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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by shadylady_57

  1. Just got the hemp seeds... They taste like sunflower seeds. I think I'll stick to the Unjury Protein drinks but since these seeds are 10 grams per 3 tablespoon I think I'll add them to salads for an added boost

    Found a Protein Powder to add to my Soups, drinks, puddings, and yogurts. Found it at Drug Emporium in Tyler, Texas. It's called InvisiWhey by TwinLab, you add -to-anything, virtually flavorless, sprinkle-able-protein. I used it in my coffee and it did not completely dissolve. I just stirred with spoon may dissolve better with a wisk.

  2. My journey began long ago, but on January 11th, 2014 I was one year out from surgery. It has been an incredible journey with many highs and just as many lows! I remember back to the day I had surgery when my husband asked me if I'd do it all over and my response was "NO!". It sucked not being able to even drink Water, well I could drink water, but not as I could the day before surgery. I remember taking small painful sips of everything. Being fat was so much easier. I still to this day think being fat is so much easier. The sleeve is not "the easy way out" as many people who are uneduacted on the procedure believe. If it was easy more people would do it. It takes a lot of work for the preliminary processes and after is even more work. I have so much respect for people who take the initiative to do what is best for them in all aspects of life and in my life my initiative was to live a much longer, healthier life for myself, my kids, and my husband. I do not regret the surgery ever. I have temptations and yes sometimes wish I could go to the buffet and eat like it's my last day on Earth, but knowing what is right and what I put in my mouth has an effect on my tomorrow is what guides me to make the right decisions. I would love to be able to answer questions for anyone who is questioning the procedure and I challenge those who tell me it's the easy way out. I as a mother, wife, friend, and RN support those in the same spot I was one year ago and encourage everyone to do what is best for you! You are in control and determine your happiness and future!

    On January 11th, 2013 I weighed 273lbs

    On January 11th, 2014 I weigh 168lbs

    I included a before and after. The after is from a couple of months ago!

    Congrats on your one year anniversary ! And weight loss, you look fantastic.

  3. Glad today is a better day... you may not be getting enough on your pre-op diet... I remember the first day or two were difficult...but I had my mind set in the right way and then it was fine! Some people do struggle more than others...but find someone you can talk to...even if it is a therapist... it's an uphill battle, but YOU CAN DO IT!

    I'm so glad your feeling better today. Maybe you could get some sf popsicles, and sweet freedom fudge sicles for in between Snacks.

  4. I tell them but I still somehow eat the bad food. Yea I need to just get out. Do something ASAP bc I gain 30 pounds it's crazy. And thank you I appreciate your words.

    How are you doing today? I hope you are feeling better. I was thinking about you may call your surgeons office to ask if they have a support group there and join if they do. It will help talking to others going thru things you are. They may know where you can go to get help for your depression. If you need to talk I'm here any time.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing that article. It answered all the questions I had about "slider" foods. I'll guess I'll have to put them on the list of "things I just cannot have again". I'm an all or nothing type of person who KNOWS--like an alcoholic cannot have a sip of alcohol ever again---I CANNOT have just a tiny bite of some foods. Oh well. Life is good. I'm enjoying being able to move with less pain--so I can forgo certain things in order to be able to move with less pain.

    Thanks for the information on slider foods. My surgeon never required me going for nutrtion classes before surgery. I guess it was becaused I live 80 miles from them.

  6. Oh...and another thing......medical service providers rely a lot on Press Gainey reviews and other surveys that their administration subscribes to for patient feedback. If you get one in the mail for Kaiser, fill it out and LET THEM HAVE IT! The surveys are there for you to have a voice to an third party. And don't worry about being anonymous. Someone from Administration should respond to you if you provide your name and address.

    Also, for anyone having a positive experience...hardworking staff really appreciate it if you actually have something good to say.

    I agree when they send you that rate their service let them have it. The offices that do a good job appreciates letting them know.

  7. On average, how long did it take you to get from initial consult to surgery? I had my consult on January 6th. I have my psych eval on the 16th, I meet with pulmonologist on the 20th, attend a seminar also on the 20th, then on the 27th see Cardiologist, Dietician and Excercise physiologist.

    I am thinking i am doing pretty good with getting things scheduled really quick. I still have to get my consult with my actual surgeon, but i think that comes after all these other things take place, but just curious how long it took you to get a surgery date?

    I went i April for my inital visit to see if I was a candidate for the surgery. Then went back in May after qualified and started on pre op diet last wk of May thru July 28, surgery on 29th 13.

  8. Man let me tell you the thought of pureeing meats is so off putting to me! And the idea of baby food disturbed me as well. I guess I shall live on eggs and ricotta cheese lol

    I lived on potato Soup made with 1cup chicken broth, 3 Tbs instant potatoes, I liked the garlic, applewood, flavors. Small amt if shredded cheese. Cream Soups , cream of chicken, cream of shrimp very good, cream of broccoli.Grits, cream of wheat.

  9. I take Paxil and deproqote. I don't go to the dr bc I don't have insurence.

    Go to your health dept, they can help you. Try and get outside if you can't walk just sit outside for a while. I know how hard depression can be, and ask your family to buy fresh veggies for you to snack on. Start back on your Water every 5 min. Maybe you could volunteer at a hospital, nursing home something just to get out of the house for a while. I wish you the best, Good Luck

  10. Your right...As I read this my mouth was gaping open...........some friend kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yours was right up and personal...Mine was at least kinda backwards...yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so sorry about your friend, I have been over weight all my life. My family tried to help me by taking me to Dr.s ,getting me a gym membership when I was 15. I would slip around after the family went to sleep because I was hungry. There is no telling how much money my parents spent or after I got old enough to hold a job that I have spent on losing weight. I have had cousins say if you would loose weight you have such a pretty face ,you would be beautiful, it would really hurt my feelings.I know how she hurt you, just remember that you are under a Dr.s care and if he thinks you have lost enough he will tell you. I think I would give her the cold shoulder for a while and when she asks what's wrong tell her how she hurt you by her careless comment. Mean while we are all here for you. Hope you feel better.


  11. Your right...As I read this my mouth was gaping open...........some friend kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yours was right up and personal...Mine was at least kinda backwards...yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so sorry about your friend, I have been over weight all my life. My family tried to help me by taking me to Dr.s ,getting me a gym membership when I was 15. I would slip around after the family went to sleep because I was hungry. There is no telling how much money my parents spent or after I got old enough to hold a job that I have spent on losing weight. I have had cousins say if you would loose weight you have such a pretty face ,you would be beautiful, it would really hurt my feelings.I know how she hurt you, just remember that you are under a Dr.s care and if he thinks you have lost enough he will tell you. I think I would give her the cold shoulder for a while and when she asks what's wrong tell her how she hurt you by her careless comment. Mean while we are all here for you. Hope you feel better.

  12. On Thursday of this week I celebrated my one year of having my sleeve. It's been an interesting journey, both easier and harder than I thought it would be. I have been at goal for a month now. I seem to be going up and down by 2 lbs or so every other day. I really didn't have any problems in the beginning months. I have always followed the rules, Protein first, vegs, seldom fruit or carbs. I ate 600 calories -50 carbs for months then moved up to 800 calories to 1000 calories. I am now eating about 1100-1200 calories day and about 90-120 carbs. I worked my way from 60 Protein grams to 80-100 a day.

    I have had a few minor health problems along the way two of which are related to my not drinking enough Water. So please make sure you get all your Water in everyday. About 6 months out I got very consitpated and ended up with a thrombosed hemorrhoid and had to have it removed! It was very painful. I also now have 3 small kidney stones which give me problems from time to time. I think maybe both could have been avoided if I had gotten in all my water everyday. I also got a rash over much of my body that lasted for about 2 months. The doctors can't figure out why I got it or it it was related to the sleeve or not. I have always had thin fine hair. I did loose masses of it starting in about my fourth month out! I have always gotten my protein in. The good news is is growing back! I stopped losing it at about 10 month out when I upped my calories. It is curlier than it ever was before! I have told very few people about my sleeve, if someone asks I do tell them but so far few have asked. I weight now what I weighed in high school and thru my twenties! I am 63 I don't exercise as much as I should, I play golf and walk a few times a week and thats about it. I have given up all my meds and have never felt better, my joints no longer hurt all the time! I can play golf, walking without being winded!!! By far this is the best thing I have ever done for myself. My husband loves the new me! He has been my biggest supporter. We share all meals and he will eat whatever I do just more! I want to thank Bariatric Pal and all the people who post especially the veterans. I have been reading BP for 2 years everyday. You have answered all my questions and I can't thank you enough. I feel my real job is starting now, maintaining! I'm so glad I will have the continued support from everyone on Bariatric Pal.

    Congrats on your 1 yr anniversary, and meeting your goal. You great

  13. Hi! I am wondering, does anyone else drink soda after the sleeve? I'm not talking right away but eventually? I don't drink a whole lot of it now but I do like my occasional diet coke or coke zero. I usually drink this when we go out to dinner on fri and sat evenings.

    My Doc told under no circumstance to drink anything with carbonated Water in it. I haven't had any since May 2013 before my surgery. I drink sobe life water, green tea with different flavors drink it hot with tsp honey, or room temp. Good luck everyone.

  14. Today is day 4 post op. Doing pretty good. Not too too bloated, but still feeling a little. I need some ideas on some Protein Shakes, or just something to drink. These drinks, and texture are getting old pretty quick. Would love any thoughts, and/or ideas

    Hi Mike

    Try sobe life Water it is sweetned with stevia. It's my new cola fix lits of good flavors. Also green tea with all different flavors like acacia berry, you can use a tsp of honey in a cup of it.

  15. Although it's still a little early, I wanted to go ahead and get things set up for a new challenge...the

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    1. Be sure and log in here on Friday, January 3, 2014 to post your start weight and your goal weight for the challenge.

    2. When setting your goal, keep in mind that challenge is 6 weeks long.

    3. Weigh in every Friday and post your updates here.

    4. Watch the data at http://sdrv.ms/JJFPls to see our progress as individuals and as a team.


    Old challenges

    - Halloween: http://sdrv.ms/19Qmc3j

    - Thanksgiving: http://sdrv.ms/1c1AT8J

    - Christmas/New Year's: http://sdrv.ms/1956TlT

    Hi !Bea I'm new here is it too late to sign up for the Valentines Day Challenge


  16. Went to my primary care doctor today bc he wanted to see me after surgery. I was so excited he has decided I can start decreasing my bp meds for two weeks then quit tAking them :) I'm so happy that was one of my goals post op was to get off meds. I'm almost 9weeks out and have lost 42lbs post op and 15lbs pre op. Have been motoring bp for bout 3 weeks and its gotten lots better very low at times even.

    Congrats on getting to stop your bp meds. That's one of my goals also.

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