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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Suwanee

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/26/1973
  1. Happy 40th Birthday Suwanee!

  2. Happy 39th Birthday Suwanee!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary Suwanee!

  4. Suwanee

    Shoulder pain??

    I had my surgery on 10/11 and I am about 5'6". Do you think it might be gas?
  5. Suwanee

    Shoulder pain??

    Hi! I started exercising :clap2: and i noticed that while i was exercising when i breathed in deeply, my left upper shoulder would start hurting pretty bad. It proceeded to continue till i was finally done with the workout, but when i increased intensity then the pain was sharper. Today, all is good again. I was wondering if anyone else had felt something like this. I tried doing a search within the posts, but was not able to find anything. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Suwanee

    What do YOU feel?

    I have my lapband (banded on 10/12) and I have some questions. I have already had my first fill and am going for a second one on 12/3. I have read through the numerous posts and still have some questions as to what it is I am suppose to be feeling. Whenever I eat, I always get something stuck, but its not so stuck were I feel like I need to PB. I chew pretty well, but then it eventually gets stuck..does this mean I am full? Also, when I take a drink (to make the stuck become unstuck) it hurts like a bitch...and I mean that sincerely. Eventually it does go away (with a lot more sips) but its extremely painful. Does it mean I ate enough to where its hitting a spot that feels stuck? What am I suppose to be feeling, because for some reason I am not sure if I am getting it. Also, I have tried to go through all of the posts (there are so many) and do the proper research, but I haven't really had any luck in finding something that will answer the questions that I have. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  7. I just got my first fill yesterday, and I have a couple of dumb questions. I know this sounds weird, but how do you know if you feel restricted? How do I know if i feel full (I know that sounds crazy!). I have been really careful about what I am eating and I was put on soft foods. I was told to only consume a 1/2 cup of food, but I feel as though I can eat more. I do feel a little bit of something in my esophagus, is that what its suppose to do? Im just not sure if I need to listen more to my body and figure it out, or listen to my head. Just wanting some advice of what other people are feeling after their first fill. :huytsao
  8. I have had the same thing myself. I called and asked my Dr and he said that was normal. It feels like a sharp pain right under where my underwire of my bra sits. I also notice that the scars are really bumpy and hard and also very sensitive and a mixture of itchy and painful. Weird...but alas, this is all normal too! :nervous
  9. Yeah..the day after surgery, the day of surgery, and every day since, I have been walking like crazy. I tried the Gasx strips and they dont work for me. I also asked my doc about them and he said basically what you said...that its not that type of gas. But yeah it still does hurt. You just have to bear it. :nervous
  10. I was banded on 10/11. I had done so much research online and figured that recovery would be a breeze, from what others have gone through. LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING! For me, that was so not the case. The first 3-4 days I was in so much pain, it hurt to cough, laugh, cry, basically live...lol....I remember thinking...what did i do to myself...why couldn't i just do it on my own, am i absolutely crazy! I'm not sure this is worth it :phanvan I was going to be going back to work on Monday, but postponed it till Wednesday. I needed those extra days and it helped. Now im about 8 days out and I am starting to feel better. Just a lot of itchyness and pain at the port site. Its getting better every day. So even when I got on this board with all the pain i was in just to see how others faired out...you really have to believe that each day does get better. I no longer feel nauseous (that was rough) I can sit and stand up a little bit faster than yesterday...going to tinkle on the toilet no longer requires me to grunt cause of the pain of sitting down and I can actually walk around pretty good now. Now its a matter of time to see how it all works out. Now that I went through this surgery...i was thinking..if i ever need plastic surgery...i doubt if i wanna do it! But time is what will heal :bounce: and keep me moving forward. Good luck...just sleep as much as you can...and take those extra days off!
  11. DAMN!!! My doc said I had to wait 6 weeks!!! Whats up with that!!! Have enough for me while your at it!! :think
  12. Suwanee

    Pre-op Test Egd

    I actually just had my EGD done a couple weeks ago. I was so nervous going to the hospital to get it done. Getting wheeled into their room and then having them fuss all over me. Luckily, I had an IV and they put the "sleep" med in their. Once that was in I was out, next time i woke up i was back in the room and told to get dressed and to wake up. I think that my nerves made it so much more than what it was. Probably because its all new to me. Same as the hepaprin shots that I have to give myself 3x daily. Once its all done, its not a big deal. Those damn nerves just rack our brains silly! :eyebrows:
  13. Suwanee

    Opinions Please

    Im not sure if this is going to help you or not, but doing the pre-op diet was really tough for me. I stuck to it best I can, somtimes I succeeded and other times not so good. I am now 7 days out and still a little sore. I am on the Post-op diet and sames as the first, I am doing the best I can, sometimes good sometimes bad. I have heard of a lot of people complaining about things they cant eat or tolerate. I'm not sure if I have felt the same things. I have "snuck" in a little food that I am not suppose to, but I haven't had any bad consequences. I do find that I get full right away and that the amount that I am consuming is really minimal. For instance today is my first day on "mushies" but last night we went out for dinner and I ordered a gound beef patty and some mashed potatoes (the beef patty was a no no) :hungry: I ended up eating maybe 1/4 of the patty and maybe 2 tablespoons of the potatoes and I was like, ok im done, even though I was like I want more!! But nothing has really hurt me yet, but I do get that really full feeling right away. I am also terribly scared of throwing up or having anything like that happen, so I chew, chew, chew to make sure it all goes down really good. I think that its just a matter of you figuring out for yourself what you can and can not tolerate. I hope it all goes well for you!!
  14. Suwanee

    Soft Fills during surgery

    I do remember that my doctor had said that this will put me "ahead" of the game in the fill department. He stated that its about 1-2 fills ahead so that your not needing so much adjustment.
  15. Hi! I have my surgery scheduled for tomorrow :phanvan and am a little bit nervous, but also so excited. I've been reading posts like crazy...i must be obssessed!! but my surgeon told me that during the surgery they do a soft fill and I was wondering if anyone else has had that done and how it feels and if i will be feeling restriction right away. Pretty much - how is it going for you? Thank you!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
