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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by amayzme

  1. I was sleeved in January 2014 . Did good the first year. Pit about 20# back on the second Yearand can't seem to get it off. Holding steady this year...just 20# I can't budge. My plan is to get back to mostly protein and walking. Cut out the slider foods that are so easy to consume. So what is your plan to drop the weight that's crept back ?
  2. IrishGermanRN Thanks for the encouragement. When was your surgery date? What are your statistics?
  3. I'm 5'6" surgury weight 220# on 1-3-13 My lowest weight was by 8-1-13 at 148# Steady by 1-1-14 at 150-155# Gaining during 2015 up to 170# as of today 11-2015. Bad food choices.little exercise...not enough water. Can't seem to get back on track. Feeling worthless...and such a failure. I know the process worked...I failed myself. I'm 5'6" surgury weight 220# on 1-3-13 My lowest weight was by 8-1-13 at 148# Steady by 1-1-14 at 150-155# Gaining during 2015 up to 170# as of today 11-2015. Bad food choices.little exercise...not enough water. Can't seem to get back on track. Feeling worthless...and such a failure. I know the process worked...I failed myself.
  4. amayzme

    60+ sleevers please help

    Can't lose this last 20#. I was sleeved on January 2014. At 225# Today at 1yr and 9 months.. I hold at 162-165.# for the past 9 months. I'm 5'6" tall and Will be 62 yrs in February 2016. I still have trouble digesting solid foods and go for soups and softer foods. Does anyone else have trouble with solids even after a year or Two?
  5. amayzme

    Calling All Sixties!

    Don't see any recent 2015 posts. I was sleeved on 1-3-2014. From 225# to 149# my first year but sadly back to 163# at 19th month. Need some advice. Metabolism is so slow even though I eat very little ...I'm not losing. Want to get to 140# I'm 61 yrs
  6. amayzme

    Not Enough Weight Lost?

    I don't agree that you are expected to drop an exact amount in a specific time...that is just asking for stress. You work the plan..stay away.from slider foods..and you will be fine. Relax and enjoy your successes !!
  7. amayzme

    Not Enough Weight Lost?

    I was.sleeved 1/4/14 lost 20# The first month and about 7# the second month. Now into week 12 I'm down a total of 40# . Stop stressing about the scale. You will have stalls and slow weeks...your body needs time to adjust to your losses. Just do what your supposed to be doing. And keep away from the slidder foods. Your doing great!
  8. amayzme

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    I'm on my 12th wk and still can't take more than 3 or 4 bites of anything with substance. Like chili or tuna etc. So i stay with protein shakes and prueed foods. Anyone having trouble with solids. I get about 800 cals a day. Have lost 40 pounds in these 12 wks. Getting enough water in is a problem. Hope your all doing well. Thanks for listening!
  9. amayzme

    Old habits?!

    There are so many "sweet tasting" protein bars out there. Also sugar free sweets. They might help you with your cravings.
  10. amayzme

    single and slim again

    I think there is a wls dating site..not sure the name...someone might have run across it and share. I think that would be a good dating partner...both would understand the trials we go through ... and also not be so self concious.
  11. amayzme

    Oil Pulling

    I only use a teaspoon amount of coconut oil...can't handle a tablespoon without gagging.
  12. amayzme

    Dry Mouth

    Have you heard of oil pulling? Google it. You will be amazed with the benefits.
  13. amayzme

    Chronic Vomiting

    When i wait to long to eat...i am also guilty of bites too big or to many bites not well chewed and to taken to fast. I am only into my 12th week and its a learning curve...but well worth it. Trying to learn to take a bite or two every couple of hours helps. But i still can't sit for 30 to 40 minutes and make a " meal" last...i don't have am attention span that long! LOL.
  14. amayzme

    Missouri sleevers

    My sleeve was done 1/4/14 down 40# at week 11. From sz.18 to 14 my goal is size 10 bmi 22.0 i live in eldon Mo.
  15. Congratulating you on you awesome accomplishment . Don't forget that even when you stall...you will be losing inches. !!
  16. amayzme


    Your funny. We can hold more liguids ... as they tend to go right through us...its the solids and pureed foods thay will get you if you don't take time between bites and chew very well before swallowing.
  17. amayzme

    Any Jan 2014 sleevers?

    Soko75.., hello i was sleeved in Mexico on 1/4/14. I am 5'6" surgery weight 220# size 18. Bmi about 35. On my 10th week i weighed in at 181# size 14. Bmi about 29. My goals are 140# bmi about 22. So what are your stats?
  18. amayzme

    Calling All Sixties!

    Congrats on your losses.
  19. Sleeve date 1/4/14. Disolving -80# I'm 5'6" and 60 years old. Moderately active. Love to travel. Just looking for someone to exchange encouragement and advice.
  20. Sent you a message. Hope things work out. Look forward to hearing from you on your progress.
  21. I hope you find a good therapist. I live near jefferson city also and am on my 10th week of being sleeved. At 5'6" my surgery weight was 220# now at this 10th week I'm at 180# my goal weight is 140#. Don't slip into old habits. Drink your water and get your proteins in even when your not thirsty or hungery.
  22. I am 60 years old and 5'6" tall. Surgery weight at 220# on 1/4/14. By February weighed in at 198# ...today march 15th i am 10 weeks post op at weight 180# my goal is 140# or a Bmi that is in "normal" range.
  23. amayzme

    Few questions - 3 weeks post-op

    I take an acid reducer daily. Our tummy are too small for the acid it produces. Ask your doctor for suggestions on what to take how much and how often.
  24. amayzme

    weight gain?!

    Try to relax. Your body is working hard to adjust itself to thr new tummy. Just forget the scale snd just take your measurements. Concentrate on getting your water and proteins in for each day.
  25. amayzme


    I had the same worry with one if mine..like a hole..but not deep. I was directed by my doctor to use. antibacterial spray..keep it loosly covered and it will heal. It did. Just shiw your doctor and follow directions.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
