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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Sue Magoo

    Worried. What will happen?

    Betsy: I was the "post band" representative at my surgeons' lapband seminar recently. He asks someone who's been successful with their band to be available to answer questions when he's speaking with potential newbies. Last month one of the perspective bandsters asked about pregnancy. My surgeon said that he recommends either getting pregnant first, or getting pregnant about a year after reaching goal. I think it would be very hard to be a newbie bandster while being pregnant. Also, it may be hard to get the proper nutrition unless you're completely unfilled. Best wishes to you newbie bandster. Sue
  2. Look at you Allie. Your legs don't touch! Congrats on how great you look! Sue
  3. Hi Ladies: I'm guessing it all depends on where your port is and how deep it is. My port is just below the middle of my rib cage and it's not visible at all. There is a scar above it, but other than that it's not noticable at all. Mine feels like it's only about 1/8 inch below the skin but it doesn't stick out at all. I know that there are plenty of people whose ports are noticeable. I know that my plastic surgeon spoke with my band surgeon before my banding. She discussed my being unfilled prior to the plastic surgery. She told me that she wasn't even going to touch my port because it was high enough that it wouldn't be in the way of my tummy tuck. It'll be interesting to read how others respond. Sue
  4. Sue Magoo

    "Small" bites?!!!

    My doc says you shouldn't eat anything larger than one die. Like the others said, it's so important to chew well. If I swallow something the size of these dice and don't chew it well I'll be in trouble! Best wishes to you with your band. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  5. Sue Magoo

    Post op Lap Band to Post Op Tummy Tuck

    Thank you heidib. I'm pretty much the same as I was in those pics except I'm about ten pounds heavier. I've levelled out between 185 to 190 and I'm satisfied at this weight. Still wearing 12's and 14's and happy to be an average-sized woman. Most of my extra weight is carried in my legs and there's no chance of my having surgery to remove it and if I lost 30 more pounds to get rid of it my face and neck and chest will be gaunt. When I was in the 170's I got asked if I was ill a few times because my face gets so drawn and tired and my collar bones are very prominent. I'll change my ticker some day to reflect my current weight in the mid to high 180's. So, here I am at my still at my goal size. :thumbup:My scars healed very well from the tummy tuck. Best wishes to you. Sue
  6. Sue Magoo

    feel bump and pain

    MaryJo881: Please call your band doctor. If you're having trouble keeping food or liquids down and having reflux you should see your band doctor and get some or all Fluid out. You should really talk with your band doctor before having endoscopy. Also, endoscopy can be difficult for banded people. Another reason to call your band doctor. Please call him/her tomorrow and make sure they know what you're going through and tell him/her that you're having an endoscopy. They may have to unfill you completely before the procedure! Best wishes to you. Please let us know how you make out. Please update this thread so that we can learn from your experience. Take care. Sue
  7. Sue Magoo

    Insurance coverage?

    Gwenn: Congratulations on your loss to date. I am very familiar with the "flap" that you talked about. I was able to get partial insurance coverage because of rashes that I had. The rashes were recurring and were very uncomfortable. Both my band doctor and the plastic surgeon had pictures of my rash when it was quite inflamed. The plastic surgeon submitted the pics along with a bunch of other paperwork to my insurer and I got about 1/3 coverage. I don't know the exact coverage because I don't know the entire procedure cost. It depends on your insurance too. You'll probably do best if you do have medical insurance that covers panniculectomy or abdominoplasty. Either way, go to a plastic surgeon that has worked with weight loss surgery patients. You may be able to get referrals from your doctor and/or from this website. Best wishes to you. I'm very happy that I got a tummy tuck! Sue
  8. Sue Magoo

    happy happy, me me

    natisme: I hope you've been taking your multi vitamins. It's so important. Another thing that I struggled with was giving up caffeine at the same time as I started my liquid pre-op diet. I am glad I did all that then because the end results are tremendous! Best wishes to you newbie! Sue
  9. Sue Magoo

    BarbBee's LBL Jan 18th

    BarbBee: I'm sure you're already at the hospital. I hope all went smoothly. Remember, you must take it easy! I look forward to reading your post-op posts. Take care. Sue
  10. Sue Magoo

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Hi Allie: Best wishes to you for a quick recovery from your thigh surgery. Please remember to take it easy! I look forward to reading your posts. Take care. Sue
  11. Sue Magoo

    I can only eat standing up

    Peggie: Sounds like you may be swollen from the stuck incidents you've had. As far as being able to eat if you're standing up it's probably because your abdomen has more room when you are standing up, so your band has more room too. If it were me having this problem I would go on all liquids for a day or two and then mushies for a day or two and then try eating solids again. If you have difficulties with solids after giving your pouch a rest then you should definitely call your doctor. You don't want the swelling to get out of hand because then you'll risk having worse problems. One thing to remember is that eating shouldn't be painful and if it is you should call your doctor. Let us know how you make out. I hope you'll feel better soon. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  12. Hi: I did get nervous about anesthesia, etc. before my surgery. Then I remembered that carrying around 324 pounds for much longer seems to be way more risky than any minor surgery. Good luck with your surgery on 11th! Sue
  13. I think that because the band allows you to have a little bit of almost everything it makes it easier. I mourned overeating for a while after banding. Occasionally I miss being able to overeat, but the positives that go along with the weight loss far outweigh the negative of missing that "full feeling". Sue
  14. Hi: I'm in Norwood, MA. I was banded July 07. I love my band. Let me know if you have any questions and I'll be glad to try to help. This forum is great. I didn't find it until after I was banded and it's been a site that I visit daily since then. Where are you being banded? I was banded at Caritas Norwood Hospital. Best wishes to you. Sue
  15. Sue Magoo

    Round 2

    Good luck Habby. Funny thing, when I was typing Habby at first I typed Happy. Hopefully you'll be very Happy soon! Sue
  16. Sue Magoo

    does anyone else have black n blues this bad

    My goodness! I've never seen anyone bruise like that from banding.
  17. Sue Magoo

    BarbBee's LBL Jan 18th

    Barbee: Sending positive thoughts and best wishes you way for the surgery on the 18th. I look forward to reading your posts. Sue
  18. Sue Magoo

    Tips from successful losers

    Ooops. I forgot something. I had issues thinking about having to lost 150 pounds. It was far too overwhelming to think of such a large number. I figured out that for me I needed to just think about one pound at a time. It made it much easier for me. So, you may want to forget about the 100 pounds you want to lose and concentrate on just the next pound and then do it over and over and over and over again. Good luck! Sue
  19. Sue Magoo

    Tips from successful losers

    Hi: Have you tried counting your caloric intake? If your body burning is correct at 2700 to 3000 you should be losing quite a bit unless your calories are too high. You can track both your calories and your calorie burn by activity on my daily plate. If you search for it I think it's on LIVESTRONG.com. If your calorie burn is that high and you're calorie intake is low (like 1000 to 1200 per day) and you're still not losing you should talk to your doctor about what could be going on. If you haven't had a fill in a long time you should probably go and check in with your surgeon and get your fill up to the level that you need. Another thing to do is to switch around your foods. I tended to get in a rut with eating the same thing each day. When I would plateau I would change my foods and sometimes this would help me out of a plateau. I wish you well with your band. I love my band! Sue
  20. Hi: If you're throwing up brown stuff it could be blood. It looks like coffee grounds sometimes when it comes up. Please keep on trying to get your surgeon or go to emergency room. Hope you feel better soon. Sue
  21. Sue Magoo

    Full or Stuck?

    Hi: I can get a hiccup or a burp or a runny nose if I'm full. At the first sign of being full I have to stop or I will have a PB. I can slime sometimes from a PB too. If you find that your full signal comes after only 1/2 cup of food, then that's probably all you need for a while. Then, you'll start to notice that you can eat 3/4 or 1 cup and that's probably when it's time to get another fill. Best wishes to you newbie! I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  22. Sue Magoo

    tightness in throat...

    Heidi: Our band have minds of their own. Sometimes out of the blue a band can seem tighter and cause reflux and tightness. I recommend that you call your doctor and get a small unfill at the least. He/she may want to do a barium swallow to check your band too. Hope all goes well. Please let us know what he/she says so that we can learn from your experience. Thanks. Sue
  23. Hi: Please don't cancel your appointment. Your doctor should be understanding if you've been under that kind of stress and if he doesn't, go find another doctor. Don't be afraid to tell him about the circumstances and tell him that you want to refocus on your band now that you're past the chaos. It sounds like your daughter is out of the hospital. Now it's time to focus on getting back on track. I'm guessing that you're not at your sweet spot yet, so please go get that fill and go back to doing things the bandster way. I hope life gets easier for you. Sue
  24. Sue Magoo

    Funny Thing Happened....

    Hi: What a hoot! I've had something similar happen a couple of times and I smile the rest of the day! Congrats on your success. Sue
  25. Sue Magoo

    What's For Breakfast

    Hi: I don't count calories or carbs or Protein. I've been banded for 2 1/2 years and have never counted them. That would be too much like "dieting". My doctor tells us to eat healthy, take a multi-Vitamin, and exercise. Works for me. I usually have one of the following for breakfast. Yogurt w/a tablespoon of granola, warmed 1/4 cup of fat free milk with 2 tablespoons of granola, cup of cheerios, cereal bar, a couple of pieces of fat free cheese, cream of wheat, oatmeal, or a peach crisp that I make with instant oatmeal and no sugar added peaches. I have one pancake or 1 1/2 pieces of french toast sometimes on the weekend for a treat. I lean toward the warm choices during the winter. Best wishes to you finding foods that work for you. Keep on trying. Sue

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