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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Pattypoo1

  1. I also don't have anything salty, I simply don't like it. There are 2 brands that I really like. One is College Inn Organic chicken broth with 510 grams of sodium per cup. The other is Pacific natural foods organic free range chicken broth with 570grams of salt per cup. They both taste very good. I do not like Swansons or canned broth at all. These are in the 1qt boxes.
  2. Pattypoo1

    4 wks post band

    WOW, I was going to ask the sam question. My pain is also on the left, but not near the port. It is straight across and down. It kinda feels like a stitch that you would get after running. It is there only after I eat OR drink anything. It's very strange. I am 2 weeks post op.
  3. I have a walk around a lot job..I had surgery 11/1 and took 2 weeks off just for vacation time, not knowing how long recovery would be. Took pain meds thru Sat am, felt really weak and tired until the following Weds. For me it took a week to feel up to getting dressed. After 1 week, no pain at all, not really sore either. I would say take a week just in case...
  4. Pattypoo1

    Getting Banded 11/15/07

    Hey Pat, I wasn't really all that nervous. Mine went fine. Only took pain meds for 2 days. Now 12 days out and no pain what so ever. I did have a little bit of the shoulder pain, but the tylenol with codeine took care of it, and it only lasted a couple of days, on and off. It was real tough to get water down for a couple of days, but now I can drink just fine. Don't worry yourself.
  5. Pattypoo1

    What about meds?

    Specifically what medicine...
  6. Cindy, I was also banded on 11/1. My surgeon requires 2 weeks of clear liquids, then 2 weeks of full liquids, then pureed. So I have an even stricter schedule than you! We need to stick with it because the longer the band has to scar into place the better. If you start eating even soft foods, the stomach has to churn to start the digestion process. As it churns, it moves around. You need to stay off the food so the bad can seat itself. That's what I have been told. They told me to sip on diluted fruit juice constantly. Don't worry about the calories right now. Now is time for healing... Find the strength my friend...it will be better for you in the long run.
  7. Hey everyone, Well, I made it thru banding yesterday. It hurts, of course I expected it to. It's not excruciating, but it still hurts. I'm just sipping fluids and resting...just thought I would check in and let everyone know I made it
  8. Pattypoo1

    AP Band

    I also have the AP...I requested it and they special ordered it for me. I made them show me the box in the OR
  9. I was pretty much gung ho from the start. The what if's started after I was banded, the first day. OMG, What have I done. Sit back, relax, and think about all the diets you have tried, yeah they worked, but what happened afterwards. You gained it all back plus more. It is such a relief to know that you never have to go on a diet again. This time it is an eating plan for life, no diet. Think of all the money spent on this pill and that pill and this gadget and that. No more. This gives me such peace of mind. I know eventually I will be able to eat anything I want. The portions will be 1/10th but I will be satisfied after eating that...WOW..that is quite a motivator for me. I am one week post op, and if I feel a little hunger pang, just drinking one ounce of juice gets rid of it...OMG ONE OUNCE. Real food still repulses me at this point, and I am enjoying that feeling. You will be surprised at how much better you feel when you don't have to worry about what your next meal will be. Not thinking about food this week has been very refreshing, like nothing I have ever experienced before. Stop asking yourself if you can do it, Keep all your instructions in front of you and read them daily, this is what will be consumed today...no thinking about it. Your mind is then free to focus on other things, things you used to enjoy. It's really very powerful if you think of it like this, so look forward to it, don't dread it.
  10. Check the protein and see if it is Whey Isolate. If it is whey concentrate, then it can contain a lot of lactose as a filler. The isolate is pure...no lactose.
  11. Pattypoo1

    I'm done...I made it

    I started Nutrisystem at the beginning of the year, lost some, then lost some more on the 2 week pre-op. I have lost 47 pounds since the beginning of the year now, I just don't know the pin number for the ticker. I guess I have to make another
  12. Prozac comes in liquid, have it changed. Take Tylenol adult Liquid. I would D/c the Lipitor for 2 weeks, then break them in half, but of course, you will need to check with your Dr first. As a pharmacist, it is my assumption that this will be discontinued eventually unless your high levels are genetic. Only blood tests will tell for sure. I am 4 days post-op and I changed all my meds to liquids. Until the swelling goes down, I don't see myself swallowing anything.
  13. Jaime, don't feel bad, I have the same schedule as you. @ weeks clear fluids and 2 weeks full fluids. Your pain meds may be causing your nausea. Have them give you some Zofran, it will knock it right out. The zofran ODT will dissolve right in your mouth
  14. I was banded Thurs and two of my incisions are bruised but not swollen. I would assume it is normal...
  15. Pattypoo1

    I'm done...I made it

    Carol, I came home at around 5, same day. It took them forever to release me becuase their computers went down, and she couldn't do anything! So I walked the halls, and everytime I passed the nurses station I asked if I could leave yet...
  16. Hey longhorn, good to hear from you. I was banded yesterday as well..hurts pretty bad but I'll make it through. hear from you
  17. Pattypoo1

    Being Banded Tomorrow!

    Hey Nessa, I am being banded tomorrow as well. They called today and changed my time from 8:30 to 10:30 which ticked me off because I had my ride all set....I have no real emotions at this time. I am keeping my mind off of it, and I have to work tonight so keeping busy. I did a lot of housework this am. I am going around and putting things at a reachable level as I understand we will not be able to bend over. I have the slide shoes and the pillow for the car. The heating pad is ready, meds are filled. I put a weeks worth of Dog food on the counter so I won't have to bend to get it out. Good luck to all of use and we need to post as soon as we feel up to it. I will be thinking about you and the others on our list for tomorrow.
  18. Pattypoo1

    Am I eating too much???

    Maybe this will help for the time being. I was told all drinks are to be consumed at room temp. No ice, no ice water, nothing COLD for 3 weeks. It will cause spasms. Maybe if you think about it in these terms your mind will not let you eat the ice cream...
  19. Pattypoo1

    Help me out here!

    Boy oh Boy...people say that to me too. My reply is "Gee, why didn't I think of that 40 years ago!"
  20. That's funny, I just got back from my pre-op stuff and in the paperwork it specifically states that this may happen, in the exact area that you mentioned. It says on there to take Maalox with simethicone. I assume they think this is gas.
  21. Pattypoo1


    Hi newlife 627, I am being banded on Thurs. I am on Optifast now, not too bad. I am not scared at all, just anxious to get it over with. I go Monday to Hospital for preop blood work and paper work and of course to pay them. Hang in there, I'm sure we will do just fine.
  22. I had done Optifast before as one of my failed diets... I actually lost almost 50 lbs in 4 months on it, but of course gained back 70. So when they told me I had to do it for 2 weeks pre-op, I was familiar with it. I am so ready to get this done that I opted to do it for 3 weeks instead. I have just finished week 2 with one more to go. It has been no problem for me. I have one every 3 hours and not hungry at all. Drinking a lot of fluids in between, and a no sugar added popsicle if needed. I figured I have to change my habits, may as well just start it and do it. It works for me because I am in that frame of mind right now. It's all a head game and if your head really isn't in it, it won't work. I like the powder, mixed with 6 ounces of water and sometimes some ice chips to make it nice and thick. Tastes really good, I don't like the premixed ones, I prefer the powder. So I am actually glad that I did the pre-op diet. I was so tired of bingeing and overeating. It has been a welcome change for me.
  23. It's called Chantix and I would say 99% of my patients on it have quit...
  24. Pattypoo1

    Eating rice - why is this difficult?

    I am not a rice eater, but at my nutritionist visit, I was told only long grain rice is allowed. I thought that was very strange...
  25. Pattypoo1

    Anxious Jan

    Hi karlvr, I will be banded on 11/1. I also have had people tell me, "you're not fat, why do this" They just really don't understand the struggles to keep it off...I'm sure these same people will tell me I look anorexic when I get to goal. I started out 130 pounds overweight, now about 93 overweight. Do they not see what I see??? How can they miss that? I totally understand where you are coming from. Good luck and hang in there. I agree the pre-op diet hasn't been too bad, I started it a week early, so on day 12 I have lost about 7.5pounds, hope to lose another 4 or 5 before surgery!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
