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Everything posted by R.journey

  1. Hello! I had the surgery on February 21 I'm down 25 pounds I thought it would be more is this normal getting very frustrated..I've already plateaued I haven't seen scale move in like 2 weeks.. My husband had surgery same day and he is down 70 pounds no kiddin I know men loose it faster but I'm really thinking this didn't work for me...I'm not giving up or giving in I'm just wondering if this is normal?? Help!
  2. R.journey

    Is this normal?

    Thank u for your reply this gives me hope that there are other people with this problem this helps a lot thanks and good luck in your journey
  3. I had surgery February 21 I have only lost 25 pounds and I'm frustrated scale won't budge is this normal
  4. R.journey

    Weak and faint

    It took me about a month... I had headaches all months suffer from migraines and they did get better! My question to anyone is I had surgery on February 21 and I have only loser 24 pounds I'm getting frustrated is this normal. I thought I would loose more I'm at a plateau and scale won't budge it's been over 2 weeks! Help?

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