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Posts posted by HumanMerelyBeing

  1. I am 7 days out to surgery (2/4/2014). I had a vivid dream last night that I was on a long journey on foot. Suddenly I had wheels on my feet (not exactly roller skates, but wheels) and I started picking up speed. I approached a long downhill and easily maneuvered down it, rolling smoothly along. It was a long, winding hill with beautiful trees on both sides of the road, their branches hanging over the pavement. I felt free with the wind flying right through me. Interestingly, during this I was very aware of the need to stay focused, to watch the road, to manage the landscapes and not fly out of control.

    When I woke up, all I could think is that the dream was a wonderful metaphor for the new journey I'm about to begin. I'm claiming it.

  2. I recently saw "My 600 Pound Life" for the first time, featuring Melissa Morris. I was flipping through channels and I stumbled upon this and I couldn't look away. I watched the show with a mix of astonishment, disgust and yes - recognition.

    I am not 600 pounds. No. I am *only* 275 pounds. But let's be honest: during the first 10 minutes of watching, you're sitting there thinking, "Oh my gosh, how did she get like this? How did she let this happen? What a tragedy." And for the final 50 minutes you watch in a sickened sense of recognition. Recognition of the same focus on food, the same addictions, the same shame and the same feeling of helplessness to really fix it all by yourself.

    I won't watch the show with my husband or kids because I don't want want them to recognize me in those behaviors. I don't want to see the thought dawn on them - somehow I want to keep up the delusion that I'm not that bad.

    But I could be. It makes me grateful that I'm getting help and support. It strengthens my decision to have surgery (12 days away!!). It keeps me out of denial. Let's face it - I'm not just a few Weight Watchers meetings away from a healthy weight anymore.

  3. I will be starting my pre-op diet (10 days) on Saturday. However, in addition to the Protein shakes and crystal lite, etc. I am allowed a lean Protein and a serving of vegetables every day until the 24 hours before surgery. I don't know how I will do. I am definitely worried about shakes, dizziness and that hypoglycemic feeling I can get when I don't eat enough. I have to be able to function at work!

    I appreciate the post-op people saying it is worth it. Good luck, you are not alone!

  4. I am sorry to hear this for you. I have had my share of delays as well and it is so frustrating. Also, my insurance carrier has changed the requirements twice since late July when I started this process. At one point I had hoped to have my surgery before the end of the year and now I'm starting to think March or April.

    It will happen and in the meantime I am trying to stay focused on the lifestyle changes I have been making.

    Hang in there!

  5. It is hard to share this struggle and decision with people and harder still to face opposition. For me, also battling this weight issue for most of my adult life, I've come to realize that the odds are stacked against me without this tool. The success rate of diets and will power alone result in less than 20% of people ever losing and keeping off the weight whereas 5 year follow ups on morbidly obese bariatric patients reveal as high as 93% have lost weight and kept it off. (National Inst of Health).

    I am still pre-op and of course have doubts here and there, but I go back to take an honest look at my journey, where I want to be and the best way to get there. I know my weight is holding me back from living my life fully and realizing my potential. I try to keep that in mind.

    Hang in there, you are so close. Keep in mind, you are 4 days into the liquid diet, so this may be having an affect on your moods and emotions.

    Best of luck!!

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