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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by labella

  1. I just made my surgery date 9-13-07 I am scared to deth and so dang excited I have waited for this for so long I have a wonderful Husband who has been working so hard to pay for my band and we did it, :whoo: advice and encouragement woul help.
  2. labella

    September bandsters Progress

    Hey cyndymot, we have the same surgery date, pretty close in age and weight and weight to loose, We will have to keep an eye on each others progress, I can't beleave you can eat eggs that is pretty good most people cant handle eggs, I am still on the full liquids and jell-o cream soups I can't wait for the mushie stage if you can try some protein drinks so you can get the protein you need to keep your strength you need and don't get dehydrated, I just cant get all the fluids they say you are suposed to drink. That is a lot of liquid in one day when your not even hungery. until next time!
  3. labella

    September bandsters Progress

    Hang in there, at least you know your still getting your band, And its only 4 days later, i'll still thikn of you as my band buddy, your the first to wish me luck(made me cry) I haven't told only my two girls and my sister, so it was pretty nice to have someone wish me well, I am leaving for Mexico today I have to be their for pre-op tomorrow, I gettin so nervus, I am going to mexico only so I can afford it, where i live its the same distence to Salt lake City as it is to Mexico so hey half price $ that makes it able for me to even get it. Any way good luck to you Ill be thinking of you, I wont get to post till i get home Saturday, :clap2:Then I'll be a real BANDSTER!
  4. labella

    Updated September Bandsters!

    Wow that is so awsome, I just hit the scale at 10lbs loss, I am so excited I leave tonight for mexico surgery is on the 13 but i have to be there tomorrow for all the pre-ops I cant beleave it is here, I hope i do as well as you, keep in touch and take care!
  5. labella

    September bandsters Progress

    hey' we have the same date I am so excited, we leave tommorow for Mexico, I have all my labs on wensday and surgery on thursday! Were are you having yours done? It looks like were pretty close in age and weight and have the same goals, it will be nice to keep in touch. GOOD LUCK!
  6. labella

    September 07 Roll Call

    Congratulations to all of you and your surgery dates, and welcome, Wow what a large family we are getting for September bandsters. That is so GREAT!:clap2:
  7. labella

    Any September bandsters out there???

    PC, Congratulations! your a bandster, Keep up the positivity, we are all right here for you, I just cant beleave you can have surgery one day and be chating with friends the next that is so awsome!!!!!!!!!! I never knew this kind of support sytem was ever out there. I guess that tells you how often I get on the computer, I've had the internet for just over seven years and never been to a forum or a chat room befor and now next week I am getting a lap band and I have all of you to share it with, a little more info then you probably wanted to know, Thank you all for being here and this is going to be a great ride!!!:whoo:
  8. labella

    Any September bandsters out there???

    WOW! You are all so awsome, and brave Good Luck to all of you, Misssy good luck tomarrow, I'll say my prayers for you. Please let everyone know how things are going for all you new bandsters, This is so exciting for me my first time being part of someones journey from the start, i so look forward to sharing this journey with you all.:gluck: I get my band next thursday Sep 13, it's my big B-DAY!
  9. labella

    September 07 Roll Call

    cyndymot, You and I have the same band date Sep 13, I am going to Mexicali MX, where are you having it done? We will have to keep in touch, we only have nine days:whoo:
  10. labella

    Protein Help

    What is unjury? And what about Atkins protein shakes?, are the any good for you?
  11. labella

    EXCESS SKIN questions!

    WOW! That was quick, Thank you so much I realy did need to here from some one that went to him, I am so excited I can't stand it. I have tried so hard to learn as much as I can about LB and every thing about it, it is so amazing there are so many people who have had it done and I have only been reserching for about a year, I have not told my family about it yet, I did tell my two doughters, one is 25 the other 21, there the only children I have, When I mentioned it to my sister a long time ago she thought I was crazy, well I guess she must be alot happer with her self, I would like her support but I am so happy to have found all you bandsters to help with this journey, you are amazing!:whoo:
  12. labella

    EXCESS SKIN questions!

    I noticed you went to Dr. Aceves I am having him do my band on Sep 13 what was your oppinion of all of them and their services, and have you ever been back to see him for a fill? I am with you if you work so hard to lose all that weight and your skin dont return halfway normal you deserve to get it fixed, I havent even lost my weight yet but I will get a tummy tuck, OH YEA!
  13. labella

    I've made up my mind

    I have herd alot of good things about Dr. Ortiz, I am going to have my band by Dr. Alberto Aceves, he is in Mexicali MX, I had picked between him and Ortiz I ended up picking Aceves because I will have it done in a hospital and we are driving so I will be able to get my fills when i need them, we don't have any helth insurance and mexicali is a little closer then TJ, I know that Dr. Aceves and Dr.Ortiz Have been good friends and bolth places had good things to say about each other so I think i have made the right choice for me, keep in touch and let us know who you chose, I am getting my band Sep 13 I can"t wait.
  14. labella

    Protein Help

    Any good pointer on learning to love fish?
  15. labella

    Any Separations/Divorce after the Band

    I hope everything works out for you, I dont even have my band yet I get it on Sep 13, I realy can't wait. Wow I am proud of you you have lost alot of weight I hope I can do as well, I guess it realy is going to be life changing, no one realy knows untill they go through it, this is a journey I am so been waiting for and i'm so glad i found all of you going through it to.
  16. labella

    Any Separations/Divorce after the Band

    Good luck to all of you, I am sure that you deservr the love and respect for what you are doing for your self, and you deserve to be happy. I just know my husband loves me the way that i am and i know he will love me all the same thin, i am verry lucky have been merried for 23 years this year, oh! and he is paying for my band. what a great man.
  17. labella

    September 07 Roll Call

    :whoo:My date is Sep 13, It cant come soon enough!
  18. labella

    Band tomorrow

    Good luck to you! I'm not an August bander but I am a Sep 13 bander, its comming fast would love to chat on your thred it all new to me but diet going well wow 5 lbs down not to crazy yet but very obsesed with getting it done.
  19. Thank you for your encouragement, I can't think of anything elce and I just can't get enugh info. I need to here if your joints quit hurting and if you can sleep at night:notagree I havent sleep through the night without rolling over a hundred times I have anziety so bad and low selfimage I am looking for all that to change.

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