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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Blonde.Moment

  1. Blonde.Moment

    OT-Viewing Messages

    Yeah I just x'd it out too but I wonder what is causing it /shrug oh well....
  2. Blonde.Moment

    Heartburn after eating anything?

    I was banded on the 18th of may. I have totally given up coffee, and diet drinks... Those are big accomplishments for me. I was a Diet Dr. Pepper Hoochie, I drank them all day long. I haven't had much heartburn, other than coffee at the beginning. Since I've already given it up, I'm going just stay away from it. But, I've been pretty good the last two days, finally no back pain..... After 2 acupuncture treatments and about 3 chiropractor visits. Keep us posted Sheri, I still have to have a fill, and I'm absorbing all the info I can.
  3. Blonde.Moment

    Drinking while eating dilemma!!!

    I have the same problem, I cannot eat without drinking.
  4. Blonde.Moment

    Heartburn after eating anything?

    Since I've been banded I tried coffee twice and both times got heart burn, maybe its the coffee?
  5. Blonde.Moment

    Some questions about "the girls"

    This is so funny, "THE GIRLS" /giggle<GIGGLE>
  6. Blonde.Moment


    I'm 5 days banded and last night my back started hurting, middle of my left side, behind port? I'm not sure. But was wondering is it ok for me to go to the chiropractor for an adjustment? Or is this just sore from surgery and I should wait it out? Stacy
  7. Blonde.Moment


    I took tons of anti acids yesterday, but the pain isnt gas. I couldn't sleep all night, the pain got so bad, I almost called my mom to come take me to the ER..... Well I have been at the doctor this morning, and she thinks its a kidney stone. Going to have a CT, she said she would normally just check the kidney but she is going to do a complete abd. to check my band while she is at it. I don't know if I will be able to drink all that goookkeeee stuff I can't eat or drink till after the test and IM STARVING :-(
  8. Blonde.Moment


    hehehe I guess it is gas I had 2 or 3 pepcids, and the pain has subsided, what a weird place to have gas lol Ok guess I have to go for a walk when I get home pfffttttttt hehehe actually that is exactly what I planned on doing this morning when I woke up with back pain :-(
  9. Blonde.Moment


    Yeah I figured I should wait, but I really think its a muscle and not gas. So far I've been pretty lucky with min. gas, but anyway thanks again... Its great to have you guys here for support, I tend to be leaning on this board alot!!!!
  10. Blonde.Moment

    Woot!!!! I'm a bandster!!!

    Hi gang... I was banded on Wednesday 5/18/05 I got home last night, and I'm at work today! So far so good... I will probably go home early, just had to come in and do payroll then I'll take it easy the rest of the weekend. Dr. Kuri was great, and the whole Mexico thing went well.... Was alittle out of context for me to up and leave and do this alone, but I met another girl being banded the same day and her mom was a nurse, so she took good care of both of us... I was really thankful for that!!!! Anyway, I'm ready to be skinny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <grin>
  11. Blonde.Moment

    I just emptied my house.....

    Nancy is right once your banded you wont care about that stuff u trashed I have been on the go since I was banded last week, we were at the ball park all weekend, and ofcourse after ball we all go "EAT" PFFTTTTTTT but it didnt bother me like it normally would have, I just had my water and waited till I got home for my soup!!!! <pats self on back> Hang in there mom, it will be ok :-)
  12. Blonde.Moment

    Any Regrets???

    I noticed that noone replied about the smoking part??? heheh, I was doing pretty good till today I got stressed out at work and I went straight for the smokes...
  13. Blonde.Moment

    Woot!!!! I'm a bandster!!!

    Thanks all -)
  14. Blonde.Moment

    Phone cards in Mexico

    ack I never thought about my phone not working... I have cingular, but I also have a nextel... but wasnt planning on bringing it.... guess I am now hehehe
  15. Blonde.Moment


    I just stumbled on this sight this morning, I'm being banded on Wed. 5/18/05 I'm excited and nervous at the same time, but seeing all of you and the before and after pics have been very encouraging.
  16. Blonde.Moment


    Thank you so much for the kind words... I need this so much I know the decision was quick but I'm so ready, I'm so tired of fighting the weight and feeling like a failure.
  17. Blonde.Moment


    Well..... lets see...... about me hmmmmm I'm recently divorced, and I am confident in every area of my life except my weight.... So I made the decision very quickly I might add.... Like I looked up this stuff last week, and my surgery is scheduled for next week. I'm going to Mexico to see Dr. Kuri!! I'm going alone and havent told anyone except my brother, because I will be out of the office for a few days... So I am alittle nervous. I think once I start loosing I may end up telling everyone what I did, but I'm not sure yet.... My head is spinning, but I know in my heart that I have made a decision to change my life. And I'm extremely excited about finding this web sight!!!!

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