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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by spraine

  1. I would really like to join the Facebook group. I was sleeved on 3/12/14. My email is spraine70@me.com. Thanks!

    Are you on Facebook, we have a march facebook group that is completely private so only each other (members of the group) can see the posts. It has been really helpful to me. It is by invitation only because you can't even search it. I can invite you are interested. I just need you e-mail address to send the invite

  2. Hi jmgtexas, I am also in Houston and having some stress about travel. I was sleeved on 3/12/14. I leave on an international business trip on 4/2 and do not return until a week later. I am traveling to a new place and I have no idea what the food situation will be like. I already know I will be packing powdered milk and Protein mix. But back to your road trip. Generally, as long as you stop and walk around every 1-2 hours, you should be fine. You might want to consider compression stockings as well--should be doable since the weather isn't too hot. Best of luck! Have fun!

  3. There are some docs who would like you to stop any estrogen containing medications due to risk of blood clots. Not all docs will recommend it, but women who are morbidly obese are at higher risk for blood clots at baseline...surgery and birth control just add to it. Your physician will give you some type anti-embolism measures--compression stockings, sequential compression devices, lovenox, all of the above--but still want you off the pills. Don't be too upset if you have to stop it. Surgery and weight loss will play havoc with your cycles anyway. Just be sure to use an alternative form of birth control!

    Of note, the Mirena IUD is a wonderful alternative to OCPs (oral contraceptives). They release a small daily dose of progesterone to the uterus and are fabulous for controlling heavy menstrual cycles. There are also non-hormonal alternatives, such as the Copper IUD, but your cycles will likely be heavier. Off course, even if you never have a cycle on your Mirena IUD, you will likely get one due to surgery and rapid weight loss.

    Hope that helps.

  4. I am now POD (post op day) #4, and it still hurts. Maybe not quite as much as it did on day #2, but it hurts. I am just going slowly and trying to embrace the pain that tells me I had the surgery that will change me life. It has also helped me become a sipper rather than a guzzler. If I didn't have pain, I am sure I would be in old habits of sucking down liquids to my heart's content. I have gathered from all the senior members that this isn't uncommon and can last anywhere from a few days to weeks.

    On a related note...anyone in the South know where to get good Decaf unsweetened ice tea? I would love to go to Sonic since they have the best ice, but unfortunately, it is caffeine only!

  5. I am 3 days post op today. Post op day #1 was my worst. I was nauseous and vomited a couple of times when I tried to swallow anything. Post op day #2 wasn't a picnic, but I could do Clear Liquids, albeit with pain. I could feel everything I swallowed as it went down, and there was definitely pain. OW! But since I could keep everything down and was walking around a ton, I could go home. I was totally constipated and took a side trip to Target to keep the walking going. It took me about an hour to have a bowel movement yesterday (sorry if that is TMI). Today (post op day #3) seems to be diarrhea day, but it is so much better than Constipation. Also, I can do about 4oz/hour. So far watered down cream Soup and lactose free milk seem to be okay. Unfortunately, I am only at 25g of Protein today. But, I am really happy that I have been able to take all my Vitamins and that I did not gain any weight in the hospital as so many seem to do. So small victories. Hang in there!

  6. I was declined by Aetna for the same reason...I did not have a BMI of over 40 for 24 consecutive months (though it sounds like yours was >24 months). I felt like I was being punished for trying to lose weight on my own. My appeal was unsuccessful, so ultimately, I opted to pay out of pocket. I did my surgery in my hometown, though it cost about 3x what a trip to Mexico would have cost. I am a health care professional and just could not wrap my brain around Medical Tourism. I am too big of a chicken.

  7. My only issue is that you are posting this in the POST-SURGERY forum. Well guess what, most people in this forum have already had the surgery. If you are so concerned about how others will respond to the surgery and their cancer risk, then post in the PRE-SURGERY forum. You are telling them to rethink having the surgery. Well, that ship has sailed. You could have called the post "Get Routine EGDs to assess your risk for cancer after band or sleeve surgery." That would have served your purpose.

  8. Wow! Can't believe it's almost time to go back to the OR. I have been considering this surgery since August of last year and had my first appointment in October. I am both thrilled and nervous to be taking this step, but after 15 years of being overweight and miserable, I know that this is the right thing to do. Doesn't make it easier, but at least I am certain. I had zero trouble with the pre op liquid diet. In fact, it helped me with a lot with the GI issues I have had over the past 3 years since my gallbladder came out. I have enjoyed reading everyone's stories on the forum, and will now endeavor to be a regular contributor. Best of luck to us all!

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