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Everything posted by Pattypoo1

  1. Pattypoo1


    I have to do Optifast...5 drinks per day. They said if I feel dizzy to add one bouillon a day. Unlimited sugar free popsicles and jello. So far so good, you have the Optifast every 3 hours and I'm not hungry at all. Hope it continues!
  2. Aimee, I actually bought mine from a web site Journey Lite They came to me from a company called Catalina Lifesciences in Irvine CA I had been on Optifast before, and all the Dr had was the ready to drink. I prefer the powder, and I was able to go on that website and purchase it...good price too
  3. I started about 6 weeks ago, I replaced one meal a day with a protein shake, then 2 meals a day. Then I went straight into my pre-op Liquid fast (5 Optifast shakes a day) I opted to start that a week early for 3 weeks instead of 2. I lost about 4 pounds just doing the protein shake meal replacement, and I have lost 7 this week doing the first week of Optifast. I expect to lose 3-4 more in the next 2 weeks prior to surgery. That's around 15 total (about 2 months), maybe a little less. This way I could ease into it and it really didn't shock my body to go from eating to liquid fast all at once. I just started breaking bad habits one at a time and it's been pretty painless.....
  4. Pattypoo1

    No one in Nov?

    That's what the lady at the Dr's office said. She noticed that trend.....
  5. Pattypoo1

    No one in Nov?

    Bobbi, Sounds like we are in the same place at the same time...Stick with it. BTW, my Dr requires clear liquids for 2 weeks after banding, then full liquids for 2 weeks, then mushies for 2 DAYS, then soft diet. I find that very strange... What do you have to do?
  6. Pattypoo1

    No one in Nov?

    Wow I guess I am in that different kinda mindset already as I have opted to go on liquid preop for 3 weeks instead of 2!. How did I ever get into that frame of mind? I don't know. I just thought about all the food I COULD eat one last time, and figured, if I gain 5 pounds, then I have to lose 5 pounds. I figured I might as well start thinking like a skinny girl now. If I can do it now, then I can definately do it after banding. So I feel good about my choice and instead of feeling sick like you KFC eaters, I feel great and I have lost about 6 pounds in 6 days. I figured...it's a lifestyle change and I NEED to change my mindset. I spoke to the girl at the Dr's office, who was banded last Dec and has lost 102 lbs, and she said that the self pay people seem to be more focused on the lifestyle change than the insurance people. So I hope all of you can think about the real reason you are binging before you do it. I want all of us to succeed. Just take 5 minutes and think about it before you do it..is this fried chicken really worth it? (thank goodness I never liked KFC too spicy) BTW, the Optifast is going great. I feel great and I am clearing my mind to get ready. You really don't realize how much time you focus on food choices. After you start the liquids, and you don't have those choices to make anymore, you can focus on other things. It somehow relaxes me and calms me.
  7. Pattypoo1

    Question About The Ap Band

    I have read such good things about it, less erosion, less slippage, I have also insisted on the AP...
  8. Pattypoo1

    Adding protein shakes

    I love the Unjury line also...VERY good stuff
  9. Pattypoo1

    No one in Nov?

    I have to do Optifast for 2 weeks, but I requested to do it 3 instead....just because I am ready
  10. Pattypoo1

    newbie-preop weight loss

    I have lost 30 pounds already on my I will be banded 11/1 and have just started Optifast. Before that, 1200 calories a day, lots of water.. then about 2 months ago, I replaced one meal a day with protein shake. Then about 2 weeks ago I replaced 2 meals a day with protein shakes. I am slowly easing myself into into it. I slowly stopped carbonated beverages. Now that I am on Optifast I feel fine, no hunger, no problems. Just ease into it, and do it slowly or else you will set yourself up for failure. It really works. It is a lifestyle change. Start changing the bad habits one by one.
  11. Pattypoo1


    I have arthritis and have to take Mobic...I have cut back to 2-3 days a week, but after I am banded and healed I will have to take it as I can hardly move my hand and foot without it
  12. Pattypoo1


    Guys, you know what? I usually take my vacation from work every November. I decided to have surgeyr Nov 1 BECAUSE of the holidays. I can enjoy it all now because I won't be focused on food, what to eat what not to eat. I know now that I definately won't gain any weight over the holidays, and I will be happier not having food rule my life. To me it's a no brainer, I will be much happier this way. I hope you guys can look at it from a different perspective.
  13. Pattypoo1

    NSV with Halloween Candy?

    I work in a grocery store pharmacy, and the halloween candy display is right in front of me. I just picture those little bags of candy bars hanging from my ass, like 50 on each side. It has worked so far.
  14. Pattypoo1

    No one in Nov?

    Hey Sanderro, Congrats on the Nov 1 date. You are joining me and Nessa and Bobbi on that day. I go This Thurs for nutritionist visit and pre-Optifast weigh in...Good luck to all of us
  15. At my psych eval, I answered 165 or so questions on a computer. They were really iodiotic but I told the truth. It seems as though they were trying to determine the presence of any eating disorders. I answered yes to the question, "Are you a yo-yo dieter?" He told me that he thinks I will have problems in 3-6 months because of that. I told him, that's why I want the band, because you HAVE to eat small portions. There's no question about it, you do what you are supposed to or you get sick. I paid $250 to be told that I am a Yo-Yo dieter!
  16. Pattypoo1

    tired of optifast soup

    I found a really good alternative to this. Unjury has a chicken broth that is excellent, although a little salty, I cut it with a lot more water. Good chicken taste to it.
  17. Pattypoo1

    Pills - after healing?

    Depending on the size of the tablets, you should be able to swallow them in 4-6 weeks.
  18. Pattypoo1

    I hate a lot of you. I really do.

    When I was in high school I was not pretty at all. As I have gotten older, I feel that I am not that bad. I developed a great personality to counter the looks, so everyone loved me for that, they got past the blah blah face. Now I feel like I am the life of the party...I smile all the time and laugh a lot. My face is my face, you can oly do so much. People like you for who you are...inside...You don't want friends who are superficial and fake. It's all in your attitude. If you develop a great attitude your face will glow, and that in and of itself will make you beautiful and attractive. Nobody wants to hang around a sour pus. I am probably a 4 out of 10. BUT I have a great sense of humor. I keep my hair shaped and colored. I wear makeup. I think I look great for 47, people always think I am much much younger. That's my secret. Attitude babe, Attitude.
  19. Pattypoo1

    No one in Nov?

    Hey Nessa, I started in Jan on Nutrisystem and lost about 35 pounds thru April. I put on about 10, and now I have started eating sensibly! I am cutting back on my own, and starting to get ready for life AS (after surgery). Yes I work...2 jobs...one from home. I had 2 weeks vacation left for this year, so I am taking them in Nov. No time off from home job..
  20. Pattypoo1

    No one in Nov?

    Hey Nessa...we are the same day!!!!!!!!!
  21. Pattypoo1

    Pre-op Diet?

    Hey Kat, I started Nutrisystem in Jan 07 and lost 35 pounds in 4 months. After that time, I have just been watching it, and really just trying to change old habits. I don't eat fried foods, pizza, bread, rice, Pasta at all (Just a lot of sweets). I have eaten some sweets in the last few months, but not tons like I used to. Just trying to change bad habits one at a time. When I was 263, I had a lot of trouble sleeping, snoring, etc and major reflux. All that is gone now, and I feel so much better. So in prep for surgery, I am dropping bad habits one at a time, and I have replaced one meal a day with a Protein shake. The only thing left is my Diet Ginger Ale habit, which is down to one can every 3-4 days now, soon to be dropped. I have replaced my evening can of soda with 8oz chicken flavored Protein Drink. Someone mentioned unjury protein, so I checked it out and LOVE them. The chicken one is warm and tastes like broth but has protein in it. I felt like changing bad habits one at a time would be best for me. So when I start Optifast on 10/18 I will be mentally prepared. I have done Optifast before for 4 months. I think it's all a mind game. You have to control food, not let food control you. I am learning that, and I am learning to live without all the bad stuff. If your Dr doesn't require a pre-op diet, if I were you I would just think about how you got into this situation to begin with, and start changing those ways now. Find some nice salads or vegetables that you like and start eating them now. You can;t go wrong like that. I am actually looking forward to all liquids for a while. My poor intestines have worked overtime for the last 47 years and I think they need a break. Also, no more pondering over what to eat. Should I or shouldn't I? The answer is no. Drink the liquid! Get out of the Kitchen! What a relief mentally.
  22. Pattypoo1

    Pre-op Diet?

    I will have to go on Optifast for 2 weeks pre-op
  23. Pattypoo1

    My new AP Band

    This is very interesting. My Dr likes the VG and also the AP. He said he will decide which one to use when he gets in there, I was leaning toward the AP...I'd like to hear how you all are doing after a fill. Until then keep on track.
  24. It comes in an oral concentrate...liquid. Maybe you guys should consider trying that

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
