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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by loving.life

  1. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    There has to be other people in your area that has had this surgery.. look for them, go to support group, make friends
  2. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    Don't be discouraged, I'm only losing 2-3 lbs a week too and I'm still on cream soup! I only get about 600 calories a day! I am even using my elliptical and no I'm not gaining muscle.. so we are both slow.. bright side is we are losing!
  3. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    IM 1 month out and im about tired of this left side pain, its been going on for over a week now. I know others said it will stop but its effecting me daily. It feels like a pulled stitch or gas and I cant bend down without it pinching.. its getting old!
  4. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    I am 4 wks post op and just bought unjury protein powder off eBay and wow it's good. Much better than anything I have tried
  5. loving.life


    Yes but like one member said, your pouch wants water or liquids and it will give you a hungry feeling. I took her advice and drank and that feeling goes away
  6. How do you develop a hernia like that without over eating? Hat type of hernia is at the top of your stomach and over eating causes the top of your stomach to mushroom out. Since you just had this surgery, my guess is that you already had that hernia and the doc didn't repair it during your gastric bypass. I would question that.
  7. loving.life

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Fran, don't compare.. we are all different. I'm 4 wks post op and only down 16#. Sw 190 Cw 174
  8. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    How long has it been since surgery?
  9. I am having this exact problem. I actually cried the other night. It seems to stop and if I bend down to tie my shoe it pinches it and starts all over again. Weeks 1-3 post op I didn't have it and it's about 4" to the left of my belly button. No incision there. It tells like collected gas pocket that burns and sears
  10. How is your pain. I'm almost 4 wks out and the same pain started 4 days ago. If I bend over it pinches the area and hurts all day. Its scary and I worry something is wrong.
  11. loving.life

    Post op protein.

    I'm allowed all the coffee I want. Just remember to follow your docs diet.
  12. I'm 23 days post op and the 3 inch incision on my left side still isn't closed. Do used the glue and all are closed but that one and the other 3 inch on near my belly button is half healed. There is no infection but it being on my ribs makes it flex and seems like it will never close... any advice, anyone else with this issue. ..
  13. loving.life

    December post ops

    I am 17 days out and this pain started yesterday and hurt so bad today, same spot. I am thinking it's either a spot healing or intentional gas. Sometimes a spot might hurt worse as it heals. . Mine burns too
  14. loving.life

    Full Liquid Diet ?

    Things tasted gross to me the first 15 days but after that it got much better. Although very strict about moving to foods, my doc has allowed coffee from day 3. I guess I'm lucky on that point
  15. loving.life

    Full Liquid Diet ?

    No you can not take puree food your second week unless your doc allows it. My first 2 weeks I was clear liquids only.. next 4 wks full liquids only. All docs are different, follow your doc diet
  16. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    If your sick of tasteless broth try boiling cabbage, chicken and cilantro. . Makes a delicious broth
  17. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    Tina, GUM has saved me! I'm 3 wks out and had that problem. Also, I have decaf coffee with 3 splenda and powder non dairy cream.. also try sugar free hot cocoa. . And when totally desperate I get a finger of peanut butter!
  18. loving.life

    What ya eating tonight?

    Where do you get chickpeas? Are they fresh or canned
  19. loving.life

    Full Liquid Diet ?

    I would stay on thin liquid broth for a week. My doc left me on it for 2 wks. If you puke this early you can pop a stitch. If you need more buy cream soup and thin with Water. Drink Protein drinks for Breakfast but coffee or warm tea first, something warm in the morning helps the pouch. I eat popsicle at night or pudding.
  20. loving.life

    December post ops

    Y'all are scaring me with all the talk about puking and dumping. I'm 3 wks post op yesterday and haven't been sick yet. I eat only 1/2 cup of full liquids, pudding, soup etc and have not had issues. I worry about my next stage, is it inevitable that I will be sick trying to advance?
  21. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    Thanks for the encouragement guys! I put the scale away today and will weigh once a week. I am getting about 500 calories a day. 1 Protein drink 1/2 cup soup twice a day coffee cream, hello etc
  22. loving.life

    Does it ever go away

    Wow.. I remember when I was heavier, people acted like I had the plague. . I agree with y'all and feel the same
  23. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    I'm depressed, cried yesterday, not losing weight. Not sure but I think it's because my calories are too low. Went from post op 190 to only 176 in 3 wks.. seems like it should be more.. doesn't seem like this has been worth it so far..
  24. loving.life

    December post ops

    Me too! I was 190 surgery day and now 3 wks later I'm 176....slow! My sugar levels run 60-70 and when I googled that your supposed to be in the 80s to be in burn mode, makes ya wonder if our body is holding. I only get about 500 cals a day, doc still has me on full liquids for 3 more weeks
  25. loving.life

    December post ops

    If you total the carbs in everything daily instead of per meal, you might find you are stacking sugar or fat and going over your limit.. just a thought. I know our pouch is fickle and this is just a thought! Lol I noticed that for me. If I have a pudding and it's fine, the next day it isn't and I had something an hr earlier that caused the problem together.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
