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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MissME

  1. MissME

    Trip post op.. Yes or no?

    Looking back on my own surgery I would advise you not to go. I returned to work 10 days post op and that still wasn't enough time to fully recuperate. Even though the surgery is Laparoscopic you will still have five wounds, the biggest of which hurts like the dickens. I took my Tylenol with Codeine 2 times a day every day for 2 weeks because of the main incision site pain. Trust me narcotics make you want to sleep not watch a group of children. I would also enlist your 14 year old to help out with the younger kids while you recover. You will be having a major surgery and you need to focus on recovering and making sure your Protein and Water intake are high enough.
  2. @@Mrs King, first of all congratulations! I spent the last week before surgery on a liquid diet. My suggestion is just stick to it and don't give in to the 'last meal' temptations. It really is preparation for the weeks ahead when you will be on liquids and soft foods only. After surgery Gas X was a good friend of mine. I got the strips that dissolve on your tongue that I would use whenever I felt gassy (a side effect of the surgery). Everyone heals differently. For me I had a lot of soreness at the main incision site for about 3 1/2 weeks after surgery. The nurses at the hospital had given me a cool re-useable ice pack. I liked it so much they gave me a second one and I took them both home to ice the incision site. That helped a lot! I used it right up to the time when the pain finally became dull. Again, not everyone has the same type of muscle aches and pains at the incision site but it would be good to get an ice pack just in case. Also, I am tall and I found that laying in bed or on a chair that didn't require me to strain to get up was a lot more comfortable then sitting in a low chair and having to fight my way out of it. This is less stressful on the incision site too. Pillows were also my constant companions, for compression and to prop me up on my bed. I guess the last piece of advice would be to know that WLS is not easy, especially right after surgery. I was so tired of eating/drinking the same things that didn't care that I lost 20 lbs in two weeks. All I wanted was some flavor! There is sort of a mourning period for food but that gets better too. After weeks of sweet tasting things like Protein shakes, pudding, yogurt, and popsicles, having real food in the form of Egg Drop Soup and oatmeal helped me to soldier on until eventually I could start adding more flavorful things to my diet. Looking back on the first few weeks after surgery I had some pretty miserable moments but I am nearly 3 months post OP now and things are going so well that I almost forgot all about that. If you find yourself in the same place I was just know that it always gets better and it definitely is worth it!
  3. Hello Everyone! I am going to get my blood drawn tomorrow for my 3 month Post OP Appointment on June 6th. I am a little nervous about my levels. Can anyone offer insight into your first lab results post Sleeve? Thanks! -MissME
  4. MissME

    Cold feet!

    @@marcumkari You should make a list for comparison. List the things you have given up in life already because of your weight. Next list those things you will regain after WLS. Finally, list things you will have to give up after WLS. This should give you a clearer picture of where you are now and where you can be if you go through with the WLS. I guarantee you that the first two lists are a lot longer then the third.
  5. Finally made it to the gym and worked out on the Elliptical and Stationary bike. I am kicking up my work outs big time.

  6. MissME

    My Fitness Pal friends needed!

    @@nelle1230 I just signed up. How do you search by username? it is asking me for email or Facebook. My email is MaryerinGray@yahoo.com if you or anyone else wants to add me.
  7. I hope Jake Worthington wins The Voice tonight! All 3 of his songs were in the top 10. *crosses fingers*

  8. This weekend I swam up a storm. It was pretty amazing since I love to swim but I just stopped due to body image issues. Now that I am losing weight to HELL with those issues. I feel so good. Down 88 lbs total, 50 since surgery 3/12/14. Life is good.

    1. pupichupi


      Awesome, great job!!! I want to start swimming too, but no where to go???

  9. MissME

    Any March sleevers?

    I had surgery on March 12th, down 47 lbs since surgery... but 85 lbs since Feb 3rd when I started my Protein shake diet. I have gotten sick after eating chicken. I think it was too dry and didn't set well. Other than that things are good. I am getting protein and Water down like a pro.
  10. So, I am back in 'normal' jeans. That is that I don't have to wear elastic waisted jeans in order to be comfortable. I am so glad I kept my clothes. It is more encouragement to be able to fit into things again.

    1. joatsaint


      Congrats on such a great NSV! This past week, I finally realized I could get into 36 inch waist pants - after years of wearing 42's. :-)

    2. ProudGrammy


      amazing not having to shop plus size

      84 lbs lost!!! keep it up (or down) LOL

  11. MissME


  12. MissME


    From the album: MissME

  13. MissME

    Are My Fat Friends Threatened?

    Not to be rude but who cares what they think? Your motive for having WLS is not to make your friends feel bad about themselves. It is for you to become healthier and happier. What kind of friend is discouraged by another friends happiness? If they truly are your friends they will be happy for you and supportive. If not, then they are not worth your time.
  14. MissME

    3 month follow up appt

    Awesome! Congrats!
  15. So it has been a very slow two weeks of weight loss but I am down another 5 lbs and have met my goal to be in the 200s again! Today I am cleaning out all the clothes that I am swimming in and donating them. I hope that weight loss will pick up again. I have to push exercise into high gear!

    1. pupichupi


      Thats fantastic MissME!!! I too had to go through cloths and donate, I got rid of a lot and now I am in my summer cloths, and I am finding some of these don't fit too well either? I am at almost 8 weeks post surgery and down 34 lbs in total post surgery. I too need to get my butt in gear with more exercise!!!

  16. MissME


    There is nothing easy about WLS. I educated the people I told before they could form a negative opinion because I know what is best for me. If they ever bring up the word easy to me I will ask if they truly think having 85% of your stomach removed and permanently changing your food in take is easy. What about drinking your meals for a month? What about constantly making sure you have enough Protein in your diet or that you are taking your myriad of Vitamins everyday? What about giving up soda and beer for life? Not to mention all NSAID pain relievers which have always been the only pain meds that have worked for me? And besides that to be truly successful with this I still have to exercise like any other person on a weight loss journey... So please enlighten me on which part of this is easy? If someone says that to you again you should let them know that having that mindset it taking the easy way out by not recognizing that it took a lot of research and hard work even to make the brave decision that you did.
  17. MissME

    1 Month Post-Op Picture

    We have about the same amount of weight to lose! We can do it!
  18. MissME

    Rough Couple of Days

    Hi Mrs. Katie! I had the worst time on the liquid pre-op diet. I had already lost 38lbs from being on the shake plan for a month before that and I thought that I would not be able to stomach another shake to save my life. Somehow, I made it. I think that it all came down to looking past the here and now and the compulsions to cheat and comfort myself with food and see myself after the surgery, losing weight and improving the quality of my life. After having the surgery you have to find healthier coping mechanisms rather quickly. You can't eat regular foods for 7 weeks or more depending on your surgeon. For me it is the power of positive thinking again along with the progress I am making, not just pounds but my clothes getting looser and looser and wearing clothes I haven't worn in years. Compliments from friends and family help a lot too. Don't worry about being perfect on this journey. Just know it will take a lot of will power and hard work to get where you want to be and YOU CAN DO IT! -Maryerin (MissMe)
  19. Hey Camper-Girl, When I scheduled my surgery I told everyone. I told my family and friends that I was having this surgery because I need the extra help to lose weight so that I can be healthy and regain my self confidence. I am usually a self sacrificing person who puts others needs before my own but on this issue I had to let my friends and family know that this was me taking care of myself and ensuring that I was going to be successful this time. I am not saying that you have to tell everyone, but tell someone. Tell them in such a way that there is no doubt in their mind that you are making the right decision for yourself and that they should support you 100%. -MissME
  20. Hello NJKelly, I think most of us who have had this procedure have had an unhealthy relationship with food. I know I also didn't want food controlling my life anymore. I wanted to have a life and be able to get out and do things that my excess weight kept me from doing. To do that I had to decide that food was not as important to me as being healthy. There was a mourning period after the surgery but I think that is because I used food to make me happy when nothing else could. So I had to find healthier ways to cope with difficulties. I also found that just because you have a sleeve doesn't mean you won't be able to eat some of the things that you love the most ever again. Instead, the sleeve helps you to regulate your portions and enjoy a small amount of these things instead of a full plateful like I may have in the past. Above all I learned that staying positive and seeing this procedure as the best decision for you and your health will always trump the disappointment of missing food on those rare occasions when you do. Because most of the time, you're not even hungry enough to care about what foods you aren't able to eat right now. As for your nerves, see yourself past the surgery. See yourself enjoying something else on your vacations, something that you would have never tried before because of your weight. You've got this! -MissME
  21. I am down 74 lbs since February 3rd! I feel amazing! I can wear clothes I haven't worn in 5 years. VERY EXCITED!

    1. StephanieRR


      Congrats!!! That's fabulous!!! You're rockin' it!!!

    2. Carlotta1


      Same hear.. Eating my clothes that I saved in my other closets ..such a nice feeling.

    3. pupichupi
  22. I am feeling so much better. My incision site has been good for about a week. Glad that the pain has subsided. I have added more foods. Refried beans, mozerella, canned tuna... Still trying to eat slower so I don't feel yucky. At least there is more of a variety though.

    1. pupichupi


      Yeah, so happy for you!!! It feels good to be able to eat!!! Do you like chili? I made chili yesterday with kidney beans which is a great source of protein, and ground turkey!!! It came out so good!!! This is a keeper!!!

  23. Haven't seen an update from you in a while. I hope that you are doing better! :)

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