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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by missblonde20

  1. I can relate! I have had gallbladder out, band in, band out and then my sleeve recently. I have kids and I was SO scared. I thought I would die or get a leak, and I felt like a terrible mother. I thought I would lose my job and my life would be ruined. Omg, I was just so so so so scared. However, I am SO happy now and it has been a great journey thus far. Good luck with it all

  2. I am loving my sleeve! The band was just vomiting, starving, reflux and pain. I just love the sleeve; no reflux, no vomiting, no pains. I can EAT real food, just smaller portions, and I have lost 33 pounds so far. I want to get at least another 45 pounds off, but I know that it might take a while. I had my sleeve in mid July, so I hope that by January I have shed most of it!

  3. I would love to know what a day in the life of 'you' is like! What's generally on your plate? Are you snacking between meals, or do you try 3 meals and then that's it? I also need to know tips for boredom eating - I need to STOP thinking about food when my mind begins to wander and I also need to resist snacking after dinner. So far I am going quite well and avoiding this boredom eating, but other times I find my hand reaching for the fridge (grrr).

    So far, at 7 weeks out, I tend to do:

    Breakfast - half a piece of Soy and Linseed toast with a poached egg (I used to try a shake but for some reason my sleeve dumps anything liquidy or 'slider' foods for breakfast).

    snack - I go for a Greek yoghurt or nibble on a Protein bar

    lunch - generally I go for a high Protein meal or leftovers from dinner, but never eat a lot. Sometimes it's chicken and salad, or bolognese mince with cheese.

    Snack - usually I'll finish my snack from the morning!

    Dinner - chicken etc with a small side of salad.

  4. I was very very sensitive for the first month or so, and I am still sometimes dealing with issues. Even today, 7 weeks out, I had a light coconut milk chia seed pudding that I made (very healthy) and it just didn't sit right. I felt seedy and like I had drank a litre of thick cream! It was too rich. I have even had chicken go 'straight through me' so it's just a hit and miss issue at the start for me!

  5. Let me say, I saw my surgeon at 5 weeks post op (I am now 7) and I am in Australia (where it doesn't seem as hardcore as the US rules) and he was so easy going about alcohol. I said I have a wedding in October and he was like 'enjoy it, have a drink. See how you feel - if it's not agreeing with you then OK, you should stop. If it's fine, then it's fine'. So I'd just ask your surgeon and then go from there

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