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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by CCBSTX

  1. I am kind of where you are...My original goal weight was 150. I weight 140 when I graduated high school, then I gave myself an extra 10 pounds. OK. Then, I decided well...maybe 160. Now, I am at 173 and thinking that I could maybe do another 10 pounds if I really wanted to buckle down. However, if I got to 150, I might look anorexic. Either it is in my head or my ideal weight has changed. I am not sure. My skin is a little bit loose as it is and I don't want to make it worse.

    Soooo. I am sort of wondering like you are...Is it our perception?


  2. Cindy, I was pretty swollen after surgery also. Just a few bits of yogurt/jello would do me. The swelling, each week, got a bit better.

    I think my stomach is sensitive anyway. That is why, my fills have been on the small size and VERY infrequent;

    Keep on drinking and eating what you comfortable and capable of...it will get better.


  3. Thats the PONT!

    If WLS is for life Why would you want it reversed? It only needs revisonal surgery if its going wrong and the complications again are rare and if like happen very early days. Unlike the band most people experience probs around 18 months to 2 years. It can be devastateing if the band has been great then suddenly slippes and needs removing. Not every one is likely to keep the weight off!

    You ONLY usually have the band removed when there is complications and the long term chance of complications are way higher with a band than any other method of WLS. A Doc will endourse the band if thats all there doing and most general practioners dont know enough about anything so have a say eather way. (in a specialist manner)

    A Specialsit bariatric surgeon should be skilled in all the surgeries and should have enough experience to assess a patient and there suitablility for what ever procedure. The patient should of course consult with the surgeon and heed the surgeons advice.

    This less invasive and reverasble thing is sooo repetative it seems like the laimest excusess for a band i have ever heard. It says you expect it to fail and when it does its easy to fix. Whats the point in entering into a lifetime commitment to change with the expoectation its likely to fail.

    All surgeries to some extent are reversable. The band completely reversabe and usually with that there is a very high chance the weight will regain. Thats prob one of the sole reasons why lots of insurance companies in the US dont fund banding and lots of people have to fight for it. Surly that tellls you something!

    i seriously cannot see why you would ever want it reversed if things are going well. And in most bypass cases things go well like the stats say there is higher complications probs with a band than any other method of WLS so again if this are going great why would you consider revision?


    I don't believe anyone goes into WLS expecting their procedure to fail. The point, that Alex is making (I believe)...is that it IS possible for the band to be reversed due to complications.

    Before any WLS, a person must know both the positive and negative aspects of their particular surgery. I know that I wanted to know everything that I could about bypass and the band (my 2 considerations).


  4. I have constant heartburn its horrendus, I was told having my band would totally erracate reflux. But it seems worse than ever i am the revers have only a few mill's in my band and the acid is still band the restriction is tight i can only eat very tiny amounts like one bite of something and if i eat more im vomiting and in pain.

    It sounds like you're too tight and may need a slight unfill. Being too tight, can often cause reflux. Try it and see if it helps!

    Take care, Shawn

  5. First off, let me say how great you are doing! What you've done is no small feat. You are also doing terrific on your exercise.

    I am assuming that you have a 10cc band. It doesn't sound like anything is wrong. It sounds like you are not restricted. This is very common. Sometimes it takes people a long while to find restriction (everyone is differnent). The band can also be very fickle (restricted in the AM, loose in the PM).

    Keep adding saline to your band, you WILL eventually find restriction. Then an 10 oz sirloin will be unattainable (guaranteed).

    Take care. Shawn

  6. My guess is that it's made up for gastric bypass patients. My card says the same thing. They do mostly bypass patients. Anyway, for the most part you will be able to eat more than 1/4 cup. It isn't always consistent and depends upon what you eat as well. I can eat about 2 cups right now, but I am not as restricted as I used to be.


  7. This is my opinion. Call your surgeon and ask for a fill. If he still refuses, then find another surgeon. You aren't restricted and the band ONLY works with proper restriction. Don't beat yourself up too badly!!!

    You are in Alabama? Any good fill doctors in Al? Go to the "fill" or "US" thread and ask.

    You deserve a fill. A good fill doctor/surgeon works with their patients (within reason).


  8. You've gotten some really good responses, from many people that were once in your daughter's shoes!

    My only tidbit, is to discuss options when your daughter is calm and in a good mood. That is the best way to have a conversation with them. See what she wants, would she like to join a gym? Or does she want you to get rid of the junk? Ask what bothers her. Is she teased?

    At one point, when my son was 12 years old, he wanted to kill himself. We tried to give him as much love as we could and then we asked him if he wanted to go see a counselor to help him. He agreed. He was having social problems. The 12-14 years age is very difficult plus they can go heavy on the emotions. It's gradually worked itself out, due to skills and maturity.

    Take care. Shawn

  9. This time of year has been harder than last. I've been at a stand still weight wise, but did manage to gain my first (2) pounds this season. This summer I've reintroduced ice cream and junk in my diet. It hasn't really done much to the scale until last week!

    Like Dianne, I haven't been eating anywhere near what I've used to (not even close). However, my fear is to have the pounds sneak up on me and bamm! I am where I used to be.

    I probably could use a fill, especially my afternoons and evening I feel quite "open." However, I have reflux at night and don't wish to make that worse. Catch 22.

    I hope everyone is doing well!


  10. Jumping through those hoops isn't fun! It's always frutstrating to ask for something (records) and only get a partial and then having to reask/wait again. Grrrr...they will eventually figure it out.

    Hopefully you can get into the pulmonology dr. soon and be on your way! Good luck, Shawn

  11. My daughter had a sore throat and then I started with a runny nose/sneezing, etc. We immediately took Zicam (the ones that melt in your mouth) and it has seriously diminished the symptoms in me. After 2 days, I don't have these symptoms. My daughter still has a slight sore throat. I am very much a skeptic about most things. However, a few years back when the Zicam's came out, we were going snow skiing. Of course, we caught colds. I decided to purchase this over-the-counter product to save the trip from misery...Anyway, it didn't/doesn't cure the cold but for us has decreased the severity. (5 days instead of 10)

    First sign of a cold I take this. No guarantees that it will work for you, but it's worth a try. You have to take it like every 3 hours on first onset of symtoms.


  12. I also hear the "click/pop" sound on occasion. It's great that your surgeon listens to you. I have often had question as to whether I should get another fill. I was losing but more so on my own, the band sometime wasn't that restricted. My surgeon also deferred to me and let me make the decision. Often, it was as you did, a little fill at a time.


  13. Traditional fare! A family member usually does the turkey, stuffing, and side dish. The rest of the family brings a side dish or dessert as well. That way, the host isnt' totally overwhelmed. It works out nicely. We do it buffet style. My Mom is hosting it the first time this year. It's really the first time, that I can remember, that she cooked Thanksgiving.

    I will eat a little bit of everything (no bread). Other than that, my eating has totally changed to normal portions that you see thin folks eat! My head still wants to pork out..


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