first nice day all week), but that is to be expected.

    4. Nancy E.

      Nancy E.

      So happy for you dlamp112! I hope I will do as well as you! Please keep us updated! Thanks

  4. Premier Protein shakes...has anyone tried the Premier Protein shakes from Costco? They have 30 grams of protien

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nancy E.

      Nancy E.

      Thank you everyone for your comments. Even though I have just started the journey (1April) I have seen the nutritionist and psychiatrist. The nutritionist told me about the Costco shakes. So glad to hear they are so well liked. I will get myself some. Thanks again!

    3. 1Day1Life4Now


      I drink a premier shake every day. Wonderful way to get your protein.

    4. atlchick


      Yes, I like them too. They taste good and have 30 g of protein- a lot more than most


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
