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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by TheWigster

  1. I was sleeved March 17 and I too am stalled. I saw my NUT on Friday and she said this is common. She told me to limit the carbs , eat my Protein and up the exercise. Oh and to stop worrying. I have been stressing myself out thinking I would be the one to fail at the sleeve. She told me to chill out that since surgery my weight was trending down ward (lost 15 since surgery ; it was 20 but I gained 5 pounds overnight WTF IMAGINE MY HORROR!!) and that I need to look at the my weight loss over the month rather than each day. She also said they are not worried at this stage. Later yes, but now it is early.

  2. I woke up in a lot of pain. Had to stay in recovery for 3-4 hours because they could not get my pain under control. (I have a low threshold for pain) The pain was just under my sternum. I had a JP drain, and IV and Oxygen. The JP drain stayed in for two weeks PostOP. It didn't hurt at all. The largest incision hurt the most. The doctor said that was where the main instrumentation was inserted. I am 4 week post op and it is still sore. The iVs were removed the day I left the hospital. They were running fluids, Vitamins and pain meds up until I was discharged. I only used oxygen for the first 24 hours. The first 36 hours were the worst and little by little it got better. I stayed in the hospital for 4 days.

  3. I am 4 weeks postOP and find that I feel hungry all day. About 45 minutes after I eat it seems my stomach bottoms out and I am hungry again. I thought it was the drinking but I set a timer and I still am hungry. Thanks Gomekast! I will try adding some healthy fats, what you said makes sense.

  4. I have been asking myself the same questions, and I have been getting the same answers here on the board (which incidentally I appreciate all the support given). They say it's the dreaded 4 week stall. I get it, I really do, but it sure is discouraging, frustrating, depressing and so hard to accept. I have been at a stall for a little over two weeks and everyday I get on the scale and pray that it starts moving again. A part of me feels like time is ticking and that if I don't lose early on I am not going to loose all I need to lose. I keep asking myself, did I go through all this just to lose 20 pounds. Surely not. I know it sounds silly but these are the head games I am playing with myself. Couple all this with hormones and low energy and it has the makings of the illusion of defeat. So not to be a Debbie Downer, but I sure know what you mean. I am trying to keep on keeping on. But man is it hard. :blush:

  5. I was told to bring my cpap to the hospital and used it immediately after surgery and still use it today. In fact, they insisted that I do not stop using it under any circumstances, unless I get a new sleep study done. I too have acid reflux. I take Nexium daily and I was told to take it the morning of surgery and continued it after surgery and to this day. It has been a lifesaver. I also used compression stockings in the hospital up until I was up walking around.

  6. I was sleeved March 17th. My incisions are healed up nicely and I am feeling okay. I am on the pureed foods and this has been the hardest phase by far. Not because of the discomfort but because I am getting to eat some "real" food. I am craving everything (obviously head hunger). I have noticed that long before my head is satisfied, my sleeve is full full full. This often times leaves me feeling like I still want something. I know this is all in my head...but know that the battles is just beginning at this stage of the game. I did not expect this at all. I did much better mentally on the liquid and full liquid stages. I have lost 20 pounds since coming home from the hospital but am now at a full blown STALL. I have not lost anything for two weeks. This is very discouraging and often depressing. Everyone tells me it is my body adjusting but I have to tell you doubt creeps in more often than not and I find myself analyzing everything I put in my mouth-- every carb vs. Protein and wondering if I am doing something wrong. I didn't expect the stall would affect me this way, but it has. I see my doc on Friday and am worried they will not see the 20 pound loss as enough. I have to keep reminding myself that it has only been one month. It feels like it has been so much longer. Oh and I should also mention that my energy levels seem to have bottomed out. Not sure if it is the depression/hormones (I am on antidepressants so it shouldn't be) or if it is my body still trying to recover from the surgery and near starvation of the first couple weeks. So there you have it. My first month. I welcome any words of wisdom, encouragement or even a swift kick in the pants if you are so inclined.

  7. I was approved for 4 weeks but went back after three. I wish I had taken the four. I will be one month out on the 17th and find that my energy levels are low now. I had a burst of energy right after the surgery about the time my drain came out and it steadily declined after that. I m sure it is the lack of calories catching up with me. If I were you I would take as much time as you can afford yourself.

  8. Your responses have been so uplifting. Thank you all!! I am going to measure myself today. I felt so down yesterday that I left work early. My energy levels are so low I went home and took a nap. I am going to go out today and get some exercise. It is hard for me to eat more than about 600 calories. I am on the puréed stage and while i am doing well it is still difficult eating more than I am currently. Don't know how I will increase my calorie count. When I try to eat more I get horrible frothing.

  9. I am almost 4 weeks post op and hit a weight loss wall 2 weeks ago. I know it's just a stall but man it sure is depressing. Everyday I hope and pray the scale starts moving but instead it rocks up and down 1-2 pounds. My energy levels have hit an all time low and I feel sad. Please tell me I didn't go through all this for nothing.

  10. For me it's milk. Even lactose free milk. Now I'm finding it's even soy milk. WTH!!! Guess I'm meant to never drink any type of milk again. :(

    I find that anything with more than 12gm of sugar sends me running. My Doc called it rapid transit. I have to be very careful.

  11. I way over packed. Didn't use my gowns at all. It was much easier using the hospital gown with all the iv's and heart monitors. Used the hospital socks and only used cosmetics the day I was discharged. They wouldn't let me shower until the. Morning I left the hospital. Took but didn't use Gasx, walking was much better.

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