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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jdillon

  1. jdillon

    Pen Pal Goodie Boxes?

  2. jdillon

    NV - Henderson \ Las Vegas

    Where's the Henderson multigenerational center?
  3. I love that idea. I think I might as well! And then show it off!
  4. OK if this surgery doesn't happen soon I think I'll lose my mind. It's getting so hot here in Vegas and I wish I could wear cute little shorts and sun dresses with no sleeves! Next summer I guess. But come winter I will be putting on small jeans and nice boots and a top that shows how small I'll be! I am going to have boudoir (sp?) Pics done for my husband that knocks his socks off for Christmas! And by next summer I will be sporting the shortest shorts a 45 year old can get away with! And for Halloween I am ordering one of those sexy Legg Avenue costumes that I always wished I could wear and not in the plus size! Hurry up surgery date! Lol
  5. jdillon

    Before and After Pics

    Great success! Wow. I not only can't wait for surgery day, but to be a year out with pics like this to show success! You look simply marvelous darling! Awesome job really.
  6. Omg. Wow. You must be excited. Congrats. I know the day will eventually be here, but it feels like I've been waiting forever. How long did you have to wait? Where's your surgery being done? Keep me posted on how you are doing!
  7. jdillon

    my 2 month progress pic

    Wow! Losing fast
  8. jdillon

    Work related

    I'm a csm and cashier. I'm still pre op but there's like 5 others in the store who had surgery. They all took 2 wks and a few days off. Came back really tired and needing to take it easy for the first week but then they were fine. Miss Ruth had her surgery in February and has lost just over 50lbs now! Yayyyy!
  9. jdillon

    NV - Henderson \ Las Vegas

    I would like to know more about our local chapter. I'm in Henderson area by the fiesta hotel/ casino.
  10. OK so I have the insurance that requires 6 months dieting and 6 weigh-ins for approval for surgery. I have 0 cormobilities. I am borderline approved bmi, so I have been instructed to not lose any weight by my doctor or I would not be approved. My 5th appointment is on Tuesday and then one month to go. After my 6 th weigh in I should have 2 wks before surgery is scheduled. I want to use at least one of those weeks to do all liquid diet and get to 200lbs or less (currently@ 211) before surgery and get my body used to the liquids before surgery. I know my tastes will change after surgery but I set this goal as my first goal and would like to accomplish it. I quit smoking in October to prepare myself to begin this journey. I drink all kinds of liquids , water , tea, protein drinks, Popsicles for snacks. I got a gym membership at planet fitness going. I have not watched what I eat but do not have a huge appetite lately. We went to pizza last night and I had one slice and 3 chicken wings and I was stuffed. I am trying to practice the no drinking while I eat thing. That is hard. I am a drinker. I love a huge tea or water always throughout my day. Well I'm just wondering how much protein drinks and water and broth should I consume pre op during that week or two i am doing this? I am so excited that these months are going by quicker now. It's almost to the end of this waiting game. Starting today I've begun sit ups with weights. If done every day until surgery I'm hoping my stomach muscles are a little tighter at least. Doing treadmill and weights for the arms as well. I am on the far left in the picture. That's me yesterday at my son's 2nd grade awards.
  11. jdillon

    Pre op liquid diet

    We carry it at my smith's store in the nutritional section
  12. jdillon

    Before and After Pics

    I'm a little taller than you not much. We're almost identical starting. You look great. How much did you lose each month from the start. When did it slow down for you? What do you eat each day? I hope you don't mind the questions.
  13. jdillon

    Before and After Pics

    My hero! I am 211lbs surgery due in July!
  14. Looking forward to those pics! My sleeve will be in July. Getting really excited. Congratulations on your success!
  15. jdillon

    Any july surgery dates?

    July sometime
  16. Omg I have way too many clothes! Went through and threw out all the junk and organized the rest by sizes. The largest being 16's and the smallest were 10's. I will have clothing covered for a bit once I get started. July hurry up and get here. I cannot wait to purge all the larger clothing!
  17. jdillon

    Before and After Pics

    Wow you look phenomenal
  18. jdillon

    Any july surgery dates?

    I unfortunately don't have a choice for the shifts I work. It comes along with the territory and my job. But I'm hoping to go on to a different career like teaching or something. I'll be able to see my 8 yr old son more too. Good luck and congrats on the 13lbs! That's great!
  19. jdillon


    Thank you. I wish I could fast forward my life and be where you are now, but one step at a time. Gotta live each day of this journey and do my best and hopefully it all comes out good in the end. You are a true inspiration and your husband. Your stories are awesome!
  20. jdillon


    Right! Why. Why would they do that? They outta design clothing for larger women that is more flattering. I wish I was at where you are now. What did you start out at? How far out are you?
  21. I have jas insurance. They still require the dreaded 6 months wait. And I know everyone says to take that time to mentally and physically get ready for the huge changes that are coming, but it is such a long emotional roller coaster ride during those 6 months. What ya gonna do? I'm very fortunate to have insurance that covers this procedure. I'll in the end be out 50.00 for psych evaluation, 75.00 for the NUT, and a little bit for the anesthesiologist possibly and the rest is paid for by jas. Pretty cool huh?
  22. jdillon


    Yes that is true it is very emotional. I have nowhere to put all of these clothes it's crazy. I should be packing the winter ones away that are larger but I can't until they just don't fit anymore. Maybe I'll just put them in a box and label them by sizes and when it doesn't fit I can get them out for donation. Or ship them to someone on here who would like them.
  23. jdillon

    Any july surgery dates?

    You and I are very close on our stats. When is your surgery? I want to get to 135 minimum. If it goes lower, great. I have an appointment for my 5th monthly weigh in on the 10th of 6 required by my insurance. Almost there. I go from 205-211lbs each weigh-in. I have been told to not lose anything because I am borderline bmi. But after that last weigh in and the insurance approves me I plan to do a two week liquid diet until surgery. I want to kick it off with a few lbs lost pre op at least and get myself used to liquids only. Been saying goodbye to some foods I feel I may miss. Idk they all say you change what you like after surgery. I am so excited though to get started. My friend at work is over 3 months post op now and is down 50lbs. That would make me so happy to be down that much in 3 months. That means by October for Halloween I would be about 150lbs and I can celebrate by buying a cute costume and feel good in it. I want to work hard and achieve my second mini goal to be at 140lbs or less by January for new years and goal by my birthday in February. But we will see. Everyone is so different. I'm going to follow my plan and see what my body does. I've started going through my massive clothing collection that ranges from size 10 to 16. I've quit smoking. I drink water and tea all day. I've joined a gym and I am trying to be committed to going but with my schedule it is tough. I work 6-2 /9-5/2-10/12-8/10-6/8-4. You name it. I work it. And it's different every week. I'm a front end manager for my Smiths grocery store. After I lose the weight I think I would like a career change. I feel like it's contributing to my weight gain. All the inconsistent hours. Anyways, sorry for going on and on. Just getting excited. Lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
