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LAP-BAND Patients
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About celinejen

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/25/1969

About Me

  • Biography
    I had lap-band surgury a little over a year ago and I've had great sucess with it, I've lost 67 I hapounds to date.
  • Interests
    Singing, cooking
  • Occupation
    Facilities Admin
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  • Zip Code
  1. Happy 44th Birthday celinejen!

  2. Happy 43rd Birthday celinejen!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary celinejen!

  4. celinejen

    What are your' cereal choices??

    I like Special K with strawberries, but I bought a box of Curves cerial because it was on sale. We'll see next week whether it was worth it next week.
  5. I told everyone I thought would be supportive, I don't need any negitive energy in my life, I got rid of that along time ago.
  6. celinejen

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    I'm sorta new here, but I'm glad you brought up this topic. I think it's important. about me my name is Jennifer ( i was banded Jul 12 2006 ) I'm single after being in an off-on realationship ( mostly off ) I just joined a dating site after working on myself, I frankly wasn't ready when I was over-weight. I was extreamly self-consious about my weight, mostly because I was with a man who didn't appriciate me. But, now I'm ready to tackle the single-dating life. I've talked to a few guys on-line nothing serious just talking ( I do really fine when I'm on-line ) It's always been until I meet them. But this time is way different ( I look way different ) I won't tell a man about my band until we get serious, and if he doesn't respond well, Well, than he wasn't meant to be.
  7. I know why am I complaining? It just seems like every few weeks I need to buy new cloths. I just bought 2 weeks ago 3 new bras ( none of them fit now ) My size is ranging from an 8 to 10 depending on the cut of the cloths, I tried on a skirt the other day (10) it was swiming on me. I think what bothers me is that is so darn expensive to keep buying cloths. I know this should be all I be complaining about. Maybe, I should hold-off on buying any new cloths ( at this point ) I've also been not able to keep food down ( I'm probibly too restricted right now, I know ) But, I don't want an unfill. I'm losing tons of weight. Last month I went in for my 6 week check-up and I'd lost 9 pounds. I'm 13 pounds till my first goal. It's been along time since I was "Just 13 pounds overweight" Thank you, I needed to get that off my chest. Jen
  8. celinejen

    Hello- I'm New

    Welcome, I'm kinda new here to. You'll find tons of support here, trust me. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it here. :girl_hug:
  9. celinejen

    Why are YOU Fat?

    For me before I could blame my parents, they were all about finishing what was on your plate, you were a member of the "Clean Plate Club" Now it's up to me what goes in my mouth. I can't blame anyone else but me. I take compleate and total responsibility.
  10. I've fought obesity my whole life, this a very do able tool. I didn't think so in the begining. If I were you I would read everything you can on the subject, Many times people go into this not knowing what is going to be their part in this journey. My mothers friend has the lap-band also but when my mother asked her how many fills she had ( she hadn't had any ) She didn't even realize you have to have fills ( to get proper restriction ) She's had the band for 4 years. That's why arming yourself with as much information as possible is key. As someone said go to a seminar ( they usually have a dr on hand to answer many of you questions ) See if your hospital or another one has a support group ( they also can be very informative and helpfull ) I go to group meetings once a month. It helps me stay accountable. Good luck!!!!! I'm new to this board and everyone here seems friendly and informed.
  11. I wish I had asked my dr. That looks kinda cool. It's not everyday you get to see your insides.
  12. I'm a newbie here, not new to the lap-band. I was banded last July 12. I had dr Clinch as my dr. He's been fantastic. He tells you the way things are ( very straight-forword) kinda guy. So, far I haven't disapointed myself or him. I've lost 67 pounds so far. I feel like a new person. I've gotten so many comliments, I've only now been able to take compliments. It doesn't come easy for me to except. That's something I'm working on, that and body awareness ( excepting that I do look different ) I've been over-weight most of my life. I still have alot of things to learn from you all. I hope we teach eachother a new thing or two. Thank you, Jen:)

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