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LAP-BAND Patients
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About kbarnett61

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  • Birthday 12/05/1961

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  1. kbarnett61

    Am I being overly optimistic?

    Just a tool. You must do the work. Banded July 2011. Lost 310 pounds. My doctors said I had lost too much and needed to gain a little weight. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. kbarnett61

    Pro Tip !

    I have been drinking CHIKE protein shakes everyday for five years. They are delicious. Order at chikenutrition.com Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. kbarnett61

    April 22 Lap Band Op

    Guys, it is ALL worth it!
  4. kbarnett61


  5. What is the reasoning for one or the other about diabetics? Seems the goal is weight loss to eliminate or help the condition. I do not have diabetes, but I had high blood pressure and a few other things. I had lap-band 09/28/11. I am down 300 pounds! Best decision I have EVER made! Best wishes!
  6. kbarnett61

    First fill, no fill...

    Lap-Band 09/28/11 The port does get easier to find as the weight decreases. I am down 300 pounds. My port was turned around in January. It happens. Stay strong and lose on!
  7. Lap-Band July 28, 2011. 300 pounds down! Follow the guidelines! It is just a tool. You have to decide to eat the healthy foods and exercise! If you make poor eating choices, you will gain! It takes a while to get your brain re-set but, it is so worth it! I get to participate in life now....not just be a by-stander! I wish you well!

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