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Everything posted by Owl1212

  1. Yesterday I went to true results for consult for band procedure. I decided to it but wanted to research more. I'm finding a lot of information about the band slipping, corrosion and maintenance. Since I'm over 300 would the sleeve be a better option? Need advise on which one is the best way to go.
  2. Yesterday I made the decision to have the procedure. My husband has been involved with the research and now has concerns. He thinks it is going to be hard for me to keep up with all the things I do and having such major restrictions on my diet. A few years ago I lost a significant amount of weight through diet and exercise and believes I can do it again without the band. He's supportive but wants to make sure this is the right step for me. He suggested I start my diet and exercise first then if having problems we can revisit the idea of having the band. One major thing is I take meds and I have to continue taking no matter what. Are taking meds a difficult process? Anyone else had a spouse with hesitation? Please any suggestions or advise.
  3. Owl1212

    Husband has hesitation about lapband

    Thank you for the posts. I've been married for 14 yrs and it's been up and down for the past 2 years. I know a huge part to the problems is my self esteem and how I feel. I've been diagnosed with a major mood disorder, anxiety disorder and depression. I have sleep apnea and use a cpap---going on 2 years. I have a 6&13 yr old boys and it's almost impossible to keep up with them and their activities. Today they are heading to six flags and I can't go because the walking and I can't ride any rides. It is depressing and I'm really havering a hard time with all of it. I've shared this with my husband but maybe not enough. Tonight, I think I will let him know I need this for me. Goodness, this is such an emotional process and I haven't even had the surgery! Sorry if I'm rambling, I just never had a place where I can talk about my weight freely without feeling judged. Thank you all for that. I'll keep y'all posted.
  4. First of all, thank you to everyone's comments. I feel like the past 48 hours have been full of research on both sleeve and band procedures. I checked out many YouTube videos both pro and con about the band and sleeve and read lots of threads. I even thought about 0 surgery and just diet and exercise. Well, I've been doing that for 15 years--- and I always gain it back. Maintaining has always been my downfall. I love working out, swimming being outside. When I lose weight I feel great then 5 lbs creep on and then 10 and I feel defeated and just quit the maintenance and next thing I know 30 lbs are added to my rear. See,in 2008 I was 172 and now 2014 I'm 332. If only I had a tool to help with the maintenance for my weight loss back then I wouldn't be in this position. That's where the band makes since for me. I want to have help with maintenance down the rode. As far as the surgery I just couldn't deal with such an evasive surgery. So therefore, the sleeve is out. I know the lap band is not a cure all for losing weight but if used as a tool I can reach my goal and maintain easier with it. So with that being said I'm calling True Results in San Antonio to schedule the lap band procedure. I'm so excited about my new lifestyle and can't wait to share with y'all. Oh there's a good question, who should I tell? My family lives out of state and my inlaws live 5 minutes away but tend to be negative. Friends? What are your thoughts? Have a good one.

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