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Posts posted by TheWigster

  1. This months dietician appt was today. Actually lost 3 pounds after a whacky month of fluctuations and thinking I wouldn't lose anything at all. I Have to lose 10 pounds before the preOp appt in three weeks so dietician has shifted gears. I am now on a different regiment. 1300 calories per day with one Meal Replacement with Protein Shake. Because my blood sugars have been dropping down into the 40's she wants me to add a carb to the shake and make sure I get at least 15g of carbs per meal. Does anyone have a good Protein shake recipe with an added fruit? ??

  2. I have been on a preOp diet since Thankgiving and so far have lost 25 pounds. My surgery has been approved for March 17th but my doctor says I have to lose 14 additional pounds before that date. I have been following weight watchers (which has been approved by my dietician) following it closely, staying within my allowed points for the day and not using the extra weekly points but the scale is not moving down. In fact, it has moved up 3 - 5 pounds I recently injured my back and have not been able to exercise and have been taking NSAIDs and muscle relaxers but I wouldn't think that would have anything to do with it. I am baffled. I am talking phentermine and topamax and it worked like a champ for the first month, but this month nothing. I am so discouraged and worried that I will not make weight in time for my surgery. I even went to counting calories instead of points to be sure that I wasn't fooling myself on my intake and I am talking in approximately 1500 calories per day. Is that too much? Shouldn't I be seeing some weight loss? Has anyone else had this problem? Could this be a plateau? Any suggestions would be welcomed.

  3. If your doc wants you to stop taking it, why wouldn't you listen to them? (Not trying to be rude here, just wondering.)

    My GP told me to stop taking them because I was constipated. But if I stop taking them I won't make my goal weight and will have to postpone the surgery. I would rather treat the Constipation and have the appetite suppression. Screwed up logic I know but I don't think I want to wait

    Another month for the surgery.

  4. I read on other posts where posters said they were taking Miralax every day to avoid Constipation. I asked my dr about this on Friday and she said don't do that because you can become dependent on them. Better to eat high Fiber foods or drink prune juice. I finally had to take a laxative but like you I am backed up again. I am taking phentermine and she said to stop taking it but if I stop taking it I won't

    Make goal for sure.

  5. Oh, I can definitely fart. Lol. But without gobbling stool softener a I can't poop. I haven't lost any more weight since like, the first 3 days though. I think I need to up my fluids.

    Glad to hear I am not the only one with poop problems! My surgery date is March 17th and I am so backed up. I haven't lost a single pound this month. I still have to lose 14 pounds before surgery. I may have to take a fist full of laxatives to clean myself out. Maybe then I'll hit goal weight.

  6. I joined Weight Watchers and quit eating out and was able to lose 20 pounds easily. I was eating out breakfast and lunch every week day. Just replacing those two meals with healthier options from home made a huge difference. Restaurant foods contain so many hidden calories, even when they say they are healthy. Also on Weight Watchers you have to track your food and that helps, but their app makes it easy.

  7. Well the weekend weigh in wasn't as bad as expected I am down a pound this week so that is encouraging. Two more weeks to make a dent in it before another monthly weigh in then hopefully a surgery date. Figured out that the phentermine is what is making me itch. If I take a Zyrtec it is manageable. I tried going a couple days without it and the itch stopped but man did the munchies kick in. I didn't realize how much it was working until I stopped taking it. Note to self...this is good stuff. Oh and pants are fitting loose. Yay!! Feeling better and more encouraged this week. :-)

  8. In my third month of this process. Feb 14th will mark a full three months. At the last appointment I was down 25 pounds and was feeling like I could do this. Since then, not so much. I have not lost a single pound, not an ounce. WTH!!!!! I am sticking to the plan (NUT has me following Weight Watchers Points plan) weighing and measuring my foods, no longer eating out, eating healthy and have totally given up carbs). I am supposed to loose at least another 10 pounds before I can be scheduled for surgery and my weight loss has come to a screeching halt. And to top it off one of the the diet meds they have me on Phentermine and Topamax is making me itch like crazy (just my hands and feet) so I am living on benedryl and having to get off the diet meds to figure out which one I am having a reaction to. I am feeling very discouraged right now. :-( My doctor hasn't given me a surgery date yet so it's all up in the air. Feeling really bummed. Someone please tell me this is all gonna be worth it.

  9. I know. I swear it keeps me awake at night and it's like an obsession

    No date set this month. :-(. The surgeon was very pleased with my weight loss ( down 20 pounds this mouth) but my liver still feels too large. He wants me to loose more weight and we will see next month. He also pushed quite hard for me to consider a bypass but I will not budge on that. I am firm in my decision on the sleeve. So I have another month of sleepless nights.

  10. Thanks for all the feedback. I see my surgeon Thursday. Getting closer to knowing when. I have started on the Multivitamins and the B12 has already given me a little boost of energy. That surprised me. Still haven't been able to bring myself to try the shakes. Crazy I know. I have been trying to put myself into the mind set of this new reality. Trying to Change my way of thinking about food and I think it is working. Went out to eat this weekend and I could hardly eat anything. I haven't told my boss that I am having weight loss surgery. Not sure if I will. I think I will just tell him it is something "female" related so he won't ask questions. Don't want to tell my business. I work with all men and don't think they would be very understanding anyway. I'll just let them think I am doing it the old fashioned way. Did you all tell your employers or did you keep it to yourself?

  11. Mooncat,

    I haven't tried any of the Protein drinks yet. I went out this afternoon and bought a couple of the ready-to-drink varieties to try...Atkins and Muscle Milk. I'll let you know how it goes. I didn't want to get stuck with a whole can of the powder if I didn't like them. I'll start there and work my way around the list. I am aiming for the ones that had the highest Protein content so I would have to drink as few a day as possible. I also went out and bought my Vitamins to get started. The B12, Calcium and multi-Vitamin. I got the Viactiv Chews, the are pretty good actually, the B12 are little disolvables that go under the tongue (no problem there) and the chewable Flinstones. I think I can handle those. So much to take in but I will take it one day at a time. Thanks for your reply. It helps to have someone that has been there.

  12. Hi Mooncat,

    Thanks for the reply. I have been researching and thinking about surgery for years. Once I made up my mind I jumped in with both feet. I have already had two visits with the dietitian and nurse practitioner and have been on a diet for two months. The surgeons require a 10% pre-op weight loss. Of course I started mine right at the holidays and that was miserable. While I didn't gain weight over the holidays the weight loss was minimal. They gave me diet drugs to help me with the second month and that helped. I am now at about 6% so I am hoping that the surgeon will be pleased with my progress. I really don't know what to expect at this visit. My insurance only requires a 5% weight loss so I don't know if he will schedule the surgery or not. I am researching Protein shakes right now. Trying to nail one down pre-op so I am set up before the surgery. This is what is causing me the most anxiety. I am very picky about drinking stuff like that. Its purely psychological and I know I will have to get past it. I am keeping my focus on the prize...the good things to come....the way I will feel after the weight comes off. It will be worth it.

  13. Hey y'all (yep I'm from Texas),

    I am a newbie. Just signed up with the forum and I am in the pre-approval stage. I will meet with my surgeon for the first time next week and man am I starting to get nervous. This week has been rough. I keep asking myself "what the heck are you doing?" But I know this has to be done. I haven't even been formally approved yet. Has anyone else out there had the pre-surgery jitters?

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