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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by beckyloo4

  1. beckyloo4

    March 2014 Surgery!

    I'm so sorry I know you have to continue to wait but they did what was best for you. I'm sure the next three months will fly by. Get your rest so you can heal quickly. Just remember, even though you're frustrated and upset and have to wait a little bit longer, it'll all be worth it in the end.
  2. beckyloo4

    March 2014 Surgery!

    The dry mouth is the worst, ugh. Walking is the best thing for all the gas though. Glad to see you're doing well! Keep us posted!
  3. beckyloo4

    March 2014 Surgery!

    The only testing I had the day of surgery was a urine test for pregnancy. Surgery wise, I stopped taking pain meds after 2 days. The only time I have discomfort is when I try to sleep on my side. So I have resorted to still sleeping in my recliner so that I can't roll on my side or tummy. I'll be 5 days out tomorrow. After almost 3 weeks on liquids, I can't wait to get to the pureed stage! Real food! Hahaha Good luck with surgery and your new life!!
  4. beckyloo4

    March surgery

    I wish I could drive. I won't be cleared for that until my post op appointment on the 25th.
  5. beckyloo4

    March surgery

    Yesterday I got 3 11oz protein shakes down (90g total protein), a bottle and a half of water (24oz) and 8oz of broth. I take all my prescribed meds and vitamins every morning. I do feel a little better today and have been up and trying to move around some more but don't want to over do it. I can't drive yet or I'd get out and walk around the mall or something. Kids are at school, hubs and everyone else at work. Sucks being home alone when you're limited to what you can do.
  6. beckyloo4

    March surgery

    Congrats to you!! When did you start to feel "normal" again? Im 4 days out. Been home since 4pm Friday. Aside from getting up to use the bathroom, take meds or get drinks, I haven't done much of anything. I seem to not have much energy. I sit in my recliner and read or watch tv or doze off. I want to get up and go outside for a walk or something but after being up and moving for more than 10 minutes, I get light headed.
  7. I had bypass surgery on the 13th. Friday and Saturday I only got about 40oz of fluids in. Today I got 20oz of protein shake down, 8oz of broth and about 8oz of water down already and it's only 3:30pm. My stomach feels like it's contracting and making noise like it would before the surgery if I haven't eaten all day. Has anyone else experienced this? I feel hungry but I don't know if my stomach is telling me it wants food or if it's full.
  8. beckyloo4

    3 days out and hungry?

    Good to know. I did drink some laxative yesterday so hopefully my grumbling is my bowels. Thanks and good luck to you too!
  9. beckyloo4

    3 days out and hungry?

    I had a pretty productive gas removal day yesterday, tmi, I know, lol. I'm trying to ignore it and just keep sipping away on my water. I fear it may be head hunger, I'm not sure. I'll get through it. Thanks for your responses.
  10. beckyloo4

    3 days out and hungry?

    I certainly hope so. I am measuring all my fluids since I'm still on liquids until my week post op appointment. I feel fine, I just don't know how to read my stomach anymore if that makes any sense lol. I'm afraid of stretching out my pouch with too much liquid.
  11. beckyloo4

    Post Op March 2014

    I'm having an issue getting in fluids as well but my doctor said that's normal for the first week because you are still swollen and stuff from surgery. I'm 3 days out today and I feel somewhat normal. Still a little bit of discomfort and sleepiness.
  12. beckyloo4

    Post Op March 2014

    I'm two days out and I still have major gas and I'm constipated. I drank some laxative prescribed by my doctor a couple hours ago but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I've been up walking around every two hours or so. I'm trying to get my fluid in but I can't tell if my pain is from drinking too much or just gas pain. It's driving me nuts. I wish it would go away.
  13. beckyloo4

    March surgery

    Motivation is key for me too. Just had surgery yesterday. I have a bikini hanging up in my room that I haven't worn since I was 19 lol. I will be able to get that sucker on again!!
  14. beckyloo4

    March 2014 Surgery!

    Had my surgery yesterday morning and got home this afternoon. Last night was kind of rough. I had massive gas pain even though I was constantly walking, nausea and dry heaves. Today isn't so bad. Still have a little gas pain and a little wound soreness but haven't taken pain meds. I got about 12oz of protein shake down and some water. I'm not really hungry. But because of the pain, I can't tell if I'm full or what lol.
  15. beckyloo4

    Post Op March 2014

    Well, I'm one day post op! I was out of surgery yesterday by 11am and I was feeling pretty good, just sore. Last night up until this morning however, I had extremely bad nausea, dry heaves and a lot of gas pain. I pretty much got no sleep. I should be going home this afternoon.
  16. beckyloo4

    March 2014 Surgery!

    Just got the call from the hospital on when to report tomorrow. Surgery is scheduled for 8:15am! Im nervous and excited!!
  17. beckyloo4

    March 2014 Surgery!

    Good luck to all of you having surgery tomorrow! Keep us posted!
  18. beckyloo4

    March 2014 Surgery!

    Glad you are doing well! My surgery is Thursday. Nervous and excited lol
  19. Thank you! You can do it too!!
  20. I bought one of those non nicotine ones too. I believe they called it a hoo kah stick. It was flavored. I used it for a week and I was totally over it. They do help A LOT.
  21. I had the same issue. My doctor required 60 days smoke free. I smoked like a pack a day up until about 3.5wks before my nicotine test (horrible, I know) and I passed my urine test. Almost 7 weeks smoke free now and I love it! Just be honest with your doctor, I was. It's the best thing you can do. Quitting isn't easy!
  22. beckyloo4

    March 2014 Surgery!

    A lot of people said a recliner for the first few days. Believe it or not, I don't own one. So I went and bought one today lol. Surgery this Thursday!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
