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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AlwaysLorri

  1. I am 8 months out and still have to deal with my behavior. You won't be able to stop immediately what you've probably been doing most of your life so don't be hard on yourself. I ate until I got uncomfortable in the earlier weeks. It still happens to me from time to time but less often than in the beginning months. Also you will be able to eat more later on as the body adjusts to the new changes and swelling, etc is no more. Listen to your body, accept that you will have days were your mind and body wont agree and be kind to yourself. - we are all a work in progress! we need to treat ourselves the way we want others to treat us.

    My best,


  2. You sound ready - go for it!!! I too have to get back on track. I was always a savory snacky kind of person and now BAM I like a cookie or two a day. It's the worst feeling when you know what you should do and you don't do it. But everyday is a new start. If I make a bad choice in the morning, I committed (since yesterday) to make sure to work it out and eat better in the evening. BALANCE is all we need! Onwards we go!!!!

    You got this!

  3. I went through the same thing. Eventually the weight started coming off slowly but it did come off. We loose inches before it actually shows up as pound(s) lost on a scale. Also if you are working out you may be adding muscle at the same time losing fat which can account for not seeing changes on the scale. What I did was I measure my thighs, neck, waist and arms and keep a journal to better understand how my body was transforming. The scale isn't the only validation of weight loss - your clothes, rings, how you feel and of course your love ones noticing is also valid.

    Best of luck!

  4. Just want you guys to know I've been in and out of the doctors office. It seems that I had an infection of some kind do to Fluid left near my staple line. We were really scared of a leak but I passed a CAT scan and Esophogram. Thank goodness!!! I've been on high antibiotics for the last eight days. Feeling much better fever gone hopefully fluid too. I have a follow up on Monday. Lost almost 15 lbs in the process, no eating will do that. I'm feeling 80 percent better. Hopefully 100% very very soon.

  5. I was sleeved on May 27th. Saturday night i was getting chills. I went to bed and I was freezing. I couldn't stop shaking. My skin hurt. I don't know what it was but, it was really scary. I had 3 blankets on me, and my room was about 78 degrees. I timed it about 45 mins, then i must of fell asleep.

    The next morning I got out of bed and my legs felt like noodles. I took some tylenol and after a while they felt okay. Sunday afternoon i started with chills again and went to lye down. It passed.

    It was so strange, I feel good now. I was just so blown away when i read your post.

    Hope your feeling better, if you find anything out let me know.


    Patty, so odd that we experienced similar symptoms. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do with myself so I slept it away. I'm feeling 75 percent better than I did earlier. Hope you are too. Keep me posted, I think it must have been a 24 hr virus.

  6. This 4th of July weekend was the worst in the almost 2 mths in the post op phase. Sunday night, I got the weirdess chills. I couldn't get warm and was shaking, yet it was 80 degrees in my house. the bottom of my ribs near my top incision felt super tight and when I coughed it hurt badly. It lasted most of the night and by the morning, I felt weak and unstable. I tried showering but kept crashing into the nearby walls. Fearing that I would fall I headed back to bed and slept 10 hours and only woke to have a few zips of Water. Today, I awoke with a pain on the top of my right shoulder, a little less weak but my stomach still felt tight. Anyone ever experience similar symptoms? I feel like I am a newbie out of surgery, DAY 1.

  7. I had a hiatal hernia repair that really contributed to my discomfort. Did you have one? Also, I had to get an eat slower app on my Iphone to help eat slower. I recently learned there will be foods I can't tolerate since sleeved. That is chicken for me! A few seconds after it passes through , it get really angry and goes to war, making it super uncomfortable and painful at times. I would keep a diary of foods and write notes on how you feel with each food. I had to restart liquids for a few days and reintroduce some foods. If your really having a hard time with eating, call your doctor. S/he may offer some solutions or run tests.

    Good luck!

  8. Had my 1-month post op appointment yesterday. The good news is that I lost more weight, the bad is that I didn't loose as much as the doctor expected. Only 4 pounds since my first pre-op appointment. I shared my food diary and problems eating. My problem is my Thyroid. Doc said it's going to be an upwards battle from here on out. I'm trying not to focus on the pounds or that this battle is going to be difficult but it's really disheartening. I had this surgery and still I have weight loss issues. Going to run some tests the next visit. #sad :(

  9. I was sleeved may 19th. I don't know how long I'm out. I think I'm starting my fourth week on Monday. Anyway, I got approved to move to puréed foods at my last visit. I've been having baby food, eggs, tuna with mayo and mash potatoes- well very little of it maybe an oz or so. Comfortable with these but not easy.

    This weekend I decided to cook my family a middle eastern influenced dinner. I smashed the hell out of some so I can eat it, but holy moly!!!! I thought death came for me. I had this tight feeling in my chest. I couldn't breathe. All of a sudden I also got bubble guts. I thought it was the end of me. I laid down, sat up, walked around and got through it. I drank a sip of Water after 20 minutes and even started to feel better. You would think I learned my lesson. NO! The next day, I started thinking maybe I ate too fast, didn't chew enough or I ate too big of a serving and decided to redo it. Well how else I'm I going to learn? Huh! Omg!!!!!! I did it to myself again., really bad. This time praying I didn't hurt my insides.

    Yea, I know. It was stupid!!! But here is the thing... I keep reading all of the different eating phases people have post surgery. So many surgeons differ in eating plans that I thought maybe mine could be different.

    Lesson learned staying on smooth foods, baby foods and yogurt for at least another 3.5 weeks. Don't think I'll be ready before then. No longer want to experiment!

    Anyone else try something similarly stupid?


  10. On my first visit to the WLS center I was 307 lbs. and on surgery date May 19th, I was 278 lbs. This morning I weighed in still at 266lbs. This is tough guys! As many people on this forum, there has been up and down days. I too had "wth did I do to myself. I should have just kept dieting, I was doing well" but I now know that wasn't going to last once I introduced food and couldn't stop my mouth eating what my eyes saw in front of them.

    I haven't been getting my Protein in, super painful when I drink shakes (even thinned out) and Isopure Protein. I have been getting lots of Water in though. I am at a stall at 266 for the last 6 days. I'm ok with it, hopefully it will start to move. I walk, walk, walk and take in my Vitamins, B12 and Calcium.

    I have to admit, puree foods are still not working for me. Such pains in the top half of my chest. I eat slowly, picking up the spoon after a few minutes and I chew anything that is not super smooth. I too had a hernia repair, unbeknown to me. It has made things a little more difficult. Not sure what I'll try next.

  11. Hi I am having my surgery on June the 2nd i am excited and scared. My mom passed away a year ago may 25 from gastric bypass. and it scares me but i know that if i don't have the surgery then i will die young and be unhappy my hole life. im 6'8 and weigh 474 pounds. i have a younger brother who is 6'1 and maybe 180 soaking wet lol. i just want to feel normal every where i go everyone always stares and says damn how big are you. i just try and laugh it off but it hurts im excited for an opportunity to change my life for the better. I know its what my mom wanted me to do so im doing this for her also she was the most important person in my life and even though she is not here, she will still be looking down on me and pushing me to meet my weight loss goals

    You are in my thoughts. Good luck with the surgery. I wish you a speedy recovery. Should you have any questions we are all here for you. Please let us know how you're doing as soon as youre able to.

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