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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by luckyknickers57

  1. luckyknickers57

    Follow up

    How refreshing luv. Usually on holiday I feel everyone watches what I choose from the buffet option. And not it wasn't in my imagination, as my friend tried to say. You know for sure when ppl look at your plate, and then gossip and look again and some ppl even laugh. Can't wait for a holiday. Enjoy yourself. And soak up some sun. Good luck to you.
  2. luckyknickers57

    Follow up

    I have not self funded, but feel also that I can call the team when I want. There is a support group, but is in time wise very impractical to attend. I live on the Isle of Wight, and so everything takes forever, and so expensive to get to. Also the summer is here so the ferries become more expensive. I am not a join in type person, but get great support here. If people can't answer your questions they can often point you in the right direction to find information. Also, it's like knowing what to expect. I remember the first day after surgery, feeling like I had been hit by a bus and regretting having the procedure. And yes, I remember ppl saying to me, you can feel this way, so, I found comfort with this as ppl had also said it would be short lived. So, it got me through...... I'm sure that if you've paid for your service it should offer what you need. Although I am mostly happy with my procedure on the NHS, I would not have accepted the things I wasn't happy with if I had self funded. That would also include the follow up support, if I needed more. I know we are mostly happy with our procedures, be it NHS or self funding, but there is usually room for improvement in any environment, let's hope our views are listened to and not ignored.
  3. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    Oh willow Since visiting the GPs I had a letter from them. They had a letter from the hospital, and yes, I have had multi Vitamins and calcium added to my repeat prescriptions...... The GPs don't seem to have the knowledge, that's ok, but, don't tell us we're wrong, when we have "had it from the horses mouth". I've had the most awful constipation, and went to see the nurse practitioner. She gave me 10ml lactulose a day. In the end after six days of no show and not eating I phoned the specialist bariatric nurse at the hospital. She recommended 30 ml twice a day. Well, that got things moving the next day. I really think the surgeries think we are blowing things out of proportion !!!!!!! Or attention seeking? So, eight days of not eating, and guess what, no weight loss????? What's going on????
  4. luckyknickers57

    Hi anyone having surgery April/may from uk

    How are you doing sparkle? Love to hear how things are going for you. I'm not losing as much as I would like.
  5. luckyknickers57

    Hi anyone having surgery April/may from uk

    Hi scardycat I had bypass 13th may at portsmouth, op went fine, although they not quiet so well set up here as bariatric in general wards and staff not as knowledgable as could be, ie foods, and tablets, capsules that are and are not allowed. Put weight on in hospital, although just on water for four days. Then went to GP about ten days later and had lost six kilos. Felt good. Then no weight loss since then, although, due to extreme constipation, not eating a thing for eight days.... What's going on. I been strolling, doing jobs around the house, and generally active, but no weight loss....... I been sticking to the rules where food is concerned, a bit scared to do anything else, coz I might spoil everything. ????
  6. luckyknickers57

    Follow up

    Hi Mollsy I too have no follow up for six weeks, although I had a telephone call from the specialist bariatric nurse, and I too can call, which I have, if needs be. I have my first follow up appointment with the surgeon and then an appointment with the dietician in another four weeks. I had my procedure with the NHS with Shaw Summers team in Portsmouth.
  7. luckyknickers57

    Before and After Pics

    Omg. You look fabulous x
  8. luckyknickers57

    I Am So Angry When People Think Surgery Is The Easy Option!

    Me too, tartan toger
  9. luckyknickers57

    I Am So Angry When People Think Surgery Is The Easy Option!

    Too true...... Jenpez..... Having passed exams does not always make a wise person...... My grandmother used to say only judge people when you've walked a mile in their shoes.... How wise was she????
  10. luckyknickers57

    Before and After Pics

    Wow I bet you feel as good as you look. Well done to you
  11. luckyknickers57

    I Am So Angry When People Think Surgery Is The Easy Option!

    Oh jenpez I've even experienced the same bad attitude from medical professionals, and they have their medical degrees!!!!! Of course all we need to do is eat less and move more!!!! So, yeah, I keep my trap shut, and roll with it. But then I think that's their ignorance. I mostly can't be bothered to challenge people. Also it can be unsaid. I went to see a nurse at out surgery and she was all smiles and chatty, until she asked what did you have done? When I told her it looked as though a nasty smell got under her nose, discrimination? So **** to them all, small minded qualified and armchair experts. We are doing something about turning our lives around, and if they don't like it, then it's their problem. I agree 100 percent, major surgery is not an easy option!!!!!
  12. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    Doing good thanks Willow. Well, I'm enjoying my prep repaired food and bed and a good rest, just how you say. I went to see a doctor at my GPs yesterday, really to review my meds and mention my red tongue and gums. She not really interested in sorting anything, but referred me, with persuasion to have bloods. I suspect I'm B12 deficient and a bit anaemic. Also I wanted to talk about calcium. Not a good consultation really but the results will tell hey? Have you been in to see the doctor and come out thinking what a waste of time???? Oh well, I'll go back next week and see someone I have faith in, after results are due in. I'm having to stop myself doing too much though, as a lot of our work is physical, so I do a bit then rest, then a bit more. Looking forward to having my tattoo Willow, excited x
  13. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    Inspiring and we need to be honest. I would absolutely hate to have woken up and feel all this, and no one to have warned me it was how I might be feeling. Yes Willow, so lovely to get home and start healing. Part of that is good nutrition too hey?
  14. luckyknickers57


    Hi Mollsy I just had my procedure, 13th May, and I went into surgery without a worry. I was waiting for anxiety to kick in, and it never happened. I had done my research, got support from here, discussed all my, well not worries, but questions with my specialist nurse and was ready. But at the back of my mind I was sort of drifting. I knew intellectually what the process would mean, but sort of couldn't believe it would work. When I woke up, yes I could see and feel it had been done, but was it gonna work? My daughter had had the same procedure and had been left with not wanting to eat, because she didn't feel hungry. So I thought maybe I would be the same. Well, for the first four days I did... But that was good as I had an infection, so I was asked to have just Water whilst they investigated. I also felt comfort because of that. Got the all clear and was sent home and started to introduce puréed foods. Then it kicked in. What if it doesn't work? What if I eat too much? What if I stretch my stomach? What if I start all my bad habits again? This was because I started to enjoy food, after two weeks on the milk diet and four days just water. Also I think because of years of dieting and falling off the wagon I expected the same to happen. So, a few days after I got home I went to see a doctor at my surgery, at the end she put me on the scales. Usually I would think, ohhhh, but I must admit I was a little curious, and I had lost 11lb in ten days. I am too thinking I don't wanna mess up, but I've turned that into a positive. I went to look in the fridge yesterday, for no real reason, and it popped in my head, I don't wanna mess up. I'm sure you'll be fine, I also realise that I'm in my early days. But read on here all the Success Stories. Also have a look at the 'before and after pictures' they are inspiring. If they can do it, so can we..............
  15. luckyknickers57

    Before and After Pics

    Wow. What a difference!!!!! You look a new person
  16. luckyknickers57

    Before and After Pics

    Omg Why on earth did you hide your face? You look gorgeous. You're a new woman. Good luck to you and hold your head in pride
  17. luckyknickers57

    Before and After Pics

    Wow. Because there's no heads it looks like mum (before) and daughter (after) fabulous!!!!!!!
  18. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    Thank you Kimba for your kind words. Until recently, I too would have had private hospital care, but the contract has been moved to the NHS in this area. I suppose its a cost cutting exercise, also this hospital managed to recruit a well known and respected bariatric surgeon to attract more patients and this is all in their early days. I will be feeding back to my specialist nurse, who visited me frequently, about my views of the care I received. I know that it is the past, and really I'm not making a big fuss, but I would like to see the service improved for others. Well, I am through the worst of it, and so grateful to have this opportunity to start my new life, this is only the beginning too x
  19. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    Thank you Kimba you are so right, home, yes, that's where we recover best, and yes it's behind me, well almost. Yes, so pleased to be a member of something positive, wow. The journey has been so much 'easier' with the knowledge I took into the theatre with me. Very comforting. Many thanks to all the support I've received here.
  20. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    Hi Willow, seems I had a rough time but, in all honesty, I seemed to be not too bad with it. Did I regret it in the first two days? YES, many times. Did I feel like I had been hit by a bus, YES, many times. But I kept the end goal in mind, reminding myself of what I could achieve if only I could keep going. I think because I had to take myself there, with only one visitor, until Friday afternoon, it sort of made me focus. Does that sound mad? I must say that I was on a general surgical ward, maybe that had something to do with it also? The upside, you see very poorly people, so, as my operation was elective, it felt as though, I just had to get through my stuff. The downside, well, no privacy about what I'd had done (I'm not ashamed, just very private), also the kitchen staff were worse than useless, also I may add most of the nursing staff understanding the food available. So after the long milk diet, then just Water for five days, I was looking forward, as you can imagine, to a clear Soup. What a laugh, hot water, with an oxo cube still floating in it! Thanks, but no thanks. I asked for milk, and like it or not, that is what I had, and enjoyed it too. Do I feel better now, oh yessss. This time last week I was ready to travel to the hospital. And, just think, another cycle of bariatric patients are on their way too. And yet another group are starting, and others mid-way with their milk diets........ Do I regret it now, NO, I'm just looking forward to achieving my goals. So to all the armchair experts who say, just eat less and move more. We'll show them!!!
  21. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    Welcome Back Ohhh, thank you Kimba and Willow Only just feeling well enough to sit at the computer. I didn't mean to be so lazy, but I've been exhausted by having just Water since the op. Well, travelled over to the mainland on Tuesday morning, no problems there, arrived a little early, sat in the sun outside the hospital for half an hour. Went in, eventually found surgery reception. Phewwww. Announced myself, did I realise the time of my appointment? Yes I did, the receptionist seemed almost put out I was early, but I had had the telephone call the day before. Oh Dear... Health Care Assistance do the meet and greet, last minute paperwork, and show you where to change. Sitting in a single gender waiting area, (for a surgery to be done that day) in your lovely theatre gown, your own slippers and dressing gown. Wait to meet last time with the surgeon and anaethsitist signing your consent, then you're off!!!!!! Into theatre and asleep, almost straight away. Wake up in recovery five hours later. Being sent to Surgical High Care!!!!! Apparently they had problems with my breathing during the operation, also interesting to know my liver was enlarged. I was shocked about that, and the surgeon said that although it was enlarged, he believed that I had stuck to the diet, as he could see that in my liver!!! What!!!! So, he did think about cancelling the operation, but only briefly, thank goodness. So an overnight and one day stay in Surgical High Care, then onto the ward, temperature up, bloods show an infection, but they couldn't find where. Stay on water until things sorted. Drips for fluids, antibiotics. Just water, no other drinks, or food for five days not a problem, just wanted to get home. Sent for a CT scan, no problems there either, hurray, if my temperature doesn't go too mad in the night I can go home tomorrow. Good temps in the night, yippee, now the early morning obs.... Yep temperature up, but only slightly, and feeling well. Infection still in bloods, they are surprised I feel so well, but allow me to go home..... Oh, the procedure they did? A bypass, without the hernia repair. Pain relief paracetamol, really!!!!!!
  22. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    D DAY Well I'm up, about to get in the shower, then start the journey. A bus, ferry, train and taxi........ All that's missing is an aeroplane
  23. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    OMG Kimba Thank you so much, I just had a phone call from the hospital, they want me in a little early am I'm first on the afternoon's list. Even better, less time to hang about. Do you know I'm so looking forward to eating, and sensibly too, and as you say to live longer, and healthier for our families. I'll try and send a message just before I go down tomorrow.
  24. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    Day Thirteen What a day, woke up with a sore throat, ohhh noooooo. Thought at first that I'd been sleeping with my mouth wide open, not so sure now, hurting in my ears too. Amazingly there is no information in the pack from the hospital about sore throats. I've looked it up on the internet, and I should turn up and inform the anaesthetist. So, that's what I'm going to do. Too busy to mention, so much to do before surgery, so, not anxious yet..... What am I going to be like when it hits me?
  25. luckyknickers57

    The Two Week Milk Diet

    Ohhh, congrats Kimba, a new baby!!!! Is this your first Grandchild??? Yeah, I can't wait to get back to veggies and fruit, Mmmmmm, bet you really enjoy and appreciate them. I was 40 when I became a grandma, and quite a lot slimmer that I am now. I used to be able to go to the beach, and walk for miles with my grandchildren, and I'm looking forward to doing that again, as I live on the coast. Yeah, a healthy, active grandma, enjoying our grandchildren. Another thing to look forward to. Good luck to you having corrective surgery, it is something that I'm going to look into, I love swimming and will need something done to help me keep up with the fitness, rather than stop me. I keep hearing inspirational experiences, where people are kind enough to share with us, they are a motivation to me. Thank you so much.

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