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Everything posted by Babbs

  1. Babbs

    Feeling frustrated

    Weight fluctuates for many reasons. Water retention, constipation, hormones etc....especially if you're weighing every day or several times a day you'll see the fluctuations. I suspect you're going into your "Dreaded 3 week stall" a little early. It happens to 98% of us, and the cuplprit is glycogen storage due to starvation mode. It causes weight to stall or even gain a little when it happens. You're not doing anything wrong at all. Just stay the course, make sure your're getting all your Protein and fluids, and if the fluctuations or stalls bother you, try to stay off the scale.
  2. Babbs

    Traditional New Year's Dinner

    That sounds so good! Yummmmmm.
  3. @@LittleBill I hate winter and winter sports. The only thing I would possibly consider is snow shoeing. But obviously I can't do that every day, so I need to get my butt to the gym. I sit on my butt a lot for work, so I have to exercise at least 5 days a week or said butt will grow
  4. Like @@jenn1, This is also my second full year going to the gym (Yay me!), and I dread this time of year. I appreciate the enthusiasm for the New Years resolutions people, but the parking and lack of equipment is really frustrating and frankly kind of demotivating for me. It's all I can do to hang in until February when they all fall by the wayside, but I have no choice. It's not like I can do anything outdoors here in Idaho with temperatures in the friggin teens and snow and ice all over the ground right now. Sigh. Is it spring yet??
  5. Although I've been running off and on for the last 2 years, I've always been too chicken to run an official 5K race. I think I will do that for my 50th birthday this year
  6. Babbs


    You won't have room for bread for a long while. Not when you literally can only consume ounces at a time, and need to get as much Protein in as possible. Bread doesn't fit into that equation. Once you get closer to your goal weight and are preparing for maintenance, like @@jenn1 said, incorporate whole grains into your diet. I still only do whole grain bread sparingly at 2.5 years out. For me personally breads and wheat stuff causes cravings and weight gain, so it's really a rare treat for me.
  7. Babbs

    10 days post op...question

    Your weight loss is great, and it takes at least 6 weeks to recover from major surgery. You're going to feel the effects of it until you're fully healed. You should start feeling like your old self in a couple more weeks.
  8. Babbs

    Best decision of my life

    You are stunning! Congrats!
  9. You're all doing amazing! Try to just relax and keep doing what you're doing. As far as exercise goes, 15-30 minutes of walking is more than sufficient for now. When we are so early out and can hardly consume any calories, exercise can actually hinder weight loss. I know. But make sure you're doing some kind of movement to help keep muscle you're losing and get that heart going a bit. Losing weight is 80% diet, NOT exercise. Once you feel you can eat more, then exercise more. You should also be slowly raising calories as time goes on. Probably the next time you stall, bump them up a bit in the form of Protein. This allows your metabolism to continue boosting while also setting your metabolic rate for when you are maintaining your weight, and won't have to live on 800 calories for the rest of your life, lol. To put things into perspective for you and the other posters worried about their losses, it just all depends on starting weight, gender, age, other contributing illnesses, etc. It took me 5 months to lose 50 pounds, 12 months to get to my goal of 85, and 15 months to lose what I'm maintaining now of a 92 pound loss. It's all relative.
  10. Babbs

    No more citrus ever?

    This! ^^^^^^ Newer post ops, you'll get this as time goes on. I abhor the 'absolutes' we hear all the time from surgeons and other post ops. This is supposed to be for the rest of our lives, not the restricted diets so many of us have grown to dispise. Just thinking about something being a 'never' makes me want to do it our of spite
  11. Babbs

    No where else to vent

    I guess I just don't see the need to even say anything regarding her husband? The fact is he left, she's hurting and sad, and doesn't need a strangers perspective (especially someone who has never been married) about what his state of mind was. Honestly, who cares? The guy is an asshole. End of story. If the shoe was in the other foot, I'd call her an asshole for just up and leaving her husband (or wife) and kids, too. I mean, really? You didn't mean to cause her offense or distress? What else is she going to feel when you say "Well, wait a minute here. Maybe, just maybe, he had a REASON to leave and take money out of the account"? She was looking for an ear to rant. Not condescension.
  12. Babbs

    No where else to vent

    @@KindaFamiliar and @@Fredbear really? Why would you even come into a thread like this where a woman is seriously hurting and even say the shiat you did? Did you get your fees fees hurt by the "man bashing" or something? Did the name calling threaten your perceived manhood? Jeez. Go sh*t on another thread.
  13. Babbs

    No more citrus ever?

    I'm almost 2.5 years out, and I have citrus fruits and have no issues.
  14. Babbs

    Cold water obsessed

    I can't drink cold water since surgery. Room temperature goes down much better for me.
  15. Babbs

    Maybe think too much but

    "By changing your gastrointestinal anatomy, certain bariatric procedures affect the production of intestinal hormones in a way that reduces hunger and appetite and increases feelings of fullness (satiety). The end result is reduction in the desire to eat and in the frequency of eating. Interestingly, these surgically-induced changes in hormones are opposite to those produced by dietary weight loss". Especially with the sleeve surgery. It removes most of the "hunger hormone", or ghrelin.
  16. I had like 15 minutes of "what the hell did I do to myself?" after being forced on liquids for 6 weeks due to severe reflux and regurgitation (which I still have, by the way, but controlled okay with meds), but the benefits far outweighed the hassles of it at first. Taken off blood pressure meds, diabetes meds, and anti depressants the first month post sleeve. Yes, it was SO hard learning to live the new lifestyle, but once you're all healed up and get into a groove, you're going to really start loving your sleeve and the new life it brings. I would say I really started to appreciate it when I was about 8 months post op and took a vacation to Maui. Now the old me always managed to gain at least 5+ pounds on vacation. This time I'd actually lost 2 pounds. I am 2 years, 4 months out, and still either maintain or lose on vacations. Same with holidays. Sure, I still have to do most of the work at this point, but if it wasn't for this surgery, I never would have had the motivation to. I can only hope it's the same for all of you, because it's a wonderful thing!
  17. Let me add this: Can we please just stop with the "you need to exercise more" thing? With as little calories as we consume, especially so early out post op, there is no need to kill yourself exercising. 15-30 minutes of walking is more than sufficient. I've seen too much exercise actually hinder weight loss in people, and I'm one of them. I think once we can eat enough calories to support it, then we can look into moderate exercise and strength training. You're a "lightweight" in the WLS world, therefore your weight loss won't be as fast as others. I agree with the poster above: concentrate on Protein and Water...lots of water. Don't worry abouy calories right now. Eat on a schedule, and every 2 hours. Also, take your measurements. I'd be willing to bet you're also losing inches. Do your thing and try not to compare yourself to others. After all, comparison is the thief of joy.
  18. Babbs

    Oh So Tired!

    Have you had surgery before? Every surgery I've had I'm tired and worn out for about 6 weeks. Then add the complete lack of nutrition and calories to this particular surgery, and you have the double whammy. What I'm saying is it generally takes 6 weeks or so to recover from any surgery. But one day you're going to wake up and think "Hey! I feel almost human today!" And after that it only gets better. Take it slow and easy, be kind to yourself, and ease back into it. Even work. If you can only do half days for a week, by all means do it. You'll start feeling like your old self soon! Promise.
  19. Babbs

    Green stool

    Rapid transit could cause stool to be green. This is especially true if it is green diarrhea, rather than a fully-formed green stool. Food that is moving so quickly through the digestive system will not spend a long enough time in the large intestine for water to be absorbed, and will result in a loose stool.
  20. Babbs

    Failing at Friendship

    I'll be your friend!
  21. @@Malin I'm not going to spoil it, but there's one in season 2 that will break your heart
  22. Babbs

    No Hairloss?

    After almost 3 years on this forum and seeing hundreds of posters, I've heard of just a handful who didn't lose hair. You've been the fortunate one of the handful I've seen . We all take vitamins and protein, and it still happens to most. Like @@Djmohr said, it doesn't start until around 3-4 months post op. The good news? Hair grows back!
  23. It is depressing to gain from your lowest weight, but try to remember how far you've come and looking at your stats, you're still below your original goal weight. It's all relative I guess. I mean, I weigh 145 as of this morning, and 150 was my goal, so as long as I stay under that I'm happy! I pushed up close to it this last spring, but I fought to lose that 5! I'm only 2 years, 4 months out, so not quite 3. I do notice year 3 is hardest as far as regain, so you're not alone. You also have enough insight to know you don't want to continue to gain. Just go back to what worked before....lots of Protein, lots of veggies, lots of Water and low/no calorie fluids. I cook up boneless skinless chicken breast the way I like it prepared, and keep it in the fridge when I feel like I want to snack. It helps me feel full and satisfied, even if I just pop a couple of bites in my mouth. Also, look into intermittent fasting, or 5:2 (you can google it). That's what helped me get the regain off. I'm currently detoxing off of white bread and sugar after Christmas. It's a bitch, especially the bread. But I know once I get over that 2 or 3 day hump, it's clear sailing again without the cravings. You can do it!
  24. You know what's a funny (odd) observation I just made? All the comments about this show and how it drives people crazy that some of these people aren't compliant with their surgeries and how they like Dr Now because he doesn't put up with excuses? People who point the same things out to others in this very forum are told they aren't being supportive and are called bullies. Why is that?

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