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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DeniseNCC1701

  1. DeniseNCC1701

    Had surgery on Tuesday :-)

    Welcome to the losers bench! You're doing wonderful! Be well…
  2. DeniseNCC1701

    No carbonation ever again?

    I'm on board with no sodas, too. I used to drink diet ginger ale like it was nobody's business, and I haven't really craved it post-op. My surgeon said the occasional beer would be OK, but advised to wait a few months. I turn 50 in July, so I'm going to Celebrate with one nice craft beer. Be well…
  3. I'm so upset, and I just need to vent. I gained 3lbs since Monday. What's up with that? My eating has been good, about 850-900 cal a day, and while I'm struggling with getting in my Water, I've gotten better. I went to boot camp Monday and earlier this morning. It's not that time of the month. I'm doing well with watching my sodium. I just don't get it. On Monday when I weighed in, I had only lost one pound since last week, and that was disappointing enough, but now this? I feel like crying. *sigh* Thanks for "listening"
  4. DeniseNCC1701

    Feeling a Bit Overwhelned!

    You're going to be fine! Is it easy? Nope. Not at all. But you can do it! The popsicles are going to be a little slice of heaven. How about broth, can you have that? I loved making homemade chicken Soup (giving the solids to the dog, LOL) and savoring the hot broth. Now's a good time to experiment with different herbal teas if you like that sort of thing. Before you know it, the two weeks will be over and you'll be joining us on the loser's bench. Be well…
  5. DeniseNCC1701


    The "week 3" stall is fairly common. I hit mine at week 4. Don't sweat it too much (no pun intended). Just keep plugging along and trust the process, the weight will come off. Be well…
  6. DeniseNCC1701

    Silly Hospital Clothing Questions

    I bought a whole bag 'o clothes that I never wore. I stayed in the gown they provided, as I was pretty much out of it until it was time to go home. I even purchased a brandy-new Star Trek t-shirt and leopard print flip flops to wear, too! LOL Be well…
  7. DeniseNCC1701

    Advice Needed!

    Go easy on yourself, and please try to follow your medical team's instructions. Solid foods probably aren't the best choices right now. And it's not that strange what you're feeling… your insides just got a major overhaul, and your body is saying WTF? Find what works and stick with that for awhile. I too found I couldn't tolerate much dairy during the early full-liquid stage. Now, at almost 2 months out, it's going down better. But during that phase I found homemade chicken Soup (just the broth, gave the solids to the dog LOL) and hot herbal teas worked the best. I was also allowed sugar free popsicles which were pretty yummy. There's a gazillion Protein drinks out there, but people here seem to like unjury. Personally, I started with Eat the Bear, but found that too sweet (and artificially sweetened). Then I went to Garden for Life (too chalky). Now I've settled on Nitro Pro chocolate. But YMMV. Just stay as true to the plan and you'll be just fine! Good luck, and please keep us posted. Be well…
  8. DeniseNCC1701

    Easter Dinner- help

    Personally, I don't see why not. I'd try to drink extra Water to help flush out any sodium, and keep the portion as small as possible. Of course, you might want to check with your surgeon to be on the safe side. I know I "graduate" to solid foods this Friday, and we're all going out to an all-you-can-eat brunch at a really good restaurant for Easter. Sweet Jesus give me strength. Good luck, Happy Easter, and enjoy the day! Be well…
  9. DeniseNCC1701

    Updates with pictures

    Look at that sexy Rock Star, baby! Amazing!
  10. DeniseNCC1701

    Preop jello sugar free fat free pudding....

    I was allowed SF pudding during my full liquids post-op phase. It was wonderful the first few days, especially after being on Clear Liquids (where Jello was allows) for 10 days! I've since stopped having them, as it turned out to be a "trigger" food for me! Be well…
  11. DeniseNCC1701

    First month pic

    Hey, sexy lady! That's awesome!
  12. DeniseNCC1701

    Surgery tomorrow freaking out

    Don't think about it too much, as it's going to happen. It's as good as done. As I always like to say: Not to spoil the ending for you, but everything is going to be OK. You've got support with your friends… both in person and here. We're all rooting for you. Besides, us Jersey broads are pretty tough Cookies. Be well…
  13. DeniseNCC1701

    Diabetes GONE! A1c is.........

    Congratulations! My numbers are coming down too. I have a the Contour USB monitor that has software to plot all the readings, and my average post-op is in the high 120s. I'm thrilled. I'm taking Lark60's words to heart, though, as I am still on the pureed foods stage, and I wonder what will happen as a move through the process and incorporate more carbs. My hope is that with increased weight loss, consistent exercise and spot-on nutrition, I will continue on the road to curing the diabetes. My doctor thinks that will be the case at the end of the year. I am not so sure. One thing I AM sure of however, is that if I hadn't had this surgery, I would be in a lot of trouble. Again, congratulations to the OP, that's wonderful news, and I wish you continued success. I wish the same for us all. Be well…
  14. DeniseNCC1701

    Had pancakes for breakfast

    Just found this online after Googling Protein Pancakes. I'll be all over the coconut ones once I transition to solid foods (this Friday, yay!) http://food.allwomenstalk.com/protein-pancake-recipes-that-will-suit-any-diet-and-satisfy-any-craving Be well…
  15. DeniseNCC1701

    6 weeks update with pictures!

    Wow, what a beautiful job your surgeon! Good for you for putting up with what I'm sure was a rough recovery. Be well…
  16. DeniseNCC1701

    I did a Duathalon!

    Good for you, thats so awesome! Take a bow *clap clap clap*
  17. DeniseNCC1701

    Mini non scale victories :)

    I use to enjoy my Wii Balance board a lot a few years ago, then I gained almost 50lbs and exceeded the weight capacity. This week I finally made it back under the limit. Just barely under, but I'm there. I can do the virtual hula-hoop once again. LOL Be well…
  18. DeniseNCC1701

    15 days post op funny story

    Heh... that pain kinda catches you off-guard, doesn't it! I know the first time I (forgive me) vomited slime, it took me by surprise. There I was, watching TV after eating broiled fish, too fast apparently, and what I thought was a burp went all over my new LL Bean throw! What a mess. Lessons learned, indeed! Be well…
  19. DeniseNCC1701

    Emotional Eating

    I hear ya. Heck, we all have setbacks, but our sleeves are a wonderful tool, indeed. Like you said, it will keep us in check… but only if we listen to it. And it seems like you are doing just that. It's probably one of the most important things throughout this whole process: awareness. Good for you! Be well…
  20. DeniseNCC1701

    1week post surgery

    Yay! Good for you… transitioning to more "normal" foods is a wonderful thing! Be well…
  21. DeniseNCC1701

    Explaining WLS results

    Looks like you're really wrapped your head around everything, and I think that's terrific! I hope I am as focused and determined down the road. And your post made me smile. You see, my first week back to work post op, I had a co-worker say and do exactly what you described: "Oh, if only I could…" I encourage people who ask to do their research and know that WLS is only a tool. They seemed disappointed that there is no magic presto switch after all. Be well…
  22. I don't have much to add here, but I wanted to "stop by" anyway and just say thanks for all the chuckles. This is a great thread, and I've enjoyed reading all the updates and friendly jabs at each other! And now I'm going to be late for work! Be well…
  23. DeniseNCC1701

    How Much Should Be Enough

    Oh, it sure will! I thought the same thing to myself a week post-op, when I was able to take in more Water than I thought I should. I mentioned it to my surgeon, and he said that it was normal and things would be different later on. He was right. I've been on pureed foods for about a month now (solid foods start end of next week!), and depending on what I'm eating, 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup at most is all I can fit. I feel the restriction, and my new tummy lets me know when I've taken one mouthful too many! Be well…
  24. …keeping you in my thoughts, and sending positive energy your way. I hope everything goes well for you! Be well…
  25. DeniseNCC1701

    I DID IT! One day post op

    Congratulations, and welcome to the losers bench! You're going to do GREAT! Heating pads helped me with the gas and, of course, walking when you can. The lack of hunger is pretty amazing, isn't it? Keep sipping Water, and again, congratulations! Be well…

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
