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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by luckyknickers57

  1. luckyknickers57

    Op 28th March

    Hey Willow, that's not bad at all is it? And without killing yourself! That's nearly three stone, and as you say, with limited mobility. Well done to you
  2. luckyknickers57

    Hi anyone having surgery April/may from uk

    Yeah, I did wonder about the gum!!!! Let us know as soon as you're up to it how it went plz. Yeah, spooky isn't it? Just up the road. Who is your surgeon? It is really sad, that I look forward to my bovril more than anything!!! I'm really hating cooking for the family, I dish up and sit in another room. This food thing is a real addiction. Good luck, can't wait to hear everything went well.
  3. luckyknickers57

    Op 28th March

    Is that working for you willow? Sounds sensible.
  4. luckyknickers57

    Hi anyone having surgery April/may from uk

    Hi Sparklediva, My op is going to be at Queen Alexandra, Portsmouth Hospitals. Not absolutely sure it will be a bypass, maybe a sleeve, won't know till the last bloods are done. I can't say I'm too stressed about it, they will do what is best for me. Sort of handed that worry over to them. I'm on my second day of my milk diet, just having a treat, a stick of sugar free chewing gum. Is today the day??????
  5. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    Cup of Bovril for lunch, followed by more milk in the afternoon, treated myself to some sugar free crushem... For tea I had more milk, in the evening a diet coke and my sugar free jelly, mmmmmm This morning, milk, and packing my bag for Aqua Aerobics, second time this week, really enjoying it too.
  6. luckyknickers57

    Hi anyone having surgery April/may from uk

    Hi sparkle diva I'm due for surgery on May 13th, so after you. Not many of us having bypass that wanna post on here. Can't say if I'm excited, or nervous yet though. Maybe a bit too soon for that yet??? Where are you having it done?
  7. luckyknickers57

    UK Sleevers

    Ahhhh, thanks Willow, I know it's only the first day, but it's murder. Guess what I'm having for supper????
  8. luckyknickers57

    UK Sleevers

    Well done BettyGirl. Those gas pains are supposed to be awful. Hope they 'pass' soon
  9. luckyknickers57

    UK Sleevers

    Brilliant, hope to hear soon as you feel well enough then.
  10. luckyknickers57

    UK Sleevers

    I really think you are waiting to go down, everything crossed for u. Good luck, not that you'll need it. Thinking of you X
  11. luckyknickers57

    UK Sleevers

    Sorry BettyGirl, meant to say well done hun. That's great weight loss. Good luck, you surgery today?????
  12. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    Breakfast on the first day of the milk diet. Yummy, a glass of milk, no surprises there, but enjoyed getting my teeth in to my chewable (crunchy) multi Vitamins, then treated myself to my Vitamin D spray, Mmmmmm Already told husband to SHUT UP!!!!!! Poor man, and only the morning of the first day........ Wonder what's for lunch???????
  13. luckyknickers57

    UK Sleevers

    Yeah BettyGirl, I'm 48lbs down already, plus what I can do over the next two weeks, yahhhh. I was in bed this morning and husband was cooking toasted bacon sandwiches...... normally this wouldn't bother me, but today, first day of the milk diet, well. So I sent him a text..... he answered in a way that made sense, but I just didn't want to hear, like oh' think of the changes.... the rest of your life..... small steps.... I of course responded with SHUT UP!!!!!! Poor man, and this is only the first day..... So, I had my yummy breakfast, a glass of milk, and a lovely, crunchy multi vitamin, mmmmmmm
  14. luckyknickers57

    Queen Alexandra, Portsmouth Hospitals, anyone?

    On the count down now.
  15. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    I can't wait now. Almost a year in preparation. Yippeeeeee..... I'm sure I'll be anxious as it gets closer, but I'm ok at the moment. Thank you beelee37.
  16. luckyknickers57

    UK Sleevers

    Well done to you. That's brilliant. What a great diet. At Portsmouth they insist on the milk diet, but never mind. If you got to, you got to!!!!! We don't have any choice do we? If we did, I think I would have your diet, rather than mine.
  17. luckyknickers57

    UK Sleevers

    Well, start my milk diet tomorrow So looking forward to that, NOT, oh well, it has to be done.... Having my last bacon butty at mo, and probably a curry tonight, the last of the last. Oh, and of course a glass or two of wine. Going out to buy my milk today, but let me not forget my three sticks of sugar free gum and cup of bovril, already got my sugar free jellies at the ready.... haha be a scream... I know it'll soon pass, and it's a mean to an ends. So two weeks of the milk diet and then my operation, yippppeeeeeee
  18. luckyknickers57

    UK Sleevers

    Well done willow. Keep up the good work
  19. luckyknickers57

    UK Sleevers

    Hi Bettygirl I too have decided not to tell others, just my hubby, one of my daughters, and a close neighbour. Also a lady I met at the hospital for assessments. My date is 13th May, can't wait for it to be over with. How you feeling about it all?
  20. luckyknickers57


    Thanks guys, my friend is having her op tomorrow and wants to continue her baking (healthy) for her family. Best of luck to her x
  21. luckyknickers57


    Anyone in the UK know of any sweeteners that are suitable for post sleeve and, bypass. Really need something for cooking and baking. Anyone heard of Xylitol? Help please !!!!!
  22. OMG, I don't know what I'm having either. I thought I wanted the bypass, as my daughter has done so very well with that, saw the surgeon, and as I have a hernia and struggle with Vitamin D levels, he may want to do the sleeve. So, I have got used to the idea, of having a sleeve. However, he has said that he won't know what he is doing until the op (results of bloods), and will he, or not, be repairing my hernia (how it is positioned), or will I have to wait until I've lost some weight? Well, at first that sent me into a spin, but chatting on here, I soon realised that it is not so important, what IS important, is that I have a procedure to start me on the road to recovery. So, what if I had the choice now???? Well, I guess it might be the sleeve, simply for the reduced recovery time...... Simply because of my work commitments.
  23. luckyknickers57

    Before and After Pics

    Blimey, well done ????
  24. luckyknickers57

    Am I FAT? Please tell me.

    No, you are not fat...... Yes, you look great. You are so like my daughter, who has had a bypass, she does not really SEE what is in the mirror, or on the photos. It's as though there is a disconnect in her head. She just SEES what is in her memory. She wears size ten, although her ideal is size eight.... But, like you, looks absolutely fabulous. It reminds me of an eating disorder, and concerns me that she may take it too far. I really think that you, like her, cannot forget where you have come from, and remember all the emotions attached to being bigger, wanting to be smaller, healthier, fitter and happier. Now your there, stop beating yourself up, and take time out to enjoy it. Celebrate your success.
  25. luckyknickers57

    Is this really happening?

    Oh, thanks Willow, you're right it's not so very far away. I know I'm probably being unrealistic. And I'm probably coming across as though I'm ungrateful, but I'm not. Were self employed and run a B&B. We do school parties and have upto fifty children and their teachers come on a Monday and leave on a Friday. They have cooked breakfasts, packed lunches three course evening meals, then hot chocolate and biscuits at bed time. There is just the two of us, and it's full on from six in the morning until about midnight, and as you can imagine it's heavy work. I don't expect sympathy, it's the lifestyle we chose, but I just was wishing for an earlier date, before the schools arrived so I could recover and be fighting fit. Hey ho. Guess that's not happening. My eldest granddaughter is willing to come and help her grandad with the washing up and cleaning the floors. So that's really good. Every help counts. ????

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
