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Everything posted by luckyknickers57

  1. luckyknickers57

    periods have just stopped 6 months post op

    Could it be polycystic ovaries ? Hope not, but sounds like my sisters symptoms, get checked out as soon as .......
  2. luckyknickers57

    Less than a week to go.

    You are more than welcome Willow. How are you doing this week? What's going on for you with the pre op diet, when is D day?
  3. luckyknickers57

    My surgeon is a horrible person

    Sounds like he is the most horrible person you could wish to meet. Poor you.
  4. luckyknickers57

    Next Step

    How ya doing willow?
  5. luckyknickers57

    It's all true!

    Ohhh, lucky you..... I can't wait to feel like that. My daughter has had the bypass a year ago. She is doing so well, she has recovered her energy levels, and enjoying her exercise. Well done to you for exercising when you're feeling like you do. You'll turn a corner and also start to make time to eat regularly. Keep up the good work
  6. luckyknickers57

    The criticizing bookstore clerk

    Darling Where do these people get off? All you wanted was a book, not a lecture. And, she should keep her opinions to herself. There are a lot of judgemental people out there, experts in every field. But that's why she works in a bookshop I guess. I had an experience in a Zumba class. The instructor came to me after the class wanting my phone number. I started to write it then asked why???? She said that she had been to someone that helped her loose weight. I was so shocked. I had lost almost forty pounds, as part of the pre op, and really didn't need her opinions or help. I wanted to do Zumba. The skinny little things at the front of the class began laughing...... She should have realised how hard it is for a large person to join a class, not judge them, it's not their place. Or bookshop staff. What right do they have? I never went back to the class, bet you never went back to the store. Then I wonder, why sell the book? Why not put a weight restriction in the class? Why don't overweight people just stay in, not go to keep fit classes, not buy books to research. Just stay out of judgemental peoples way?
  7. Tried to resist it, but it was the only way forward here in Hampshire. Just missed the boat.... If I had been referred a month before I would not have had to do it. Story of my life. Hey, but that was my GP for you, 'Oh, you don't want to do that, it's a bit extreme'. Well!!!!! So there I was surrounded by fat people, all looking as miserable as me, not wanting to make eye contact, in a surgery waiting room, with the smallest of chairs - with arms- it turned out that none of us had been to before. It was a hot day, parking was at least a mile away, getting the picture? So, by the time we were ushered into a small room that had no open windows I was ready to go. The assessments began, the dietician handed out leaflets and made individual appointments, the psychologist sat rubbing his beard, OMG, what was he thinking? Then he made a group appointment, ahhh, the lovely group work, of course I was happy, wanted to chuck myself under a bus rather than face this. However, it had to be done, as my husband kept reminding me, grrrr. And I did do it, the many trips, the dieting, to prove I was committed and was able to work with professionals, the group work, to prove I was able to overcome problems. I lost the weight, had to be 10% of your excess weight, so, I got my referral to the surgeon, 3RD January 2014. Waiting to see the dietician again, and the anaesthetist, appointments in April. So, in all that's almost a year, my first 'The Weigh Ahead' appointment was in May 2013.
  8. luckyknickers57

    Anyone else had to do 'The Weigh Ahead Programme' ?

    You are an inspiration, good luck to you.
  9. luckyknickers57

    Anyone else had to do 'The Weigh Ahead Programme' ?

    Wow Wish it was that easy here. No such luck. With what I've read on here seems that some health authorities are putting more and more obstacles in the way. Also in our area you have to have a minimum bmi of 50. I really envy you. Also we had to complete the whole programme, even if we had no issues, and hit all of our targets. Without reaching our goals we could not progress. I don't really mind all that I've been through, because I'm committed, but I do mind the delay. It's causing upset and stress. I so need to move on. Sounds as though you're post op Sassy. How much by?
  10. luckyknickers57

    This time tomorrow...

    Well done, things can only get better now
  11. luckyknickers57

    Less than a week to go.

    Ahhh willow I do feel for you luv. I also hate staying in, in hospital. Please don't be nervous though. Where my daughter stayed, in a bariatric ward the staff were so kind, and the other patients too. When we went to collect her she was having a right old chat, normally she would just keep to herself. Hopefully it will be the same for you too. As for me, well what can I say!!! We are a small business and can't really afford getting more staff in. So all I can think of is to delay it. But it might not happen even that soon. She dud say on the phone that they were applying for extra funding, but I'm not counting on it. Now I really know why you were warning me. Other people, in other areas seem to go through the list quicker. But never mind hey? Good luck and keep us up to date, thinking of you
  12. luckyknickers57

    Anyone else had to do 'The Weigh Ahead Programme' ?

    Soooo upset, sooo annoyed I had two letters, the first was the dietician 11th March (second hospital appointment) and the other is for the anaesthetist on the 11th April. So, of course I phoned the hospital. Seem that everyone else that recently completed the three tier programme (The Way Ahead Programme) has caused a bottleneck, REALLY, so they want us to believe that no one saw this coming!!!!!! It appears that I won't even make the list until the earliest June..... The timing could not be worse..... How I wish I could win the lottery....
  13. luckyknickers57

    Queen Alexandra, Portsmouth Hospitals, anyone?

    So fed up. Had two letters in the post. The first is for 11th March for the dietician (second appointment at the hospital) and the other is for the anaesthetist on the 11th April. So I called the hospital, and looks like I won't be on the list until at least June. The reason being everyone successfully coming off the three tier programme (The way ahead programme) and causing a bottleneck. Well!!!!! I feel sooo much better hearing that. Can't find the words to express what I'm feeling, when you're ready, you're ready, and don't want to hang about. Also beyond that the timing now could not be worse.
  14. luckyknickers57

    This time tomorrow...

    Ohhh sarahgirrl Please don't worry so much. I have had two minor ops in the past, and I too am a control freak. I will say that both times the anaesthetists were so kind and reassuring that I felt able to hand over my care to them. Good luck and enjoy your new life
  15. luckyknickers57

    Day 5 pre-op

    Jeeps, It's gonna seem like a walk in the park when you've had your procedure. Wow, what a day!!!!!! It's the sort of day where I'd get home and eat..... So, well done to you. And well done for being able to get on your knees, AND getting up again, something I've been unable to do for some time... Keep up the good work
  16. luckyknickers57

    Less than a week to go.

    Pleased you're enjoying the little fella. Its doing you good. So sad when you loose a loyal pet, when they are special you miss them so much. No news really willow, apart from my second hospital appointment. This time to see the hospital dietician again and anaesthetist on the eleventh next month. Don't know what the waiting time is after that. When I had my last hospital appointment I asked how long and the surgeon said probably end of March early April. But it seems a bit hopeful, don't you think? Don't blame you getting your bag ready, and it's so nice having some new things to go into hospital with luv.
  17. luckyknickers57

    Less than a week to go.

    Ahhhh willow, Sooo pleased for you. Keep up the good work, no crisps? At least you got lovely stuff going on to take your mind off it a bit. A new baby in the home and looking at houses, boy, it's all change. How nice for you. The biggest change has already started to happen !!!!! Good luck. Keep us posted
  18. luckyknickers57

    What About Your Friends?

    Ohh Jamilyne I'm sorry for you. It's so sad when relationships change, and all because you have made the choice to change your lifestyle. Perhaps you have changed a little and started to become a little stronger, perhaps your relatives are envious, perhaps if they can't support you they really shouldn't make you feel bad. People are strange when it comes to weight loss. What is bugging me is, would they be closer with you if you some how put all your weight back on? Strange thought hey? Maybe things will be better in the future, they may overcome this. I really hope so.
  19. luckyknickers57

    Day 4 Pre-op

    Keep up the good work Nancy Its a real eye opener, reading this. We went out for a meal yesterday, and although I'm only waiting for my next pre op appointment, (not dieting yet) I found myself wondering..... what will I eat? There was nothing much on the menu that I could eat (in the future), without asking for a special order to be made up, almost everything comes with sauce, fried in butter, with lashings of carbs... even the side salad had oily dressing. Not going to be easy, but then if you want it bad enough.......... Good luck Nancy, keep us posted please
  20. luckyknickers57

    Day 1 of Pre-op

    Good luck Nancy The beginning of the end. So close now.
  21. luckyknickers57

    Hello new and from the UK

    well coops, well done to you. What a story, and you're still working hard at it. Really great to hear a success story, and truthfully, with all the ups and downs. Makes us more prepared...... I've been going to Water workout, and I love it. I like the water, and swimming anyway, so I thought I'd give it ago. I did feel really self conscious at first, but I must say I felt really welcome. Unlike some of the other classes on the same building. I walk most days and do. My 10k steps most days naturally as part of my job. I'm upset I let the instructor of Zumba put me off of going again, but she so embarrassed me, well, more than just embarrassed. Can't wait till the op and show her. I also do about ten lengths after water workout. Should think about increasing that.
  22. Good on you Willow, if you can resist the crisps then I guess you can do anything. Keep up the good work.
  23. luckyknickers57

    Hello new and from the UK

    Let's see some photos coop luv
  24. Well willow, that doesn't sound as bad as I thought it would. My daughter lived on skimmed milk and sugar free jelly for two weeks. Yours sounds much better, less like abuse for two weeks. I think I could cope with your pre op diet easier. Good luck to you, although it sounds easier, and much nicer, you still have to be committed to succeed, keep us up to date on how you're doing plz
  25. luckyknickers57

    What About Your Friends?

    Hi shear Diva, I too have lost a really close friend, my best ever friend for over twenty four years. I started to diet, successfully in perpetration for my sleeve, and told her what my plan was. In the past she always said the right thing, but when I think back, she helped break my diet every time. This time I was seeing a dietician, so had her support to carry on when times got hard. I explained what was happening after her probing and got to realise that my friend had started to sabotage my diet yet again. With the support of my dietician and then psych I worked through it and carried on with my dieting and lost my friend. I was devastated, feeling dreadful. My dietician told me that this is more common than anyone could believe. Some people have friends that are bigger, older, shorter, less attractive etc than themselves. When things change, it changes their whole relationship with us. It effects their self esteem and their place in our friendship. This is not our fault, although we still feel it.

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