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Everything posted by kitch101

  1. kitch101


    Maybe my system will line out soon too. Thats really been hard to get lined out with that. Taking dulcolax 2x daily just to go. I can't continue doing that.
  2. kitch101


    I'll give that a try. Thanks!
  3. kitch101


    Thanks lovely, I'm hearing a greatdeal about steel oats. Going to try them out. Any suggestions of whats thebest way to fix them? Or should I only stick to package instructions.
  4. I'm needing to add protein because I'm having a hard time getting it all in before late evening and I think it's slowing my weight loss down. I'm finding I am cramming down protein shakes or peanut butter, cheese, ect at 8-9 pm every night.
  5. kitch101


    Thanks everyone. I reallyfeel I could benefit by eating raisen bran for the constipation issue, but I am a carbaholic. Just like an alcoholic avoids the drink, I don't know where to quit when I start with carbs. I have to wonder if a small amount of raisen bran would cause cravings though. I guess I just need to try and see. It's going to eat up all my carb allowance for breakfast.
  6. kitch101


    Thanks! I will! I think it would help with the constipation too. I am, however, a little afraid too that I will start craving carbs I sure don't want that.
  7. kitch101


    Does anyone know why it is we can't have water 30 min before or after we eat?
  8. kitch101


    Thanks for the fedback. I forget to keep track of the time sometimes. I sure don't want to get hungry sooner than I should.
  9. kitch101

    Favorite Protein Shakes/Supplements?

    Oh wow! How did you get insurance to pick up the tab? I love the premier chocolate. Every morning or evening I make a cappuccino like shake by using one premiere chocolate, I tbsp caffeine free instant coffee, a few ice cubes and a little artificial sweetener. It's frothy when I Blend it in my magic bullet and I feel like I'm cheating, its so good!!
  10. kitch101

    4 Months Post Op Pics

    Don't hate the pics! They are incredible and such an encouragement!! Way to go girl! It blows me away you lost 77lbs in just 4 months!
  11. Oh , I think I'm over it already! But thanks anyway, lol!
  12. What a difference and day makes! Yesterday I felt yucky and bloated. Stomach swelled out for some reason and kept a headache all day. Today I wake up feeling tons better. Stomach back to normal and to my pleasant surprise as I dress this morning, the tire around my waist is gone!!! I can't put into words how shocked I am! The scale went down just 1 lb from yesterday, and the image reflecting back at me looks as if I lost 6-7! Crazy isn't it?!?!
  13. Hi everyone. I'm on the backside of week 3 and I've completely stopped losing despite excercise and low carb. Havent lost anything for at least a week. How can that be when I'm getting my protien and water in and keeping carbs very low. Calories ranging between 500- 700 daily. I know I need more calories, but how os it possible in this phase of post-op? Start my day woth water and vitamins, then soft food breakfast includes; 1 egg with small amount of cheese or cottage cheese; protein shake mid morning; 1/4 of turkey burger with cheese (pureed); snack; shake; and dinner whatever meat and veggie(pureed) we've had for dinner. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all, and have a blessed day!
  14. Thanks everyone! Some great encouragement and advice from all of you. I have been so excited about my weight loss so far It freaked me out a bit when it just stopped for such a long period of time and I started over thinking again. Good to know that this is just part of it all.
  15. Thank you for the support! So glad to have come across this site. Went to the dr today and although we still aren't sure exactly what's going on, we think we have it narrowed down to a couple of possibilities. He thinks its possinlre my gallbladder has been a bit slow to awaken post surgery and therefore is a bit angry along with one of my incision sites right in the same area that is healing slower on the inside than the others. That's right where the swelling is and very close to where everything is so tender. I'm relieved to know that its nothing serious due post surgery. Hasnt ruled out kidney stone either since it radiates to the back. ..lucky me!
  16. Hi everyone! I'm new here and am 31/2 weeks out from my sleeve surgery. My question is this, I've had a rounds eith kidney stones in the past so the last couple days I've brushed my sharp sudden pains as another round due to lack of enough water; now my tummy right below. My right rib is very tender to touch and seems a bit swollen. Any suggestions? How concerned should I be right being post-op?
  17. Hi everyone, I'm new hear. Had my sleeve 3 1/2 weeks ago and already down 23 #'s! My question is this, the ladt couple days I've had sharp pains under my right rib in back. I've had kidny stones a couple times in the past so I figured that's what was happening again snd probably due to lack of water since surgery. Now my tummy feels very tender and swollen right adjacent to the back area that hurts. How concerned should I be?
  18. Okay, I did go to my surgeon today and he was thinking gallbladder too but also had a bit of concern with one of my incision sites right in the same area. Ordered extensive ultrasound pictures checking all areas. Good news, nothing herniated and no gallstones. He did however, say that my gallbladder may have been slow to wake and therefore might be a bit angry along with a hematoma at the area of concern. So.....still not sure but at least reassured that there's no post surgical issues. Thank the Lord. I was afraid I was headed back into the hospital. Thank you all for the concerm and Support. So happy to have found this site!
  19. Okay, I did go to my surgeon today and he was thinking gallbladder too but also had a bit of concern with one of my incision sites right in the same area. Ordered extensive ultrasound pictures checking all areas. Good news, nothing herniated and no gallstones. He did however, say that my gallbladder may have been slow to wake and therefore might be a bit angry along with a hematoma at the area of concern. So.....still not sure but at least reassured that there's no post surgical issues. Thank the Lord. I was afraid I was headed back into the hospital. Thank you all for the concerm and Support. So happy to have found this site!
  20. My surgeons office is going to see me in his office at 1 today. I'll let you know what he says.
  21. Okay, not any better today when I woke up, so I called the office. My surgeon is 2 1/2 hrs away and he's in surgery this morning. I can't even touch that area of my belly! Very, very tender!! Still having intermittent sharp pain when I walk around, but strangely enough, otherwise fine. No temp. Able to eat and drink. Slept through the night last night. Very odd. Wouldn't gallbladder cause continual pain? Waiting on nurse to call me back. I thought about going to the local er but without fever, they would probably have me in waiting for 6 or so hours. So, I guess I'll just have to wait until they get back with me. If I knew this wasn't related to my surgery I would just go to my local dr. Grrr...ready to feel better!
  22. Thanks, I will. Calling as soon as they open today.
  23. Jenny12, I feal like I just read MY story after reading yours only I'm only 3 1/2 weeks out right now, and you are telling me where I could be in less than a year! I'm really excited! I've already lost 23 lbs and I can't believe it! I started the same weight as you and I'm also only 5'2". I too needed this tool to change horrible habits. I was hungry thefirst two weeks and then realized my first lesson how this "tool" works...it was head hunger! I realized that and smiled knowing that this was the best thing I have ever done for myself! A life change that I can live with! Not just live as in deal with, but really LIVE with. I have rheumatoid arthritis and take tons of meds daily, plus do infusions. I was literally dying more every day...I could feel it! Unable to excercise because I just was too heavy and too tired, my blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar numbers were all going to the dogs. The result, MORE MEDS! UGH! I made a decision one day to take back my life! I was sleeved Dec 18th and now I'm asking myself why I didn't do it sooner. I'm still on lots of meds for the ra, but already off all the other for other health issues, because THEY ARE GONE! Praise God!
  24. Thanks ladies. I plan on calling first thing in the morning. After a little research on the web it seems my symptoms more resemble gallbladder, which apparently is common after surgery as well.

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