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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Dr-Patient

  1. Just yesterday, I posted to do exactly that--take many pre-op pictures. See http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/310322-are-you-pre-wls-take-pictures-now/ Do it. You'll want them later!
  2. Okay. I know how, as fat folks, we HATE being in pictures. BUT, now that I'm six months post-VSG, and seeing major, wonderful changes in my body and clothes, I say...IF you are considering weight loss surgery (of any type), take many pictures now. Also take your measurements of everything, and a picture of your weight on a scale. Yes, take pictures of all areas: Get the arm flaps. The upper thigh lumpy-hanging-stuff that touches in the midline. The arm pits--trust me, they do concave in and become pits afterwards!; and (what I call) 'back tits'--the flab that overhangs the sides of your bras, ladies. The fat stomach 'muffin top'. The big butt. The three chins. Everything. Seriously. Front, back, side views. Direct, intended photos of those areas. Don't do them as selfies; get your spouse, or one person that you can trust and take the pictures with a regular camera--YOUR camera--and keep them in YOUR possession. Do NOT share online, etc., or let others see them. They are for you, for later comparison. I say this because, now, I really wish I had some of those pre-surgery pictures, to see how I looked and how far I've come. I have a few photos of me out somewhere, trying to hide myself. But I don't have many of them (again, avoiding being photographed!), but I never took pics of my fat body areas. I also need to take pictures now! I've let many pound-markers go by, and no pictures. Alas, part of the plight of being/living single, but anyway... Just a suggestion, one that I think will be good to look back on after your surgery.
  3. I suggest making sure you're eating slowly. Give the food time to get to your stomach. Instead of wolfing food down, after 1-2 bites, put the fork down, step away and see if you can handle another bite or two in a few minutes. I also do a " preemptive" burp when drinking liquids. I make myself burp a bit to get any air out while the liquid goes down. It helps, but I'm not sure I can tell you how to do it, nor is it official "advice." Just something I do.
  4. I mainly miss guzzling a lot of water! I love Water. In fact, my very first post to this site was about that. Secondly I miss the actual act of "pigging out" eating a lot of food. Oddly, that is what I do miss; I liked to eat "a lot of food." But I am soooooooo happy being a smaller size, and looking great, being sexy, etc., that I am adjusting to this new normal. I also miss actually cooking full meals, and not using my spices and marinades, etc. But again, it's a new normal, and doing all that food was how I mostly got fat. So... I sometimes wish I could pig out "just for two meals" but, of course, that's impossible. So... All is well.
  5. To those of you successful VSG folks, how do you STOP losing weight; stabilize? Did you just increase your food intake? Have more carbs? What? I still have ~ 30 pounds to lose, but already I'm losing my tits and ass, and I don't want to be a size 2, 4 or 6. A size 10 seems it'd be perfect for me; an 8 at the smallest. Now that I realize T&A are good things to have, I want to keep them and my curves. But I see things are already flattening out. And I don't want to be a twig or a bone. I've gone from a 22/24, to now, a 12-14. Whoo-hoo!! So happy. So...how do you stabilize? Just seeking advice as I approach this situation in a couple of months. Thanks for any replies.
  6. Loving all replies so far! Keep them coming! Thanks!
  7. Hi. Travel. Sorry for the delayed reply. I would have some concern re: overall in-office, in-OR procedures. if someone is lax about something as basic as surgical masks, what else do they cut corners on? If this place is your only option, then definitely... kindly tell the doctor and the team that you insist on them wearing masks for your procedure, and to do so from skin-to-skin (i.e., from when they take you in the room and first cut you, to when your skin is closed). Granted, with you asleep, you won't know; but patients everywhere have to speak up for what they want these days. Guess that includes wanting a surgeon to wear surgical masks. Good luck.
  8. Can you survive a few weeks without all the social dining? Things will get much better, but at only three weeks...you are subjecting yourself to unnecessary (anxiety?). At three weeks, what exactly can you eat out there except maybe soup or very soft stuff (applesauce?) I can't remember. If you must be out/about, just say you're watching your portions and just order whatever, for it to come with everyone else's entree. And in the meantime, sit and talk more to keep your mouth busy, if need be. Just a thought.
  9. Dr-Patient

    Off to the hospital again... :(

    I hope things heal properly and you feel better--and well--soon. I will say a prayer for you and your medical team.
  10. Dr-Patient


    Major CONGRATULATIONS to you! It is such a great feeling! Enjoy it!
  11. Only in my fourth month post-VSG did I lose some hair. I was expecting to lose a lot, but for me, it wasn't that bad. I began to put it in a baggie, just to see, but i stopped that. And I didn't do all the vitamins-thing...but that does seem to help most. Now approaching my 6th month next week, it seems to have abated. Most say it comes back, so maybe just hang tight should it happen. This, too, shall pass.
  12. I am a physician and pelvic surgeon. I would NOT have surgery by a doctor who, in the operative suite/room for a sterile procedure, is not wearing a surgical mask. The face 'shield' protect us from the patient's blood, pus, etc, that can splash up into our faces. Surgical face 'masks'--that yes, are to cover our mouths and nares/nostrils--are to protect you (and the sterile operative field) from airborne contaminants from our mouth and nose. Imagine the surgeon's sniffles that he can't 'pull back', and a droplet from his/her nose drops onto the surgical field, and/or into you. Nasal sweat droplets that might fall (those OR lights can be hot). Nasal hairs that have normal bacteria, that when he breathes, may float into the OR's air space, etc. Also, no excuses: The masks have bendable wires built in, to pinch onto our noses so as not to fog our glasses. The practice of medicine changes, but some things are a must for patient well-being and to maintain the standard of care. Alex, [for some reason my "ticker" didn't update. I changed my goal weight to 165, not 150].
  13. Dr-Patient

    Any tips would be great

    I listen to their specific question. If they ask, "What are you doing!?" (I focus on the "are"--present tense.) So (presently)..."I [am] doing Protein as much as possible, small portions, and cutting out the stuff I shouldn't really eat too much of." If someone specifically asks me, "Did you have WLS?" I don't like to lie, so I'd probably tell them the truth. BUT... I haven't found anyone (even of my friends) to be that direct, so they just know I lost weight since they last saw me, which (since I'd been hiding from folks due to the weight gain), has been a while. So they don't know any better, except it's been a while. If I encouter someone I don't know who is fat/obese, and the issue of weight arises, and I mention I recently lost 'x' pounds, and I might feel that they might be considering WLS, I might tell them. But most of my friends do NOT know that I had WLS and I have no need to tell them. Even the neighbors in front of me don't know how I lost the weight, but now that winter is over and I'm wearing cool stuff, they do notice it. No need to divulge specifics to anyone to whom you don't wish to divulge. "What are you doing to lose the weight?" You're "eating protein, doing portion control, etc." Period.
  14. Dr-Patient

    I Threw It Out!

    This somewhat reminds me of my occasional self-inflicted deterrent: Pre-VSG, if I baked a pie or whatever--something I know I didn't need, and if I kept it, would eat all of it--I'd eat some, feel guilty, then toss the rest in my trash can and pour bleach on it. That way, for sure, there was no trash can diving. Too bad you didn't have some bleach with you, but you did well without it. Good.
  15. Dr-Patient

    Pop Tarts

    Just eat the thing, or a part of it! It's not like you're going to eat 2, 3 or more. That's the great part about the VSG. I don't feel I'm "cheating," so to speak. If I want whatever, I don't fret and guilt trip about it, because I know I can't eat the whole bag, or package, or quart (like ice cream, etc). I've had a very busy month and last night, I wanted ice cream. So, I ate one of those 4oz cups of B&J Cookie Dough ice cream, whereas before, I'd have eaten half the near-quart carton (Breyer's butter almond). One pop-tart? Enjoy at least half of it!
  16. A friend sent this picture to me. I don't know who dressed up their beloved pet like that. LOL. But it sooo reminds me of a picture taken of me at my friend's house the afternoon of my VSG, trying to sip. Funny! (I was done as an outpatient.) Until I post my actual pictures, enjoy this; maybe you can relate and smile. And yes, it gets better. (For me, March 4th = 3 months; approaching 45 pounds down.) Enjoy pic:
  17. Good Tuesday, all. I simply must share. For the first time in (what, over 20 years?), I am in "Onederland"! Oh my goodness. My maximum weight ever was 271.2. VSG surgery was Dec. 4th; weight then, 257. I'm at 5 months, one week; I feel great physically/emotionally; 60 pounds gone as of today, and in Onederland. OMG. Yes, looking sexy; looking good, feeling confident, being much more sociable. (Noticing men noticing me more than usual.) Despite occasional yearning for a "full, regular meal," I'm loving my VSG. I hope the pic I uploaded shows; and for sure, I need to take more pics of me, my shape, transition. Now, the challenge: What do I eat to Celebrate? Maybe some Haagen-Daaz, or should I bake a pie? LOL. :-)
  18. A few days after surgery, I got in some walking by grabbing a shopping cart and walking the big box stores like Sam's, Target, Walmart. Every aisle, holding the cart for support.
  19. Thanks! It's funny: 'celebrate with food' is my usual 'go-to' thought (and I was teasing a slight bit). I am having fun trying on clothes I've stored in bins, and clothes in stores that are size 14, even a size 12...down from 22/24. This really feels good. I am so glad I did this, as I'm sure practically everyone who's done it is, as well. Thank you again.
  20. Dr-Patient

    Tired of naysayers

    Don't even waste your time telling anyone else, nor giving updates/your decision to those you've mentioned this to. Just the person who's taking you to surgery [spouse, friend]. They may not be hateful; but simply, most people just do NOT understand the biochemistry of obesity, etc. and they think it's only about 'willpower' and simply 'pushing back from the table.' It is MUCH MORE than that. The body actually fights against us to lose weight. They don't understand, so don't bring people who can't fully process the problem into your decision-making. Later for them. Own yourself, and do what you need to do for you. As I heard in a sermon years ago, re: unsupportive folks, or those who want to take you on a bad path: "I love you, but...'I'm leaving you behind.'" (as I/you go on your way and do what you need to do to better yourself).
  21. Sounds like you may have formed adhesions; hopefully you're not getting stomach erosion. Since you're still 100 lbs overweight, I think they'd do a band to sleeve procedure on you. If I get time, I'll send you a good link. Have you spoken to/seen your surgeon for a consult?
  22. Dr-Patient

    Weight at a stand still

    The stalls will come, and they will go. Hang in there, Amanda; especially since you're so newly post-op. Speaking of stalls...I'm stuck at "200.0" -- "200.4" for the past 10 days! My nemesis, getting into Onederland. [Groan!] Going to Charleston, SC (conference), visiting friends in Venice, FL, and then another conference last week in Hilton Head, SC didn't help. LOL. But unlike previous years, thanks to my great VSG, I WILL make it to Onederland, and I say it'll happen this week. I really need to take some pictures. Going from a 22-24 to a 14...! In 5 months. Admittedly, looking hot and sexy. Going to events and meetings I've avoided for years. I even tried on a size 12 dress (stretchy--poly/spandex fabric) and, without a body shaper, I can wear it, though my low ab flab would keep me from classily doing so just yet. But with a body shaper? Maybe. Hang on, Amanda; it will happen. :-)
  23. Dr-Patient

    Potluck: What to bring?

    Dang. I began a post, and lost it on this device. As one who loves to cook, I'd usually never suggest this. BUT...why not simply order enough food from a restaurant that has good fish items, and take that? It will free you of decision-making and stressing about what to bring at this point...? Two weeks after my VSG, I cooked a HUGE dinner for friends, and wasn't tempted to eat it, but I knew what I was planning. Free yourself; but, either way, have fun and enjoy.
  24. I am so sorry to hear of your developments. I pray things turn around for you soon so that you will be happy about the VSG.
  25. Dr-Patient

    I have no pants! (NSV)

    I've been digging in plastic bins all afternoon, finding pants, shorts, tops that I can take to the beach next week for a conference. I've gone from a 22/24 to a 14/16 and had packed away many pieces that I can now wear. Sweet. Sadly (but not quite), I'm also finding 22/24s that I never wore because I was so depressed, I didn't want to go outt and be seen by anyone. Will add them to the garage sale pile. I also bought two new bathing suits today. Size 16 for one; size 14 for the other. Just enjoy the journey!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
