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Posts posted by CCBSTX

  1. Sorry about the "fun!" Well, you are exactly right in pulling back to liquids. Just keep sipping and let the swelling go down. I was pretty tight for weeks after surgery. Maybe in a few days, try a bit of mushies.

    The main goal is to prevent the stomach from moving around too much, from digesting solids/vomiting/pbing/etc. A few PB's is more than likely not going to bother your band. This is the time to let it heal in place.

    However, it won't hurt to call the surgeon's office. They maybe can give you some advice, without the travel...

    Congrats!! Shawn

  2. During a moment, when there isn't tension or an argument between you two...open up a caring conversation. No accusations, just say it out of "love." Tell him, what you told us. "How you wish he was the same sweet husband that you married." Tell him how important this is to you and the family, to be around healthy for the future. Tell him how things make you feel...start with "I" statements. Example: "I feel discouraged when you tell me things like..."

    This is a start in bridging communication. Life is difficult enough, without having to come home to another battle.

    Good luck. Shawn

  3. I am supportive of anyone that wants to lose weight for their health.

    Laurend, I had the EXACT experience during my pre-band phase. I attended the mandatory "support" group one evening. I didn't find it supportive at all....30 people there were all RNY'ers and a few even said to me that they looked into the band and suggest I switch my decision. The band, in their opinion, was UNSAFE!! I should attend again and let them take a look at me NOW!


  4. Sometimes a little bit of an unfill, makes eating/drinking more comfortable.

    Yes, I do get sick of the band but realize that this is something that I NEED to get used to. It will take me a long while to get over my mental issues with food.

    The great thing is that I've maintained my weight since this summer. I would have never done it without the band.


  5. 1) Proper restriction...NOT too tight (or else I only do junk)

    2) Never do I go below 1000 calories (I feel weak when I do)

    3) I walk for exercise (I am not always consistent)

    4) I used to log my calories in on fitday.com, now I loosely do them in my head (around 1400 calories a day)****For me this has been key.

    Good luck and take care, Shawn

  6. You Mom would benefit from any type of support. It kinda lonely out there without someone to bounce info. off of or vent when frustrated.

    Hopefully, you can point her here to read some of the threads or "lurk." Once she feels ready and wants to post, she will feel better with support.

    It's hard to tell if she eating too fast or too big of bites or just needs a slight unfill.

    So wonderful that you are taking care of your Mom.


  7. You can do this Cherg, without the vomiting! Think about a healthy you. Get a slight unfill and let your body get healthy.

    Each time you vomit, you are closer to losing your band. If you think of it this way, then you may think again.

    Take care. Shawn

  8. I asked myself:

    1. Was my life going to be different next year? (no, not unless I did something about it)

    2. Was I EVER successful in dieting? (NO)

    3. How many morbidly obese women have I seen to reach 80 or 90 years old? (NONE)

    4. I was turning 40 and sick of not participating in life.

    Take care. Shawn

  9. Thanks Carlene for the response! Thankfully, the reflux has come on gradually. However, I still will ask for a swallow test in January. Frankly, the waking up at night is exhausting. I feel I never get a chance for REM sleep.

    I will try to not eat too close to bedtime (within 2 hours) and see if I can control. However, most days I don't. Soooo, kinda hit and miss.


  10. Hello all! I've never had a problem with reflux (pre or post banding) until my last fill in June 05. I have a total of 1.2 cc in my band. My restriction seems comfortable and I am pretty much maintaining my weight.

    Around June 05, I began having reflux about 2 nights a week. You know the waking up coughing in-the-middle of the night.

    Now, the reflux is most nights. Maybe 5-7 nights a week. I try not to eat too close to bedtime. I sleep propped up with my pillows. I've done the Tums or Nexium...they don't seem to do much.

    The problem is I sleep on my stomach and it is pretty much the way I prefer and get the most rest.

    I don't, of course, want to get unfilled but I feel that may end up happening. All sorts of fears are surfacing as I don't want to gain any weight.

    Has anyone gone through this and if so do you have any comments/suggestions.

  11. Don't worry...you aren't the only one that this has happened to. Put in "shoulder pain" in the lapbandtalk search engine. You will find some threads on this topic. I had this also...around 10-13 months post-banding. Nothing would really help (tylenol, eating, heat). I tried it all, probably you did to. I spoke to my surgeon and he said it could be a nerve.

    All I do know, is it was worsened by hunger. Although my signals for hunger have changed to shoulder pain. It eventually went away and never bothers me.

    You aren't alone. Shawn

  12. OH my goodness, are you sure this isn't MY mother? I am 15 months post band and she is doing better. I told her...Mom, please don't bring junk to the "kids" I eat them and most of the time they don't like the stuff (they're picky). She kept doing it. Finally, I asked her if she wanted me to succeed? "Yes, of course I do" she replied. "Then, PLEASE don't bring the junk around me, I need all of the help that I can get." She doesn't hardly every do it any more, but still occassionally bring the "kids" junk. Not nearly as often.

    Stay firm and strong. Tell her how it hurts your feeling, that she keep offering the junk to you. Tell her how important this is for you. Play to "mother guilt" if you have to.

    Stay strong. Shawn

  13. Grrrr. I've REALLY tried to keep the junk out of my house. My husband has helped by not bringing home his gifts from his staff (boxes of chocolates). He know that once they are in my sight, I don't leave them alone.

    At gatherings, I drink Water alot or whatever non-calorie drink. I actually don't eat dinner before and usually find something reasonable to eat (stuffed mushrooms, crabcakes, chili) but I always find the chocolate truffles. However, once I've eaten a few I step away from the table. Last night the truffles were in my face, at the table. I ended up getting up to socialize with another group that was away from the table.

    I eat nowhere the amount of pre-banding. I've gained a few pounds this season, but feel determined to go no further. That's two pounds since Thanksgiving...only another few days until Christmas is over. I didn't do too bad.


  14. Man, I know what you mean....the stress, for me, is having all of these get-togethers with sweet treats. I don't eat the amount that I used to but my cravings are wild. I love Christmas but can't wait to get to more of a normal time for eating. No more Christmas parties, etc!!!

    I keep telling myself that there is no way that I am going to be like I used to. Everyone seems to be truckin along!


  15. Jacqui, dont misunderstand me! I have totally stopped exercising! I have to get back.... I just dont (really do) know what my problem is! I have lost my motivation, but still expect the pounds to disappear. I have tons of room for improvement on what I am doing and NOT doing. It just really helps me to get feedback and to see it in print. I am at least glad I am maintaining.

    Is there maybe a physcological block for some of us when we get close to goal?

    Did I just write this post? I'm going through the same things. I almost see myself sabotaging. My cravings are back and I've lost some motivation. I still, thank heavens, can't eat like I used to (nowhere near)!!

    I'm not sure abou the pyschological block? Hmmm. It definitely has something to do with the HEAD!


  16. If you are eating 2 pieces of pizza as a snack, then consider a fill. I don't have much room to talk, when you saying self-sabatoge....I'm there.

    However, it's my constant grazing is my downfall. I HATE this time of year, when it comes to the constant food-in-my-face.

    I'm no so sure, if my "head" will ever be on straight..

    Take care. Shawn

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