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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by loving.life

  1. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    I know, I'm excited! I have an inground pool and it's a 2 piece this yr baby!
  2. loving.life

    anyone regret having WLS?

    My weight has went up and Dow my entire life. I'm 5' 1" I'm usually 135 2 yrs later 175, then 150 then 200. Its been like that forever. I have been told more than once I have an eating disorder. Up and down is bad for our bodies. I had my surgery to stop the times I over eat... and it has, I encourage you to do it, you will be glad to beat this addiction once and for all. Don't cancel
  3. loving.life

    STRONG Antibiotics

    I don't know the answer but bless you, stay strong and I pray your surgery outcome is good
  4. Me too. I had to gain 8 lbs to hit 35 BMI for my lab band reversal/ gastric
  5. I'm surprised your doc lets you eat dairy and the stuff your having so soon. I would guess the answer is yes it's due to eating those things and being in bed. To lose one pound you have to lose 3000 calories, or 3500 I don't remember. . But if your laying in bed your burning the normal amount a day minus what you eat.. that total number is all your burning extra,,, but remember you also have extra water weight from surgery etc. Just relax, you will get there
  6. loving.life

    December post ops

    Depends on your doc. Go by what YOUR doc allows. Many of you get yogurt and protein, I get only clear broth, coffee, tea, soda after carbonation is out. My doc says dairy is worse for a new pouch than caffeine. . But if your one to dehydrate then he might would take you off.
  7. loving.life

    January Surgeries

    My surgery was Jan 9, my second. I did lap band a yr ago. Expect this.. insomnia before during and after. Expect sensitive taste and smell to the point of feeling pregnant. . You will not want a cheeseburger or cake.. it's hard to want anything even when I felt a hunger pain on day 3. Expect when you leave the hospital to feel worse on day 3-7 your body is no longer getting their nice pain meds and antiflamitory and the liquid meds they send u home makes you nauseous. What to do... have liquid Tylenol on hand and use it instead, keep water sipping even in bed. Remind yourself that you will eat again! Love and hugs to you all
  8. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    Hi anew, I had band removal Dec 4 and gastric Jan 9. The good news for me is after my first surgery I was sad and crying but now I know I WILL EAT AGAIN just not now and that keeps my spirits up. I have felt more sore than just having gastric right off. Doc said the extra scar tissue and weak tissue has made this so.. I'm glad I made this choice, I am 190 right now as of surgery day and refuse to weigh til the 20th. I'm the type that loses and gains so easy.. I already feel myself melting away. Would love to hear more about yours since we have a lot in common
  9. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    So funny you say this because I have the same attitude. When others don't answer me or talk to me I feel unwanted. I see others start conversation and lots reply and no one does to me. I'm nothing like that in person, I'm the life of the party and very liked. I think you and I are used to attention and are not getting as much on forums and it bothers us. I have left forums in the past due to this... now I have learned that we are all here to help, once others have seen us and spoke they get used to each other.. hang in there, I c u! Hugs!
  10. loving.life

    December post ops

    I could have coffee from day 2
  11. loving.life

    where is january peeps?

    I have been sick the past day. Husband had to take me back the the doc last evening. Swollen side, nausea, low gr fever.. they did blood wk and will call me.. I am having trouble drinking now. I guess I'm tired of water and my taste sucks.
  12. loving.life

    how much do you lose monthly

    Well said. Ty for the advice
  13. Please give me an idea, I have been reading posts all day and seen huge numbers.. much higher than I would expect. . So how much do y'all lose monthly?
  14. So is it just me or is yalls nose so sensitive you can smell a flea fart a mile away. Its killing me and causes bouts of nausea, it's like I'm pregnant, .. will this go away??
  15. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    These sleep patterns are normal. Doc said it takes 30 days for your body to shed the surgery meds. Don't weigh right now, wait. Your diet is much more open than mine. I can't have anything but liquids clear. Try using pillows tucked under your side back and legs to help you lay comfy on your half side.
  16. loving.life

    January Surgeries

    I had surgery on the 9th. I'm feeling pretty good today. I did lap band last yr and drop 50 of the 100 I wanted to lose. Then had some problems and removed it dec 4. So had gastric on Jan 9. Smell is very sensitive and headache daily but easing up. I encourage y'all to have adult Tylenol liquids ready and waiting. The prescription liquid makes you dizzy, nausea and just yuk. Doc said Tylenol is better for the pain after day 3 anyway, . Good luck to those that are getting ready
  17. loving.life

    January Surgeries

    How are you feeling today? I'm much better
  18. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    Let us know ASAP how you are doing
  19. loving.life

    December post ops

    My doctor warned me that my taste and smell will change. Some food I used to like stinks. I can't find anything pleasurable yet.. but this helps our weight loss right? My husband (which is a yr out) says for us to be patient it will get better
  20. I haven't bee told how much water I need daily. I'm 4 days post op.
  21. loving.life

    Comfortable clothing

    I agree. Don't get too into the wardrobe choices
  22. loving.life

    where is january peeps?

    Is it in the can? Can you post a pic? My husband needs visuals. Lol
  23. loving.life

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    I had hernia repair too, it's not a big deal. The surgery isn't bad, don't get too worked up. Men handle it well. My husband was walking around the hospital that night
  24. loving.life

    where is january peeps?

    Tonight I'm starting to miss any type of food. Liquids are hard. Even if I could have a protein drink it would help. I can't even have skim milk.. I have 7 more days of this, any ideas to help?

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